MATCHING DEMANDS OF THE RUBBER INDUSTRY ON ZINC OXIDE PROPERTIES Assignment 5 Waste Management through Landfills versus Incineration giving a real-life example case study

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Waste Management through Landfills versus Incineration giving a real-life example case study

MATCHING DEMANDS OF THE RUBBER INDUSTRY ON ZINC OXIDE PROPERTIES Assignment 5 Waste Management through Landfills versus Incineration giving a real-life example case study
Answered Same DayJun 22, 2021


Rahul answered on Jun 23 2021
128 Votes
Waste iManagement ithrough iLandfills iversus iIncineration igiving ia ireal-life iexample icase istudy
The idevelopment iof iour isociety ibrings iwith iit itons iof ipositive iaspects ilike ieconomic iand isocial igrowth, iraising ithe iextent iof iwelfare, iaccess ito ieducation, ia ihuge inumber iof iproducts iof iservices iavailable ion ithe imarket, iand ilots iof iothers, ibut, ialso, isome inegative ithings, ifrom iwhich ithe icontinuously iincreasing iof iwaste iquantity iis ione iamong ithe iforemost isevere. iAt ithe iextent iof iEU, ithe iMember iStates iare iproducing iper iannum iapproximately i2 ibillion itonnes iof iwastes, iincluding ihazardous iones iand, iunfortunately, ithe inumber iis irising iconstantly. iit's iobvious ithat iit iisn’t ipossible ito istock iall ithe iwaste, iso ithere iare inecessary imethods ito iscale iback ithe iwaste
iquantity iand ito idestroy iin ian iecological imanner ithe irubbish. i
The ipolitics iof iEU iare ipromoting imainly ithe iprevention iof ithe iwaste iproducing, ii.e. ithe icomplex iof imeasures itaken ibefore ia iproduct, isubstance ior imaterial ihas ibecome iwaste. iSo ifar, ithe imeasures itaken ito irealize ithe iprevention iof iaccelerating ithe iwaste iquantity ididn’t ihave ipositive iresults. iThe ihousehold iconsumption, iindustry, iservices, ieven ithe iresearch iproject iare iproducing iwaste iand itherefore ithe ilocal icommunities iface iwith ia iposh iproblem i– ithe imanagement iof ithis igarbage, iwith iits ieconomic iaspects iand ienvironmental iimpacts. ithe imatter iis ibecoming imore iand imore icomplex inot ionly ithanks ito ithe inumber, ibut ialso ithanks ito ithe ibig ivariety iof iwastes, ihazardous iand inon-hazardous. iwithin ithe ipast, ivarious iefforts iwere itaken ion iboth ia inational iand iinternational ilevel ito iinstitutionalize iwaste iminimization iand iwaste iprevention iby isetting ilegal iguidelines ito iachieve ian iefficient iwaste iprevention. ithe iforemost irecent iEU iDirective iwithin ithe ifield iof iwaste igeneration iand iwaste iprevention iis iDirective i2008/98/EC iof ithe iecu iParliament iand iof ithe iCouncil iof i19 iNovember i2008. iIt iestablishes ithe ilegal iframework ifor ithe idomain iof iwaste igeneration iand iwaste imanagement ifor iall ithe iMember iStates iwho iare iobliged ito iimplement ithe ilegislative imeasures iin isuch ihow ithat ithe ihuman ihealth iand itherefore ithe ienvironment inot ibe iaffected. i
Prevention iof iwaste iproducing, ieven iis ithat ithe imost idesirable isolution, iis iextremely ihard ito irealize ibecause iinvolve imany iprocesses, istarting iwith iresearch iproject i(who ihas igot ito ire-think iand ire-project ithe iproducts itaking iunder iconsideration iall itheirs ilife icycle), icontinuing iwith iproduction i(where ithe iemissions iand itherefore ithe iwaste ihas igot ito ibe iminimised) iand ifinishing iwith iconsumption iand ipost-consumption iphases. iThe ipoor iresults iof iprevention iof iwaste iproducing icause ithe iconclusion ithat iwaste iminimisation iare ioften iobtain ithrough ia iposh iprocess iwhich iinvolves idecreased iwaste iproduction, iwaste icollection, iwaste irecycling, iand itherefore ithe ineutralisation iof ipollutants iinto idetoxified iforms. iTechnological iadvance iare ioften ia ikey ithink iabout ithe imethod iof iwaste iminimisation. iUsing ifewer iresources, inot ionly iconserves iraw imaterials, ibut ialso ican iminimise iexpenditure iand iwaste. i
The iprevention iof iwaste iproduction ialso ican iproduce iother iforms: iin isome icases, ithe iprevention iinvolves inot ithe iminimisation iof ithe inumber iof irubbish, ibut ireducing iits ienvironmental iimpact i(i.e. iits itoxicity); ianother iaspect irefers ito ithe ifitting ithe iintended iuse i– ia itechnique iwhich iaims ito istyle ioptimally ithe iproducts iand ipackages ito isatisfy itheir iintended iuse. i
Recycling iand ireuse imaterials ifrom igarbage iare, ialso, iwidely iapplied isolutions iwhich icontribute ito ithe iwaste ireduction, ire-introduction iinto ithe iusing icycle iof isome iuseful imaterials iand isaving inatural iresources. iAlso, ithey ineed ian ienormous ienvironmental ipotential ibecause iare isaving ienergy iusage, ireducing ipollution i(from iincineration) iand ipollution i(from ilandfilling). iwithin ithe istrict isense, irecycling irefers ito ithe iutilization iof ia icloth irecovered ifrom iwaste ito isupply ian iequivalent imaterial i(i.e. irecovered ipaper ito isupply ipaper), iwhile ireuse idescribes ithings iduring iwhich ithe ifabric irecovered ifrom iwaste iis iemployed ito isupply isomething ielse. i
At ithe iecu ilevel irecycling iand ireusing iare iconsidered imore ifeasible imethods, icomparing iwith iprevention, ithanks ito itheir itechnological iaccessibility. iconsistent iwith ithe iEU istrategy ifor iwaste igeneration iand iwaste iprevention, irecycling itargets icould iwithin ithe iend iof ithe iday ibe iset iat iappropriate ilevels, itaking iaccount iof ithe icharacteristics iof ievery imaterial iand itherefore ithe irange iof ioptions ifor irecycling iit. ithis iis ioften ipossible iby ithe iutilization iof iLife-cycle ithinking itechnique i– ia icontemporary imethod ito istyle, iproduce iand ireuse iproducts. ithe iecu istrategy iincludes, ialso, ithe iIntegrated iProduct iPolicy iand itherefore ithe iStrategy iof ithe iutilization iof inatural iresources iwhich ihelp ito iseek iout isolutions ifor ireuse iand irecycle ithe imaterials isimultaneous iwith isaving iresources. iThe iLife-cycle iapproach iaims ito iscale iback ipressure ion ithe ienvironment ialtogether ithe istages iof ia iproduct, ifrom icradle ito igrave iand iback iwithin ithe iusing icycle.
Although ireusing iand irecycling iare iobviously iefficient isolutions, iboth ifrom ieconomic iand iecologic ipoints iof iview, itheirs iapplication ineed ia icontinuing icommitment iform ithe ia ipart iof ieconomic ientities iand igovernments, ias iwell; ito ibe irecyclable, iit's inecessary ito ire-design ithe imerchandise ior ito ivary ithe icomposition iof isome imaterials iused ifor ivarious iparts. iIncluding iLife-cycle ithinking iinto ibusiness iare ioften ia ichallenge ifor iseveral icompanies ibecause iinvolves ia iconceptualization iof ithe ienvironmental iproblems iof ithe ientity iconsidered ias ia isystem. ithe itactic ianalyses iall ithe ienvironmental iimpacts ifrom icradle ito igrave iand iprovides ipossibilities ifor ienvironmental iimprovements iof iproduct iand iservices ialong itheir ilife icycle. iIn ipractice, ithe iaccomplishment iof iLife-cycle ithinking iis ifeasible iwith ithe ihelp iof isome itools ilike: ilife-cycle iassessment, ieco-labelling, ilife-cycle icosting iand ienvironmental iproduct ideclaration, ienvironmental imanagement isystems iand iprovide ichain imanagement. iFor icompanies, ilife-cycle ithinking iis iuseful iin imapping iout iand ireducing ienvironmental iimpacts iof itheir iproducts iand iservices. i
Despite itheir ievident iadvantages, irecycling iand ireuse ihad icritical ireviews iespecially iregarding ithe iprices iof ithose iactions; ion ione iside, ifrom irecycling iand ireuse iwe iwill isave ienergy ibut ion ithe iopposite iside, ithe igathering iand itransport iof irecovered iwaste iare ireducing ithe ienergy isavings. iOther icritics iaffirm ithat isome imaterials iare ioften irecycled ia icouple iof itimes iand, iat ithe itop i, ithere's ino ipossibility ito ireuse ior ito irecycle ithem iand iit's inecessary ito isupply iit ifrom iraw imaterials. iIn isome icases, ithe ivalue iof irecyclable imaterials ialso iexceeds ithe ivalue iof iraw imaterials. iThese icriticisms icause ithe iconclusion ithat ia ideep ianalysis iof irecycling iand ireuse ioption ifor iwaste itreatment ihas igot ito itake iunder iconsideration ithe ieconomic iexternalities i(hidden icosts). iFor ithis iit iare ioften iused ithe iLife-cycle iassessment iwhich iprovides ithe iamount iof iexternalities iand ichoose iwhether ithe irecycling icould ialso ibe iworthwhile idespite iunfavourable imarket icosts.
The ipreoccupation iof iwaste imanagement iproblem iis iwidespread iat iinternational ilevel; iduring ithe ilast i10-15 iyears ithe iconcepts i“Zero iwaste” iand i“Close-loop iproduction” igained imore iand imore ifollowers, ieven iit's iobvious ithat iit's iimpossible ito ipossess ia iworld iwithout iwaste. iThe iZero iwaste iphilosophy iand iClose-loop iproduction iare iimportant ibecause ipromote ia ichanging iwithin ithe ilifestyle iof ithe ipopulation iand ialso iof ithe ieconomic ientities. iwe'd ilike ito ibe icreative iand iinnovative iso ias ito iseek iout isolution ifor ito ireuse ieverything ior ito ireturn iwithin ithe inature inon-hazardous iproducts. iZero iwaste iand iclose-loop iproduction ican irepresent...

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