This task is in continuation with assessment task 2. Scenario: The copyright, ethics and privacy policies and procedures were successfully developed by you. The new policies and procedures at...

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This task is in continuation with assessment task 2.   Scenario:  The copyright, ethics and privacy policies and procedures were successfully developed by you. The new policies and procedures at currently being implemented at the workplace. The organisation wants to ensure that the newly developed organisational copyright, code of ethic and privacy policy and procedure are up to date, and the team members are adhering to the organisation requirements listed in the policies and procedures document. Furthermore, they also want to gather feedback from them, so that the policies and procedures can be further revised if they are non-compliant with the legislations and regulation.   The management has decided and asked you to conduct a review of the team member’s (I.T Manager and staff members (any two)) knowledge of the new developed policies and procedures to ensure correct application of the policies and procedures.   Part A:  In this part of the assessment task, you are required to create three (3) set of “Questionnaires”, once each for copyright, code of ethics and privacy policy and procedures to test the knowledge of the project team members.   The questionnaire must test the knowledge of the team members knowledge of the organisation’s copyright, code of ethic and privacy policy and procedure. Each questionnaire will have set of 10 questions.   The templates of the questionnaire are attached below: Part B:   After preparing the questionnaire, you are required to arrange a team meeting with the team members. The participants of the meeting will include following team members (I.T Manager and staff members (any two)).  In the meeting, you will ask the team members to complete the questionnarie to check the team members understanding.   After completing the questionnaire, you will need to conduct one on one session with them and provide them feedback based on their completed questionnaire during the meeting.   In case, if the feedback provided form the team member regarding the policies and procedures is relevant then you need to update the policy and procedures created is assessment task 2 again and then submit them to your trainer/assessor.  ICTICT618 Assessment 3: Activity Template Part A: In this part of the assessment task, you are required to create three (3) set of “Questionnaires”, once each for copyright, code of ethics and privacy policy and procedures to test the knowledge of the project team members. The questionnaire must test the knowledge of the team members knowledge of the organisation’s copyright, code of ethic and privacy policy and procedure. Each questionnaire will have set of 10 questions. The templates of the questionnaire are as follow: Template 1: Team members questionnaire Survey Template (Copyright policy and procedures) Answer the following questions by circling the most appropriate answer 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What would you like to see offered/improved? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Template 2: Team members questionnaire Survey Template (Code of ethics policy and procedures) Answer the following questions by circling the most appropriate answer 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What would you like to see offered/improved? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Template 3: Team members questionnaire Survey Template (Privacy policy and procedures) Answer the following questions by circling the most appropriate answer 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. ________________________________________________________________? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What would you like to see offered/improved? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part B: After preparing the questionnaire, you are required to arrange a team meeting with the team members. The participants of the meeting will include following team members (I.T Manager and staff members (any two)). In the meeting, you will ask the team members to complete the questionnarie to check the team members understanding. After completing the questionnaire, you will need to conduct one on one session with them and provide them feedback based on their completed questionnaire during the meeting. In case, if the feedback provided form the team member regarding the policies and procedures is relevant then you need to update the policy and procedures created is assessment task 2 again and then submit them to your trainer/assessor. Unit Code: ICTICT618Page 2 of 11 Unit Code: ICTICT618Page 2 of 11 Scenario: NICON Software Pt. Ltd is a software development company that has been in business from last 20 years. The company employees 25 staff members and is a member of Australian Computer Society (ACS). The organisational structure is as given below:   You are hired as the Compliance Manager of the organisation. Your major roles and responsibilities in the organisation are to: · Conduct internal audits of the copyright, ethics and privacy issues in the organisation. · Check compliance with the legislations and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy applicable to the organisation. · Identify key issues related to compliance and conduct further investigations. · Ensure confidentiality and integrity of the information has always been an issue. · Update the policies and procedures to meet the changes in legislations and regulations. · Review and develop code of ethics and monitor the workplace to ensure code of ethics is appropriate and being applied. · Ensure that the project team adhere to the policies and procedures. The code of conduct and ethics currently in use are as follow:   Code of Conduct and Ethics Purpose: The   Code   of Conduct and   Ethics Policy sets   out   the ethical   principles   and professional standards of conduct all staff and contractors are expected to adopt in the course of their employment, and in the performance of their duties. Scope: This policy applies to all staff and contractors and is additional to the legal, moral and duty of care obligations required. Policy Statements: NICON Software Pt. Ltd is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the standards of behaviour expected of staff and contractors; their rights; and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional behaviour in order to safeguard the welfare of our Clients and the integrity of NICON Software Pt. Ltd. Our organisational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the development of this code. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can result in disciplinary action that may lead to the termination of employment and/ or contractor work with NICON Software Pt. Ltd. Procedure: The Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Leadership Team will issue and maintain a Code of Conduct and Ethics that will apply to all NICON Software Pt. Ltd staff and contractors. Performance Standards: · All staff and contractors fully understand and comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics. · All staff and contractors have access to the Code of Conduct and Ethics. · Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are reported to a staff member’s or contractor’s immediate supervisor. Consultation Process: Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff Implementation Responsibility: Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff Compliance with Policy and Lawful Directions It is expected that you will: · comply with NICON Software Pt. Ltd policies and procedures; · obey any lawful direction given by your supervisor or any other person having the authority to give direction; · adhere to legislative and contractual obligations placed on NICON Software Pt. Ltd. Conflict of Interest: It is expected that you will: · not allow private interests to adversely affect your performance or impartiality; · not give preference to any person or organisation as a result of any private association with that person or organisation; · make an immediate disclosure to your supervisor when it is considered that a conflict of interest might arise for you or other families of staff; · advise your supervisor or manager where any benefit has been offered or received from an outside source; · not seek to unduly influence any person to
Answered 1 days AfterAug 30, 2022

Answer To: This task is in continuation with assessment task 2. Scenario: The copyright, ethics and privacy...

Aditi answered on Aug 31 2022
55 Votes
NICON Software Pt. Ltd is a software development company that has been in business from last 20 years. The company employees 25 staff members and is a member of Australian Computer Society (ACS).
The organisational structure is as given below:
You are hired as the Compliance Manager of the organisation. Your major roles and responsibilities in the organisation are to:
· Conduct internal audits of the copyright, ethics and privacy issues in the organisation.
· Check compliance with the legislations and standards related to copyright, professional conduct and privacy applicable to the organisation.
· Identify key issues related to compliance and conduct further investigations.
· Ensure confidentiality and in
tegrity of the information has always been an issue.
· Update the policies and procedures to meet the changes in legislations and regulations.
· Review and develop code of ethics and monitor the workplace to ensure code of ethics is appropriate and being applied.
· Ensure that the project team adhere to the policies and procedures.
The code of conduct and ethics currently in use are as follow:
    Code of Conduct and Ethics
The   Code   of Conduct and   Ethics Policy sets   out   the ethical   principles   and professional standards of conduct all staff and contractors are expected to adopt in the course of their employment, and in the performance of their duties.
This policy applies to all staff and contractors and is additional to the legal, moral and duty of care obligations required.
Policy Statements:
NICON Software Pt. Ltd is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the standards of behaviour expected of staff and contractors; their rights; and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional behaviour in order to safeguard the welfare of our Clients and the integrity of NICON Software Pt. Ltd.
Our organisational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the development of this code.
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can result in disciplinary action that may lead to the termination of employment and/ or contractor work with NICON Software Pt. Ltd.
The Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Leadership Team will issue and maintain a Code of Conduct and Ethics that will apply to all NICON Software Pt. Ltd staff and contractors.
Performance Standards:
· All staff and contractors fully understand and comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
· All staff and contractors have access to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
· Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are reported to a staff member’s or contractor’s immediate supervisor.
Consultation Process:
Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff
Implementation Responsibility:
Project Team Leaders, Managers and Staff
Compliance with Policy and Lawful Directions
It is expected that you will:
· comply with NICON Software Pt. Ltd policies and procedures;
· obey any lawful direction given by your supervisor or any other person having the authority to give direction;
· adhere to legislative and contractual obligations placed on NICON Software Pt. Ltd.
Conflict of Interest:
It is expected that you will:
· not allow private interests to adversely affect your performance or impartiality;
· not give preference to any person or organisation as a result of any private association with that person or organisation;
· make an immediate disclosure to your supervisor when it is considered that a conflict of interest might arise for you or other families of staff;
· advise your supervisor or manager where any benefit has been offered or received from an outside source;
· not seek to unduly influence any person to obtain promotion, transfer or other advantage.
Work Health and Safety
It is expected that you will:
· co-operate in ensuring that the highest possible health and safety standards are maintained through all NICON Software Pt. Ltd;
· take reasonable care to ensure your own safety at work and avoid adversely affecting the health, safety and welfare of any other person;
· use or wear any protective equipment or clothing required to be used or worn;
· immediately report any situation at the workplace which may constitute a hazard to any person;
· report any accident or incident immediately.
Use of Property and Equipment
It is expected that you will:
· use NICON Software Pt. Ltd property and equipment for its intended purpose;
· ensure that NICON Software Pt. Ltd property and equipment is properly cared for and maintained;
· not give away, lend, destroy, or otherwise dispose of NICON Software Pt. Ltd property unless the action is authorised, regardless of the age of the property or damage to the property
Code of Ethics
Ethics are a set of principles by which behaviour can be judged to be right or wrong. Our Code of Ethics sets the minimum standards of behaviour expected of NICON Software Pt. Ltd staff and contractors.
Guidelines on the Code of Ethics for NICON Software Pt. Ltd staff and contractors
The guidelines are intended to ensure that staff and contractors of NICON Software Pt. Ltd will deliver services in accordance with ‘Our Purpose’ and the following principles:
· Staff and contractors should perform their duties with professionalism and integrity.
· Staff and contractors should effectively and efficiently serve our Clients.
· Fairness and equity must be observed by our staff and contractors in dealings with Clients and stakeholders.
· Real or potential conflicts of interest are to be avoided.
Duty of Care
Staff and contractors are expected to practice General Duty of Care at all times. General Duty of Care refers to avoiding doing anything that would foreseeable cause harm to any person. Duty of Care is a requirement that a person, acts reasonably towards others and the public with reasonable attention and caution to avoid acts or omissions that could expose people, for whom there is responsibility, to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury or harm.
Financial Probity and Accountability
Staff and contractors must ensure that in financial matters, including the handling of monies, they are fully accountable for all transactions or advice. Staff and contractors undertaking financial responsibilities, must observe all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, and NICON Software Pt. Ltd financial policies and procedures.
Staff and contractors must perform their duties diligently in order to contribute effectively to achieve the desired performance of their workplace. Any staff member who is negligent, careless, indolent, inefficient, or incompetent in the discharge of her/his duties will face disciplinary action.
Staff must be punctual in attendance, be on duty for the whole of normal working hours and must inform their manager if they will be absent from work.
Wastage and Extravagance
Staff and contractors must strive to attain value for money and avoid wastage or extravagance with usage of NICON Software Pt. Ltd resources. Facilities and other physical resources must be used for their appropriate purpose and maintained appropriately. If possible, staff and contractors should identify improvements to systems and procedures to...

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