Write a function encrypt that receives a message with a string or character vector and returns the message that is encrypted. This function returns the message concealed in the input string that is...

Write a function encrypt that receives a message with a string or character vector and<br>returns the message that is encrypted. This function returns the message concealed in the<br>input string that is the first letter of each word in the string (or char vector) and returns a<br>string that contains the first letter of each word in the input string.<br>> string =

Extracted text: Write a function encrypt that receives a message with a string or character vector and returns the message that is encrypted. This function returns the message concealed in the input string that is the first letter of each word in the string (or char vector) and returns a string that contains the first letter of each word in the input string. > string = "This is the third question of final exam'; » m = encrypt(string) m = 'Tittqofe'

Jun 10, 2022

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