Write a program that will allow the user to interact with a subset of the IMDB movie database. Each movie has a unique ID, a name, a release date, and a user rating. After initializing an array of...

Write a program that will allow the user to interact with a subset of the IMDB movie database. Each movie has a unique ID, a name, a release date, and a user rating.

After initializing an array of struct with some provided data, your program, should display a menu with the following options:

  1. Display movies sorted by id

  2. Display movies sorted by release date, then rating

  3. Lookup a release date given a name

  4. Lookup a movie by id

  5. Quit the Program

The program should perform the selected operation and then re-display the menu.

For options 1 and 2, display the information about each movie on a separate line. First print the column headers, then the values for each movie that should line up in columns (see "Tips" section below for more details).

For option 3 output the release date and for option 4 output the results for the found movie. For both options, if the movie is not found display an appropriate message

Sep 27, 2022

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