ACC 4230Operational Audit Report RequirementsSpring 2023The objective of this project is to perform an operational audit and to prepare a report for that audit. An operational audit report is...

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ACC 4230 Operational Audit Report Requirements Spring 2023 The objective of this project is to perform an operational audit and to prepare a report for that audit. An operational audit report is typically prepared by an entity’s internal audit department for management. The subject of your operational audit will be the customer service at a fast-food restaurant (Note: DO NOT attempt to use a full-service restaurant or a bar). Your assignment will consist of the following: 1) Preparing a detailed audit program for your operational audit based on your research about customer service expectations for the fast-food restaurant. 2) Visiting the fast-food restaurant to conduct your operational audit. 3) Preparing your operational audit report. The assignment you submit will consist of two parts: A) Your audit program B) Your operational audit report which should contain the following sections: 1) An Executive Summary for the operational audit (one paragraph). 2) A statement of the objective of the operational audit. 3) A section describing the scope of this operational audit. (Be sure to include the date and time of your visit in this section.) 4) A section describing the background of the entity. Describe the size of the restaurant chain, when and where it was founded, expectations for customer service, etc. (Be sure to cite your sources for this information.) 5) A section summarizing your findings with a detailed list of each deficiency you noted. Each deficiency should be accompanied by a recommendation for correction or improvement of the deficiency (e.g., “Finding #1… Recommendation #1…”). Your report should contain a minimum of three deficiencies. 6) An appendix labelled “Appendix 1” which contains a scanned copy of the receipt for your visit to the restaurant. Your grade for this assignment will reflect the thoroughness and appropriateness of the audit program that you prepare as well as the content of your operational audit report. Part (B) of the assignment should be double-spaced. The two parts of your assignment, (A) and (B), should be contained in one MS Word file which you will upload to the Pilot Dropbox. As per the syllabus, the report should be approximately 1,200 words. Note: Your assignment will also be graded based on the clarity and form of your writing. Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling. Projects submitted late will be substantially penalized. DUE DATE: Must be submitted to Pilot’s Dropbox by the beginning of class on Thursday, March 16.
Answered 2 days AfterMar 13, 2023

Answer To: ACC 4230Operational Audit Report RequirementsSpring 2023The objective of this project is to...

Prince answered on Mar 15 2023
38 Votes
An Operational Audit of Customer Service at Olive Garden
Student Name
15th March 2023
Part A: Audit Program
This audit program is designed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the customer service operations of Olive Garden. The audit’s scope will inc
lude an analysis of the customer service policies, customer service operations and customer service standards that guide the operations at Olive Garden. This audit will also review the customer service performance of staff members and the quality customer service provided to customers. The audit program provides a structured framework for identifying, evaluating and resolving any identified weakness and/or opportunities for improvement.
I. Objectives of the Operational Audit
· To evaluate Olive Garden’s overall customer service policies and procedures
· To assess the effectiveness of Olive Garden’s customer service activities
· To identify any opportunities for improvement in Olive Garden’s customer service
II. Scope of the Operational Audit
· An assessment of the effectiveness of Olive Garden’s customer service operations
· A review of the customer service procedures in place at Olive Garden
· An analysis of the customer satisfaction ratings of Olive Garden customers
· An evaluation of Olive Garden’s customer service staff
III. Control Criteria
· Regulatory and compliance requirements
· Industry best practices
· Internal policies and guidelines
· Customer satisfaction ratings of Olive Garden customers
IV. Audit Tests
· Review of Policies and Procedures
· Examine the policies and procedures related to customer service.
· Verify that the customer service policies are in compliance with industry best practices and Olive Garden’s internal policies.
· Assess the adequacy of the customer service procedures and identify any areas for improvement.
· Analysis of Customer Satisfaction
· Collect feedback from customers to understand their experience with the customer service of Olive Garden.
· Analyze the customer satisfaction ratings of Olive Garden customers.
· Compare the customer satisfaction ratings of Olive Garden with the industry standard.
C. Evaluation of Customer Service Staff
· Analyze the personnel involved in customer service activities.
· Identify any training needs of the customer service staff.
· Assess the effectiveness of the customer service staff in addressing customer concerns.
V. Reporting
· The findings of the audit will be documented in a report to be issued to Olive Garden management.
· The report will include, but not be limited to, the scope of the audit, findings, and recommendations.
· The report...

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