After each statement/scenario/condition, please in a minimum of FIVE sentences explain how you feel about that particular issue. 1. Prison System as means of punishment. 2. America as the global...

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After each statement/scenario/condition, please in a minimum of FIVE sentences explain how you feel about that particular issue. 1. Prison System as means of punishment. 2. America as the global policeman in both civil conflicts and natural disasters 3. Your belief or non-belief in God. 4. Year-round Schooling vs. Semester Style 5. Human Cloning /Animal Coning 6. Capitol Punishment 7. Stem Cell Research 8. Electoral College/Popular Vote 9. Torture as means of interrogation. 10. In Vitro Fertilization 11. Immigration 12. Creationism/Evolution 13. Pro-Life/Pro-Choice. 14. Replacing police officers with social workers
Answered 4 days AfterAug 26, 2021

Answer To: After each statement/scenario/condition, please in a minimum of FIVE sentences explain how you feel...

Neha answered on Aug 28 2021
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Title: World View Base Line Series
1. Prison System as means of punishment
The Prison system is a form of solitary confinement. I believe, within the
confined walls of the prison, people learn to mourn for their mistakes and seek redemption. The prison system is a vigorous way of punishment as it teaches the offender to learn to have sentiments of their crimes (Mauer). I feel that the criminal activities committed by the offenders are often diminished within their term. It helps in changing a person.
2. America as the global policeman in both civil conflicts and natural disasters
America has been the global policeman since the fall of Soviet Russia. The US has been holding the position of global policeman for its involvement in civil conflicts. In various global conflicts, the US sends military squads for rescue (Abbondanza). Judging by the global phenomena I have understood that the country fulfills its duty with its support and helping hand.
3. Your belief or non-belief in God.
My beliefs in God are quite conflicting. I believe in the presence of God but I have not committed to the idea of any supernatural deeds that can be aid as a godly affair. My believes and respects towards religion are supreme. I believe in humanity. To me, all religions and their Gods are equal (Gray).
4. Year-round Schooling vs. Semester Style
I believe in semester-style schooling. This way the syllabus gets covered and the students can learn more. Semester-style schooling initiates more engagement between the curriculum and the division of study distributed among students. It helps in learning faster (Maritu, Indah & Hermini). The system has shown better progress than year-round schooling.
5. Human Cloning
Human cloning is creating a genetically identical copy of a human being. I feel despite this scientific experiment is quite advanced, it is against the natural process of reproduction (Jain). Although this is regarded as one of the best genetic inventions of science. This can help in reducing genetic issues in the future.
6. Capital Punishment
Capital punishment means the death penalty, which is regulated in most states but some have started to ban it. I feel capital punishment is one of the notorious ways of punishing. The declaration is given by the higher court (Goel and Ummad). I have seen that there have...

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