Assessment 1- HOS804 Individual Report Marking Rubric Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL (0-49) Introduction (10%) Provides a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the...

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Assessment 1- HOS804 Individual Report Marking Rubric Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL (0-49) Introduction (10%) Provides a detailed and comprehensive introduction to the report. Provides a satisfactorily detailed introduction to the report. Provides a reasonably detailed introduction to the report. introduces report purpose, but some details are lacking. Introduction is brief and lacking in most details. Destination (15%) Exceptional description of the destination including maps, and its visitor experiential qualities as well as its Unique Selling Points (USP). Very good description of the destination including maps, and its visitor experiential qualities as well as its Unique Selling Points (USP). Good description of the destination including maps, and its visitor experiential qualities as well as its Unique Selling Points (USP). Satisfactory description of the destination including maps, and its visitor experiential qualities as well as its Unique Selling Points (USP). Limited description of the destination including maps, and its visitor experiential qualities as well as its Unique Selling Points (USP). Tourists/visitors motivates (15%) Exceptional description of tourists/visitors experiential motives supported by excellent literature sources Very good description of description of tourists/visitors experiential motives supported by strong literature sources . Good description of description of tourists/visitors experiential motives supported by literature Satisfactory description of description of tourists/visitors experiential motives supported by literature Limited description of description of tourists/visitors experiential motives. The literature support is limited Destination competitiveness and sustainability (15%) Exceptional description of destination competitiveness and sustainability supported by excellent literature sources Very good description of destination competitiveness and sustainability supported by strong literature sources Good description of description of destination competitiveness and sustainability supported by literature sources Satisfactory description of destination competitiveness and sustainability supported by average literature sources Limited description of destination competitiveness an sustainability and may not be supported by reasonable literature sources Conclusions (10%) Provides a comprehensive list of conclusions that are based on the findings. Conclusion identifies key issues / problems showing sound, evidence based understanding of these issues. Conclusion identifies key issues / problems showing good, evidence based understanding of these issues. Conclusion identifies a number of key issues / problems showing some evidence based understanding of these issues. Conclusion may be missing or incomplete and / or may not be founded on data gathered. Recommendations (15%) Exceptional strategy recommendations for destination to be more competitive and prosper long term with increased visitation numbers. Very good strategy recommendations for destination to be more competitive and prosper long term with increased visitation numbers Good strategy recommendations for destination to be more competitive and prosper long term with increased visitation numbers Satisfactory strategy recommendations for destination to be more competitive and sustainable and prosper long term with increased visitation numbers. Limited recommendations for destination to be more competitive and sustainable. Research (10%) Wide range of relevant sources including reliable and reputable internet sites, academic literature and company reports Very good range of relevant sources. Includes a variety of types of source material Good range of relevant sources. Includes a variety of types of source material Satisfactory number of relevant sources with some variety in the types of source material. Inadequate range of sources and/or mostly inappropriate, irrelevant sources. Reliance on one type of source. E.g. webpages or one company. Presentation & writing (10%) Title page is imaginative, and the report is professionally presented following the guidelines provided. In-text citations and reference list are correct, with no obvious errors or omissions Free of all spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Professional writing style and excellent word choice. Title page and the report is satisfactorily presented following the guidelines provided. In-text citations and reference list are correct, with minor errors or omissions Minor spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Professional writing style and word choice. The title page and report are neatly presented but stronger adherence to the guidelines would improve readability. Mostly correct in-text citations and reference list, with minor errors and occasional major errors Grammar, spelling and punctuation errors are evident but do not detract significantly from the readability of the report. Minor problems with paragraph structure. Several major problems and inconsistences with presentation and formatting of the title page and/or report. Multiple errors in citations and/or the reference list. Multiple or repetitive errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation interfere with readability. Occasional problems with paragraph structure and/or use of informal language. The format chosen for your title page and much of your report is unprofessional and not of an acceptable business standard. Major and systemic errors or omissions in citing and referencing sources Major errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraph structure. Informal word choices and many unclear sentences. ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE___________________________________________________ Page 1 of 2 Subject Title Visitor Behaviour and Management Subject Code HOS804 Lecturer / Tutor Dr Mirrin Locke Dr Chengeto Chaderopa Semester July 2020 Semester Assessment Title Individual Report Learning Outcome/s 1, 2, 5 Assessment type (group or individual) Individual Weighting 25% Word count 1500 words excluding references and appendices Week 5 Due date Sunday 6th September 23:59hrs - Week 6 Class submission Lecture ☐ Tutorial ☐ Submission type Paper copy ☐ Turnitin ☒ Format / Layout of Assessment Report: ICMS Cover Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Findings Conclusions Recommendations Reference List Appendices x x x x x x x x x Assessment instructions Tourists/visitors are motivated to attend a destination for many different reasons. Understanding visitors and their motivation is one of the keys to a destinations long term sustainability as an attractive tourist destination In this report, you are expected to choose a destination you have not been to before and using tourist/visitor motivation theory identify at least two recommendations for the destination to assist them in to be competitive in the long term. This will require you to research and detail the following: • An overview of the destination, including geographical information, unique selling points (USP’s), visitor experiential components and identification of the key stakeholders responsible for promoting and managing the sustainability of the destination. ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE___________________________________________________ Page 2 of 2 • Analysis of the three (3) main motives for tourists to visit this destination. • Identification of any environmental, ethical, political or cultural/social issues that may impact the success of this destination in attracting these visitors in the long term. • Identification of the main competitor destination of your chosen destination and an analysis of the destinations relative strengths and weaknesses for attracting visitors. • Your two (2) recommendations on how this destination can prosper long term and increase or at least maintain current visitation numbers. *The Report must be well researched (based on relevant and reliable sources) and written in an academic style, approx. 1500 words in length (not including executive summary, reference list or any appendices). Be particularly careful to avoid plagiarism that is, passing other people’s work off as your own (academic theft). Penalties for plagiarism are heavy and may include failure in the course. The four main criteria for success: 1.Insight – The report should demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the destination/attraction experiential services and qualities, and tourist/visitor motivation theory 2.Substantiation - The report should be underpinned by course material and additional readings around the topic. 3.Clarity and structure – The report should be well structured and clearly presented Readings for the assessment (instructions where they can be found e.g. MyAthens database, Moodle etc.) Relevant readings can be found on Moodle and via the EBSCO databases Grading Criteria / Rubric Marking rubric is available on Moodle
Answered Same DayAug 30, 2021HOS804ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)

Answer To: Assessment 1- HOS804 Individual Report Marking Rubric Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS...

Dilpreet answered on Sep 06 2021
143 Votes
Running Head: Individual Report        1
Individual Report        10
Executive Summary
In the modern world, people are busy with their daily schedules and have limited time to relax and enjoy with their friends and families. Therefore, they seldom plan to spend some quality time with their families and friends at di
fferent tourist destinations. Thus, it is mandatory for the tourist destinations to understand the changing behaviour of the tourists or the visitors and come up with plans and ideas that are innovative and creative so that tourists can be motivated to visit these destinations. It is essential to analyse the factors that contribute to the development of a place as a tourist attraction.
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
Overview of the Destination    4
Findings    5
Analysing Tourist Motives using Tourist Motivation Theory    5
Issues That May Impact the Success of This Destination as a Tourist Spot    6
Analysing the Competition    7
Conclusion    8
Recommendations    8
References    10
    In the modern world, people are busy with their daily schedules and have limited time to relax and enjoy with their friends and families. Therefore, they seldom plan to spend some quality time with their families and friends at different tourist destinations. Thus, it is mandatory for some tourist destinations to understand the changing behaviour of the tourists or the visitors and come up with plans and ideas that are innovative and creative so that tourists can be motivated to visit these destinations. Understanding the behaviour of the visitors and their motivations can be thought of as one of the foundational pillars of successfully and sustainably developing one of the attractive tourist destinations. This report will focus at developing Great Barrier Reef Marine Park as tourist destination by making use of tourist/visitor motivation theory.
Overview of the Destination
    The Great Barrier Reef is a world heritage and is one of the largest living structures on Earth. This could be observed from the outer space as well. Since, the ecosystem of the area is quite fragile, The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was established in the year 1975 to protect this ecosystem. This marine park includes more than 3000 coral reefs and nearly 600 continental islands (Authority, 2019). The park also includes 300 coral cays and an inshore mangrove island. This park has also been considered as one of the seven wonders of the natural world. Along the state of Queensland on Australia’s Eastern Coast, the park stretches for 2300 kilometres.
The unique selling point of the area is the spectacular diving and snorkelling experience. Moreover, the tourists can enjoy a peaceful time here by observing an outstanding array of marine life, which includes hard and soft corals, a profound number of tropical fishes, sharks, dolphins, turtles and many more. This place has everything that can help to enjoy a luxurious holiday while staying close to the nature. Glass bottom boats and under water, viewing stations are the USPs of this destination. For the purpose of tours, Cairns, Port Douglas and Airlie Beach are the main launching points.
The major visitor experiential components of this destination include travel services, accommodation services, tourist boards and attraction and tourism services. As far as stakeholders of this destination are to be considered, recreational users, marine tourism industry, The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authorities and the government agencies are responsible for promoting and managing this...

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