Assessment item 4 Annotated Bibliography Value: 25% Due Date: 25-Apr-2019 Return Date: 17-May-2019 Length: 2000 words XXXXXXXXXXpages) Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task ...

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Assessment item 4

Annotated Bibliography


Due Date:25-Apr-2019

Return Date:17-May-2019

Length:2000 words (10-12 pages)

Submission method options:Alternative submission method


WHAT TO DO: Tasks 1 and 2 below

TASK 1 Annotated Bibliography 20%

  1. Write anAnnotated Bibliography for your Capstone Topicwith a collection of12 articlesfollowing a set structure. The Annotated Bibliography is a critical examination of the most relevant and recent scholarly research on the topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.

  2. AnAnnotated Bibliographyis the detailed analysis of sources that used later in an expandedLiterature Review.

  3. Use the latest online search tools (CSU PRIMO, Google Scholar, Online databases) and efficient bibliographic organisers - CSU supports the use ofEndNote. (available on iPad). EndNote is a bibliographic citation program, allowing references and footnotes to be translated into a variety of standard formats.

  4. As a CSU student you can download and installEndNote X7for Windows or Mac OS platforms from

  5. Ensure that the Annotated Bibliography submitted by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and comply with the University's requirements foracademic integrity.

  6. You can get help inBuilding and Writing an Annotated Bibliographyfrom severalTopics 3,4and5.1Tutorial Topic in the ITC571 Interact2 site sidebar menu and other study advices and tips from:

    1. Study Resources (PDF files to download):

    2. APA style Referencing from

    3. The CSU Library website for LibGuides in Information Technology, Computing and Mathematics at

    4. EndNoteBibliographic software and tutorials LibGuide at

  7. Review the emerging technology (use internet for journals, conference papers, magazines, news articles, online databases, eBooks) and submit a12-article Annotated Bibliographyon your topic.

  8. A good place to start a collection of articles in your annotated bibliography is via the PRIMO search tool located on theCSU Library websiteat

As an example, the Capstone TopicPRIMOsearch on a research topic like "blockchain uses in higher education" returned the following snapshot from a large list 769 of very recent journals, books, conference proceedings and eBooks related to the Topic, so the search needs refinement, so when simply sorted by thelatest publication, this second screen resulted:

Library Resources

Information Technology Journal Databases:

Information Technology & Computing LibGuides:

The following questions may be useful while reviewing the topic:

  1. What is the new technology?

  2. What does it do and what are the special features it has?

  3. When is it coming out in the market and how much will it cost?

  4. What industry will the new technology affect? (Medical, agricultural, computer, business, etc….).

  5. In your opinion, will the new technology be beneficial to society? Why or why not.

  6. What did you learn from a critical analysis of your sources of information on this new technology?

TASK 2 Self-Evaluation Report on Originality (100-150 words) 5%

  1. Select an1000-word sampleofannotations text only(exclude references) from Task 1 and submit it for testing at eitherTurnitin

  2. Save a copy of theoriginality report obtained from the chosen site.

  3. Critically evaluate and interpret theoriginality report, from your context or point of view as your personalSelf-Evaluation Report on Originality(100-150 words).

  4. Append this short evaluation report to the saved copy oforiginality reportfrom the chosen site as Task 2 completed.

  5. Finally submit the combined Tasks 1 and 2 via EASTS as required.

Turnitin is more than a ‘gotcha’ device – it is an effective learning tool:

Because the sophisticated use of sources involves a complex set of research, critical thinking, and writing skills, you should expect to take several years to master them. Turnitin can be a helpful tool in this developmental process. You should use your originality reports as feedback on a first draft so that you can improve your use of sources before submitting the final draft for marking.

Interpreting the Turnitin Originality Report:

After you submit your draft to Turnitin for self-checking, you should look carefully at the originality report so that you can improve on your use of sources. Your essay will be on the left side of the screen, and the matching colour-coded sources will be listed on the right. Then you can make the necessary changes to your essay before you submit the final draft for marking.
You need to register with Turnitin to create a Student Account under the CSU Turnitin Licence at

Further information on how to use Turnitin can be found through the following link:


This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic.

  • be able to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic.

  • be able to apply established research methodologies with autonomy.

  • be able to apply project management and information and communication technologies (ICT) tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a capstone experience.

The rationale of this assessment is to test your ability to review, evaluate, critique and support others opinions as well as existing literature, using a scholarly writing style. You will also demonstrate your ability to carry out independently research and locate information from various sources such as journals, conference proceedings, online databases, eBooks and industry magazines.

TheLearning Outcomesbeing assessed in this second task include your ability to perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic and then to critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic. As the Annotated Bibliography develops, so will also be demonstrating your advanced communication and academic writing skills in transmitting your capstone experiences and ideas to others.

What does a well constructed annotated bibliography contain?

That is a research topic on its own, however I recommend the list of SIX structural elements below

  1. Interpretation and evaluation of an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation;

  2. Evidence of literature searches and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone topic;

  3. Critical reflection and synthesis of complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic;

  4. Original opinion on the benefits of your capstone project to others;

  5. Reflective comments on what was learnt from a review of the literature;

  6. Use of correct citations and referencing conforming to recognised referencing format.

TheChecklist for the Annotationselements can be used as a quality check as you write:

Content Elements

  • Coverage of topic

  • Depth of discussion

  • Development of argument and reasoning

  • Selection of literature

Writing Style Elements

  • Structure of review

  • Technical competence

  • Use of citations and quotations

  • Referencing

Task 2is designed for you to learn the functions of the Turnitin software.

Answered Same DayApr 25, 2021ITC571Charles Sturt University

Answer To: Assessment item 4 Annotated Bibliography Value: 25% Due Date: 25-Apr-2019 Return Date: 17-May-2019...

Kuldeep answered on Apr 26 2021
141 Votes
Security issues
Big Data
Student Name
University Name
Unit Name
Annotated Bibliography    2
References    11
Annotated Bibliography
Lafuente, G. (2015). The big data security challenge. Network Security, 2015(1), 12-14. doi: 10.1016/s1353-4858(15)70009-7
In this article author highlights that the companies has realized the huge potential associated with the complete volume of the data in marketing and customer service cases; however, there are still nuances between legitima
te utilize of customer privacy and big data. From then on, before the company starts any project with a lot of data, they must implement the best applicable mechanism to protect the data from the beginning. According to the authors company employees should know the outcomes of not handling consumer and worker information and give appropriate attention. Therefore, there are steps need to take when the company is fully aware of the processing of personal information.
Moreno, J., Serrano, M., & Fernández-Medina, E. (2016). Main Issues in Big Data Security. Future Internet, 8(3), 44. doi: 10.3390/fi8030044
Authors of the article state that the data is the most significant assets of the companies in various fields. The growing significance and importance of the data has creating new issues: traditional analytical techniques cannot solve this problem. So, solve this problem by creating innovative paradigm: big data. Nevertheless, new problems with big data are not just associated to the total amount of the data, however to data privacy as well as security. Authors find that in order to fully understand the problem, they decided to conduct a survey to highlight the main problems of big data system security and solutions that scientific community has proposed to solve these problems. In this article, authors also describe the outcomes obtained after the complete systematic mapping evaluation of safety in a big data eco-system. It’s not possible to conduct a detailed study of the entire security topic, so the results of this study are a complete picture of major security-related challenges in big data systems and their primary solutions by the research community.
Bhandari, R., Hans, V., & Ahuja, N. (2016). Big Data Security – Challenges and Recommendations.
This article highlights key insights into big data architectures that have led to some of the top 5 data security risks to some extent, and should be considered when designing big data solutions using the top 5 best practices to overcome these risks. Big data architectures are inherently distributed, partitioning, copying, and distributing between thousands of data and processing nodes for distributed computing, supporting multiple functions related to big data analytics, such as real-time, streaming and continuous data calculations, as well as massively parallel and powerful programming frameworks. These series of features take effect through a critical setting that in some way leads to some critical security risks. This article reviews the resulting challenges can be addressed big data technologies and solutions that exist in big data architectures for specific big data problems. Big data solutions should provide an effective way to more proactively prevent fraud, management and data integration, proper security against data intrusions, malicious attacks and many other fraudulent activities. This article discusses the issues and key features that should be considered when developing secure big data solutions and technologies that address risk and privacy issues such as data security, insecure computing and data storage, intrusions, etc associated with big data analytics, increasing performance impact in an efficient manner, taking into account that these risks are, to some extent, the result of big data architecture traits.
Swarnkar, M. (2017). Security Issues and Challenges in Big Data Analytics in Distributed Environment. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-59834-5_5
This article reviews the data with high capacity, diversity, speed, variability, and accuracy is called big data. It is typically handled in a distributed environment where many connected computers support applications commonly referred to as a big data analytic. But, amount of the confidential data usually processed in the typically the big data analytic makes big data analytic applications a target for anomalous user. This article seeks to define processing large amounts of data within a distributed environment simply makes it more attractive prey. Also authors try to properly cover the privacy risks and issues associated to all aspects of the big data analytic. Authors show more vulnerabilities involved in these vulnerabilities and the circumstances in which they occur. Authors also focus on the security issues that arise in the real world of organizations and industry. Countermeasures might vary depending on the type and type...

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