Assignment 3: Higher-Order Functions, Algebraic Data Types, and Pattern Matching in Swift Due Wednesday, August 25 at 11:59 PM Goals for This Assignment By the time you have completed this work, you...

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Assignment 3: Higher-Order Functions, Algebraic Data Types, and Pattern Matching in Swift

Due Wednesday, August 25 at 11:59 PM

Goals for This Assignment

By the time you have completed this work, you should be able to:

  • Work with the basics of the syntax of Swift

  • Define a list with an algebraic data type (enumin Swift)

  • Deconstruct algebraic data types with pattern matching (switchin Swift)

  • Define methods which take higher-order functions

Provided files:

  • main.swift

// COMP 333 Assignment 3//// You will need to get this code running. You have two options here:// 1.) Install Swift locally. Swift can be downloaded here: Binaries are available for Ubuntu Linux and Mac OS X.// You can compile the code with `swiftc main.swift`, and then run it with `./main`.// 2.) Run Swift online at Once you have a Swift setup working, you can start implementing the assignment.// Recommended approach://// 1.) Write stubs for all the methods, which just return dummy values.// This is to get things compiling. You'll need the stubs later.// 2.) Implement isEmpty. This will require pattern matching (switch) on the list// in a similar manner as contentsToString. isEmpty is relatively easy to// implement, and it will get you in the habit of using pattern matching.// 3.) Implement the rest of the methods, in any particular order. These// can be implemented in any way. Note that they can also be implemented// as calls to foldLeft and foldRight (as is mapFunction)//// Hints:// 1.) The test suite is large, and covers a lot of behavior this code needs.// At a minimum, the test suite provides enough detail to write stubs for each// of the methods you need to define. The test suite also has a lot of examples// which call Swift code.// 2.) While Swift has classes, you don't need classes for this assignment.// 3.) Many different implementations are possible.// 4.) My implementation's components have the following sizes (in lines of code):// - isEmpty: 8// - append: 8// - length: 8// - filter: 12// - contains: 8// - sum: 8// If you start needing significantly more code than this for any of these parts, we// should talk to make sure you're still on track.//
indirect enum MyList { case cons(A, MyList) case empty}
extension MyList { func map(mapper: (A) -> B) -> MyList
{ // Ideally, this should be a method. // However, this is needed to bypass some bugs which I'll be filing // later. return mapFunction(list: self, mapper: mapper) } // map

private func contentsToString(_ innerToString: (A) -> String) -> String { switch self { case let .cons(head, .empty): // list containing one element return innerToString(head) case let .cons(head, tail): // list containing more than one element return innerToString(head) + ", " + tail.contentsToString(innerToString) case .empty: // empty list return "" } } // contentsToString func toString(innerToString: (A) -> String) -> String { return "[" + contentsToString(innerToString) + "]" } // toString

func equals(otherList: MyList, compareInner: (A, A) -> Bool) -> Bool { switch (self, otherList) { case let (.cons(head1, tail1), .cons(head2, tail2)): return compareInner(head1, head2) && tail1.equals(otherList: tail2, compareInner: compareInner) case (.empty, .empty): return true case _: return false } } // equals} // extension MyList
// This should be a method, but we can't do this because of a bug in// Swift's typecheckerfunc mapFunction(list: MyList, mapper: (A) -> B) -> MyList
{ switch list { case let .cons(head, tail): return MyList.cons(mapper(head), mapFunction(list: tail, mapper: mapper)) case .empty: return MyList.empty }} // map
// ---BEGIN TEST SUITE---func assertEqualsBase(testName: String, compare: (A, A) -> Bool, toString: (A) -> String, expected: A, received: A) { print(testName + ": ", terminator: "") if !compare(expected, received) { print("FAIL") print("\tExpected: " + toString(expected)) print("\tReceived: " + toString(received)) } else { print("pass") }} // assertEqualsBase
func assertEquals(testName: String, expected: MyList, received: MyList) { assertEqualsBase(testName: testName, compare: { (list1, list2) in list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==) }, toString: { list in list.toString(innerToString: { i in i.description }) }, expected: expected, received: received)} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String, expected: MyList, received: MyList) { assertEqualsBase(testName: testName, compare: { (list1, list2) in list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==) }, toString: { list in list.toString(innerToString: { s in s }) }, expected: expected, received: received)} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String, expected: Bool, received: Bool) { assertEqualsBase(testName: testName, compare: ==, toString: { b in b.description }, expected: expected, received: received)} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String, expected: Int, received: Int) { assertEqualsBase(testName: testName, compare: ==, toString: { i in i.description }, expected: expected, received: received)} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String, expected: String, received: String) { assertEqualsBase(testName: testName, compare: ==, toString: { s in s }, expected: expected, received: received)} // assertEquals
func test_isEmpty_empty() { let list: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_isEmpty_empty", expected: true, received: list.isEmpty())} // test_isEmpty_empty
func test_isEmpty_cons() { let list = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_isEmpty_cons", expected: false, received: list.isEmpty())} // test_isEmpty_cons
func test_append_empty_empty() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty let list2: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_append_empty_empty", expected: MyList.empty, received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_empty_empty
func test_append_empty_cons_1() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_append_empty_cons_1", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_empty_cons_1
func test_append_empty_cons_2() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_append_empty_cons_2", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_empty_cons_2
func test_append_cons_1_empty() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) let list2: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_append_cons_1_empty", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_cons_1_empty
func test_append_cons_2_empty() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) let list2: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_append_cons_2_empty", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_cons_2_empty
func test_append_cons_1_cons_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) let list2 = MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_append_cons_1_cons_1", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_cons_1_cons_1
func test_append_cons_1_cons_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) let list2 = MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_append_cons_1_cons_2", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty))), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_cons_1_cons_2
func test_append_cons_2_cons_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) let list2 = MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_append_cons_2_cons_1", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty))), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_cons_2_cons_1
func test_append_cons_2_cons_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) let list2 = MyList.cons(3, MyList.cons(4, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_append_cons_2_cons_2", expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.cons(4, MyList.empty)))), received: list1.append(other: list2))} // test_append_cons_2_cons_2
func test_length_empty() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_length_empty", expected: 0, received: list1.length())} // test_length_empty
func test_length_cons_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_length_cons_1", expected: 1, received: list1.length())} // test_length_cons_1
func test_length_cons_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_length_cons_2", expected: 2, received: list1.length())} // test_length_cons_2
func test_length_cons_3() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_length_cons_2", expected: 3, received: list1.length())} // test_length_cons_3
func test_map_empty_1() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty let expected: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_map_empty_1", expected: expected, received: { i in i + 1}))} // test_map_empty_1
func test_map_empty_2() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty let expected: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_map_empty_2", expected: expected, received: { _ in 5 }))} // test_map_empty_2
func test_map_cons_1_lengths() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_map_cons_1_lengths", expected: MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty), received: { s in s.count }))} // test_map_cons_1_lengths
func test_map_cons_2_lengths() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_map_cons_2_lengths", expected: MyList.cons(3, MyList.cons(6, MyList.empty)), received: { s in s.count }))} // test_map_cons_2_lengths
func test_map_cons_3_lengths() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.cons("apple", MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_map_cons_3_lengths", expected: MyList.cons(3, MyList.cons(6, MyList.cons(5, MyList.empty))), received: { s in s.count }))} // test_map_cons_3_lengths
func test_map_cons_1_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_map_cons_1_strings", expected: MyList.cons("1", MyList.empty), received: { i in i.description }))} // test_map_cons_1_strings
func test_map_cons_2_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_map_cons_2_strings", expected: MyList.cons("1", MyList.cons("2", MyList.empty)), received: { i in i.description }))} // test_map_cons_2_strings
func test_map_cons_3_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_map_cons_3_strings", expected: MyList.cons("1", MyList.cons("2", MyList.cons("3", MyList.empty))), received: { i in i.description }))} // test_map_cons_3_strings
func test_filter_empty_integers() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_empty_integers", expected: MyList.empty, received: list1.filter(predicate: { i in i > 5 }))} // test_filter_empty_integers
func test_filter_empty_strings() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_empty_strings", expected: MyList.empty, received: list1.filter(predicate: { s in s.count > 3 }))} // test_filter_empty_strings
func test_filter_cons_1_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_1_integers", expected: MyList.empty, received: list1.filter(predicate: { i in i > 5 }))} // test_filter_cons_1_integers
func test_filter_cons_2_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(6, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_2_integers", expected: MyList.cons(6, MyList.empty), received: list1.filter(predicate: { i in i > 5 }))} // test_filter_cons_2_integers
func test_filter_cons_3_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(6, MyList.cons(7, MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_3_integers", expected: MyList.cons(6, MyList.cons(7, MyList.empty)), received: list1.filter(predicate: { i in i > 5 }))} // test_filter_cons_3_integers
func test_filter_cons_4_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(6, MyList.cons(7, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty)))) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_4_integers", expected: MyList.cons(6, MyList.cons(7, MyList.empty)), received: list1.filter(predicate: { i in i > 5 }))} // test_filter_cons_4_integers
func test_filter_cons_1_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_1_strings", expected: MyList.empty, received: list1.filter(predicate: { s in s.count > 3 }))} // test_filter_cons_1_strings
func test_filter_cons_2_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_2_strings", expected: MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.empty), received: list1.filter(predicate: { s in s.count > 3 }))} // test_filter_cons_2_strings
func test_filter_cons_3_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.cons("a", MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_3_strings", expected: MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.empty), received: list1.filter(predicate: { s in s.count > 3 }))} // test_filter_cons_3_strings
func test_filter_cons_4_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.cons("a", MyList.cons("apple", MyList.empty)))) assertEquals(testName: "test_filter_cons_4_strings", expected: MyList.cons("foobar", MyList.cons("apple", MyList.empty)), received: list1.filter(predicate: { s in s.count > 3 }))} // test_filter_cons_4_strings
func test_toString_empty_integers() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_empty_integers", expected: "[]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { i in i.description }))} // test_toString_empty_integers
func test_toString_cons_1_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_cons_1_integers", expected: "[1]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { i in i.description }))} // test_toString_cons_1_integers
func test_toString_cons_2_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_cons_2_integers", expected: "[1, 2]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { i in i.description }))} // test_toString_cons_2_integers
func test_toString_cons_3_integers() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_cons_3_integers", expected: "[1, 2, 3]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { i in i.description }))} // test_toString_cons_3_integers
func test_toString_empty_strings() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_empty_strings", expected: "[]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { s in s }))} // test_toString_empty_strings
func test_toString_cons_1_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_cons_1_strings", expected: "[foo]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { s in s }))} // test_toString_cons_1_strings
func test_toString_cons_2_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_cons_2_strings", expected: "[foo, bar]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { s in s }))} // test_toString_cons_2_strings
func test_toString_cons_3_strings() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.cons("baz", MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_toString_cons_3_strings", expected: "[foo, bar, baz]", received: list1.toString(innerToString: { s in s }))} // test_toString_cons_3_strings
func test_contains_empty_integers() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_empty_integers", expected: false, received: list1.contains(target: 1, compare: ==))} // test_contains_empty_integers
func test_contains_empty_strings() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_empty_strings", expected: false, received: list1.contains(target: "foo", compare: ==))} // test_contains_empty_strings
func test_contains_cons_1_integers_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_1_integers_1", expected: false, received: list1.contains(target: 0, compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_1_integers_1
func test_contains_cons_1_integers_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_1_integers_2", expected: true, received: list1.contains(target: 1, compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_1_integers_2
func test_contains_cons_2_integers_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_integers_1", expected: false, received: list1.contains(target: 0, compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_2_integers_1
func test_contains_cons_2_integers_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_integers_2", expected: true, received: list1.contains(target: 1, compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_2_integers_2
func test_contains_cons_2_integers_3() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_integers_3", expected: true, received: list1.contains(target: 2, compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_2_integers_3
func test_contains_cons_1_strings_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_1_strings_1", expected: false, received: list1.contains(target: "blah", compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_1_strings_1
func test_contains_cons_1_strings_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_1_strings_2", expected: true, received: list1.contains(target: "foo", compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_1_strings_2
func test_contains_cons_2_strings_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_strings_1", expected: false, received: list1.contains(target: "blah", compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_2_strings_1
func test_contains_cons_2_strings_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_strings_2", expected: true, received: list1.contains(target: "foo", compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_2_strings_2
func test_contains_cons_2_strings_3() { let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_strings_3", expected: true, received: list1.contains(target: "bar", compare: ==))} // test_contains_cons_2_strings_3
func test_sum_empty() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_sum_empty", expected: 0, received: list1.sum(zero: 0, add: +))} // test_sum_empty
func test_sum_cons_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_sum_cons_1", expected: 1, received: list1.sum(zero: 0, add: +))} // test_sum_cons_1
func test_sum_cons_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_sum_cons_2", expected: 3, received: list1.sum(zero: 0, add: +))} // test_sum_cons_2
func test_sum_cons_3() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty))) assertEquals(testName: "test_sum_cons_3", expected: 6, received: list1.sum(zero: 0, add: +))} // test_sum_cons_3
func test_equals_empty_lists() { let list1: MyList = MyList.empty let list2: MyList = MyList.empty assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_empty_lists", expected: true, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_empty_lists
func test_equals_cons_1_are_equal() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_cons_1_are_equal", expected: true, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_cons_1_are_equal
func test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_contents() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) let list2 = MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty) assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_contents", expected: false, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_contents
func test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_lengths() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty) let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_lengths", expected: false, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_lengths
func test_equals_cons_2_are_equal() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_cons_2_are_equal", expected: true, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_cons_2_are_equal
func test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_1() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) let list2 = MyList.cons(2, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_1", expected: false, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_1
func test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_2() { let list1 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2, MyList.empty)) let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(3, MyList.empty)) assertEquals(testName: "test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_2", expected: false, received: list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==))} // test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_2
func runTests() { // isEmpty test_isEmpty_empty() test_isEmpty_cons()

// append test_append_empty_empty() test_append_empty_cons_1() test_append_empty_cons_2() test_append_cons_1_empty() test_append_cons_2_empty() test_append_cons_1_cons_1() test_append_cons_1_cons_2() test_append_cons_2_cons_1() test_append_cons_2_cons_2()

// length test_length_empty() test_length_cons_1() test_length_cons_2() test_length_cons_3()

// map test_map_empty_1() test_map_empty_2() test_map_cons_1_lengths() test_map_cons_2_lengths() test_map_cons_3_lengths() test_map_cons_1_strings() test_map_cons_2_strings() test_map_cons_3_strings()

// filter test_filter_empty_integers() test_filter_empty_strings() test_filter_cons_1_integers() test_filter_cons_2_integers() test_filter_cons_3_integers() test_filter_cons_4_integers() test_filter_cons_1_strings() test_filter_cons_2_strings() test_filter_cons_3_strings() test_filter_cons_4_strings()

// toString test_toString_empty_integers() test_toString_cons_1_integers() test_toString_cons_2_integers() test_toString_cons_3_integers() test_toString_empty_strings() test_toString_cons_1_strings() test_toString_cons_2_strings() test_toString_cons_3_strings()

// contains test_contains_empty_integers() test_contains_empty_strings() test_contains_cons_1_integers_1() test_contains_cons_1_integers_2() test_contains_cons_2_integers_1() test_contains_cons_2_integers_2() test_contains_cons_2_integers_3() test_contains_cons_1_strings_1() test_contains_cons_1_strings_2() test_contains_cons_2_strings_1() test_contains_cons_2_strings_2() test_contains_cons_2_strings_3()

// sum test_sum_empty() test_sum_cons_1() test_sum_cons_2() test_sum_cons_3()

// equals test_equals_empty_lists() test_equals_cons_1_are_equal() test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_contents() test_equals_cons_1_are_not_equal_different_lengths() test_equals_cons_2_are_equal() test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_1() test_equals_cons_2_are_not_equal_different_contents_2()} // runTests// ---END TEST SUITE---
// ---BEGIN MAIN---runTests()// ---END MAIN---

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Get Swift Working

For this assignment, you'll be using Swift. You can either install Swift fromthis link, or run it in the browserhere. Binaries are available for Ubuntu Linux and Mac OS X. Exactly which method you use doesn't matter; it will work the same either way.

Step 2: Implement a Singly-Linked List

A significant of code has been provided inmain.swift, including a test suite of significant size. As with assignment 1, you are tasked with writing a singly-linked list. However, this time around, you'll be doing this in Swift. Instead of using dynamic dispatch to select betweenconsandnilbehavior, you'll be using pattern matching viaswitch. Additionally, you'll also be defining key list-based operations which work with higher-order functions, namelyfilterandmap. The comments in the file provide further details. Note that the tests themselves are a rich source of information, both in terms of defining what you need to implement (i.e., they serve as a specification), and how Swift works.

step 3: send main.swift file

Answered 1 days AfterAug 24, 2021

Answer To: Assignment 3: Higher-Order Functions, Algebraic Data Types, and Pattern Matching in Swift Due...

Pulkit answered on Aug 26 2021
135 Votes
// COMP 333 Assignment 3
// You will need to get this code running. You have two options here:
// 1.) Install Swift locally. Swift can be downloaded here:
// Binaries are available for Ubuntu Linux and Mac OS X.
// You can compile the code with `swiftc main.swift`, and then run it with `./main`.
// 2.) Run Swift online at
// Once you have a Swift setup working, you can start implementing the assignment.
// Recommended approach:
// 1.) Write stubs for all the methods, which just return dummy values.
// This is to get things compiling. You'll need the stubs later.
// 2.) Implement isEmpty. This will require pattern matching (switch) on the list
// in a similar manner as contentsToString. isEmpty is relatively easy to
// implement, and it will get you in the habit of using pattern matchin
// 3.) Implement the rest of the methods, in any particular order. These
// can be implemented in any way. Note that they can also be implemented
// as calls to foldLeft and foldRight (as is mapFunction)
// Hints:
// 1.) The test suite is large, and covers a lot of behavior this code needs.
// At a minimum, the test suite provides enough detail to write stubs for each
// of the methods you need to define. The test suite also has a lot of examples
// which call Swift code.
// 2.) While Swift has classes, you don't need classes for this assignment.
// 3.) Many different implementations are possible.
// 4.) My implementation's components have the following sizes (in lines of code):
// - isEmpty: 8
// - append: 8
// - length: 8
// - filter: 12
// - contains: 8
// - sum: 8
// If you start needing significantly more code than this for any of these parts, we
// should talk to make sure you're still on track.
indirect enum MyList {
case cons(A, MyList
case empty
extension MyList {
func map(mapper: (A) -> B) -> MyList {
// Ideally, this should be a method.
// However, this is needed to bypass some bugs which I'll be filing
// later.
return mapFunction(list: self, mapper: mapper)
} // map
private func contentsToString(_ innerToString: (A) -> String) -> String {
switch self {
case let .cons(head, .empty): // list containing one element
return innerToString(head)
case let .cons(head, tail): // list containing more than one element
return innerToString(head) + ", " + tail.contentsToString(innerToString)
case .empty: // empty list
return ""
} // contentsToString

func toString(innerToString: (A) -> String) -> String {
return "[" + contentsToString(innerToString) + "]"
} // toString
func equals(otherList: MyList
, compareInner: (A, A) -> Bool) -> Bool {
switch (self, otherList) {
case let (.cons(head1, tail1), .cons(head2, tail2)):
return compareInner(head1, head2) && tail1.equals(otherList: tail2, compareInner: compareInner)
case (.empty, .empty):
return true
case _:
return false
} // equals
} // extension MyList
func isEmpty() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .cons(_, _):
return false
case .empty:
return true

func append(other: MyList
) -> MyList {
switch self {
case .cons(let h, let t):
return MyList
.cons(h, t.append(other: other))
case .empty:
return other

func length() -> Int {
switch self {
case .cons(_, let tail):
return 1 + tail.length()
case .empty:
return 0

func filter(predicate: (A) -> (Bool)) -> MyList

switch self {
case .cons(let h, let t):
let result = t.filter(predicate: predicate)
if(predicate(h)) {
return MyList.cons(h, result)
else {
return result
case .empty:
return MyList.empty

func contains(target: A, compare: (A, A) -> Bool) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .empty:
return false
case .cons(let head, let tail):
if(compare(head, target)) {
return true
else {
return tail.contains(target: target, compare: compare)

func sum(zero: A, add: (A, A) -> A) -> A {
switch self {
case .cons(let h, let t):
return t.sum(zero: add(zero, h), add: add)
case .empty:
return zero
// This should be a method, but we can't do this because of a bug in
// Swift's typechecker
func mapFunction(list: MyList
, mapper: (A) -> B) -> MyList {
switch list {
case let .cons(head, tail):
return MyList.cons(mapper(head), mapFunction(list: tail, mapper: mapper))
case .empty:
return MyList.empty
} // map
func assertEqualsBase
(testName: String,
compare: (A, A) -> Bool,
toString: (A) -> String,
expected: A,
received: A) {
print(testName + ": ", terminator: "")
if !compare(expected, received) {
print("\tExpected: " + toString(expected))
print("\tReceived: " + toString(received))
} else {
} // assertEqualsBase
func assertEquals(testName: String,
expected: MyList,
received: MyList) {
assertEqualsBase(testName: testName,
compare: { (list1, list2) in
list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==) },
toString: { list in
list.toString(innerToString: { i in i.description }) },
expected: expected,
received: received)
} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String,
expected: MyList,
received: MyList) {
assertEqualsBase(testName: testName,
compare: { (list1, list2) in
list1.equals(otherList: list2, compareInner: ==) },
toString: { list in
list.toString(innerToString: { s in s }) },
expected: expected,
received: received)
} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String,
expected: Bool,
received: Bool) {
assertEqualsBase(testName: testName,
compare: ==,
toString: { b in b.description },
expected: expected,
received: received)
} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String,
expected: Int,
received: Int) {
assertEqualsBase(testName: testName,
compare: ==,
toString: { i in i.description },
expected: expected,
received: received)
} // assertEquals
func assertEquals(testName: String,
expected: String,
received: String) {
assertEqualsBase(testName: testName,
compare: ==,
toString: { s in s },
expected: expected,
received: received)
} // assertEquals
func test_isEmpty_empty() {
let list: MyList = MyList.empty
assertEquals(testName: "test_isEmpty_empty",
expected: true,
received: list.isEmpty())
} // test_isEmpty_empty
func test_isEmpty_cons() {
let list = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty)
assertEquals(testName: "test_isEmpty_cons",
expected: false,
received: list.isEmpty())
} // test_isEmpty_cons
func test_append_empty_empty() {
let list1: MyList = MyList.empty
let list2: MyList = MyList.empty
assertEquals(testName: "test_append_empty_empty",
expected: MyList.empty,
received: list1.append(other: list2))
} // test_append_empty_empty
func test_append_empty_cons_1() {
let list1: MyList = MyList.empty
let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty)
assertEquals(testName: "test_append_empty_cons_1",
expected: MyList.cons(1, MyList.empty),
received: list1.append(other: list2))
} // test_append_empty_cons_1
func test_append_empty_cons_2() {
let list1: MyList = MyList.empty
let list2 = MyList.cons(1, MyList.cons(2,...

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