MIS602 Assign 3 Page 1 of 4 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design Assessment Reflective Research Report Individual/Group Individual Length Three Thousand Word...

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assignment and data base modelling for the asked in sql format. this time please be good and timid with the assignment work. its masters assignment please. i am spending 2 days for adding more information and editing reports. its also mandatory to reference based on the fact not just random reference. it does gets checked as authentication please.

MIS602 Assign 3 Page 1 of 4 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design Assessment Reflective Research Report Individual/Group Individual Length Three Thousand Word Limit Learning Outcomes a, b, c, d Submission Friday 11:59 PM AEST/AEDT of Module 6.1 (week 11) Weighting 40% Total Marks 40 Marks Context: The MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design subject is designed for you to progressively add to your understanding of data and database management and its relevance with in business context. It also introduces you to some of the key features of database management system and designing database systems that will feature in later modules of this topic. In order for you to do well in this subject, it is imperative that you undertake all of the learning activities in the modules. The learning activities are presented as a way of scaffolding your learning so that you can attempt the building blocks of the assessments and be in a safe environment to fail and to learn from them. Therefore, doing your learning activities and seeking feedback from them from peers and from the learning facilitator is the single best way of preparing for doing well in this assessment. Scenario: The scenario for this assessment is a multi-specialty hospital system, the Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH), that provides a broad range of services to the community which include surgical, maternity, obstetric care, dialysis, emergency, mental health, aged and palliative care, allied health services and a 24-hour emergency department. The RRH has been serving in the region for over 50 years and has been using paper-based forms and documents to store and manage all the data with some use of spreadsheets that started not so long ago. Now that the management of RRH wants to take the advantages of Information Technology to maintain and manage the records of the various aspects of the hospital system more efficiently, they have put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for appropriately qualified consultants to undertake a body of work that would help to scope the data requirements for such a system. With your success in your Torrens University Australia degree so far, and other similar projects that have garnered you some sustained success in the eyes of the profession and community, you have been shortlisted among no less than 10 other consultancies. There are expectations from them, then, as to the standard of report you will produce. MIS602 Assign 3 Page 2 of 4 The management of the RRH has provided you with an overview and description of the hospital system as below- Overview: The Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) is a multi-specialty hospital that includes a number of departments, rooms, doctors, nurses, compounders, and other staff working in the hospital. Patients having different kinds of ailments come to the hospital and get checkup done from the relevant doctors. If required they are admitted in the hospital and discharged after treatment. The hospital maintains the records of various departments, rooms, and doctors in the hospital besides the most important records of the regular patients, patients admitted in the hospital, the checkup of patients done by the doctors, the patients that have been operated, and patients discharged from the hospital. Description: In RRH, there are many departments like Orthopedic, Pathology, Emergency, Dental, Gynecology, Anesthetics, I.C.U., Blood Bank, Operation Theater, Laboratory, M.R.I., Neurology, Cardiology, Cancer Department, Corpse, etc. There is an OPD where patients come and get a card (that is, entry card of the patient) for check up from the relevant doctor. After making entry in the card, they go to the relevant doctor’s room and the doctor checks up their ailments. According to the ailments, the doctor either prescribes medicine or admits the patient in the relevant department. The patient may choose either private or general room according to his/her need. But before getting admission in the hospital, the patient has to fulfill certain formalities of the hospital like room charges, etc. After the treatment is completed, the doctor discharges the patient. Before discharging from the hospital, the patient again has to complete certain formalities of the hospital like balance charges, test charges, operation charges (if any), blood charges, doctors’ charges, etc. Next, the management talks about the doctors of the hospital. There are two types of the doctors in the hospital, namely, regular doctors and call-on doctors. Regular doctors are those doctors who come to the hospital daily. Call-on doctors are those doctors who are called by the hospital if the relevant regular doctor is not available. Instructions: The management believes and understands that the benefits of an IT solution to manage and maintain their records are enormous and hopes to gain a thorough insight that should come from a lot of forethought and design elements fed into it before it could be seriously considered by them. The RRH management seeks consultation on what the data requirements of such a system might be. There are two objectives of this assessment: 1. For the purposes of the client, the Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) management, you are to produce a design brief and, 2. For the purposes of the assessment, you are to produce a reflection. So, this written submission should expertly mix a consultative style—that is, providing a solution to the problem as outlined by the client—with a deep reflection on what you have learned in the MIS602 Assign 3 Page 3 of 4 subject and the potential for such an automated system. You will need to use your judgement on this, it is likely to take several drafts to get it right. The deliverable for this assessment is plainly: You are required to create a consultative report that addresses the data requirements of the proposed Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) System as well as commenting on the feasibility of such a solution, given what you learned in the subject. Following instructions will assist you in completion of the task. Some hints for you to heed while you develop and write your assessment: • Consider all aspects of the hospital’s operations and flows of data and then explore the benefits and challenges that an automated system may present in regard to effectiveness, efficiency an also adaptation issues, when implemented. • The RRH management has not provided any assumptions and you should list these if your proposal and reflection are to be considered cogent. Based on your learning from the course modules and previous assignments, you are expected to come up with data requirements and a logical design of the system and a brief commentary on the design. Submission Instructions: This consultative research and reflective report will be in a format that you choose and there are no prescriptions for what to include or what not to include. You will need to research consultant-grade reports (look for consulting reports form the Big Four firms as a guide and use them as the basis for their content, articulation presentation standard). Besides your research and reflection, you should include logical data requirements in a design summary that includes appropriate Entity- Relationship (ER) Diagram replete with connectivity and cardinality considerations, and the database schema with the final set of Relations normalised to 3NF (Note: you do not need to include the normalisation steps). You should list any and all assumptions used in your report as well as any limitations that the reader should consider as they read your report. You should treat the prescribed word limit as something you cannot breach as there is no plus-or- minus 10 per cent ascribed in this assessment. The reality of consultant-grade reports is that any that breach the requirements are rejected and no reasoning is provided to the consultant. As you are preparing for your professional life, treat this requirement as the same in this subject and that any report that breaches the word limit will not be marked. Requests for extensions must be compliant with the university policy and must be applied for before the due date. Include in your application a full draft of your assessment as this draft may be what is assessed if the extension request is denied. Submit your report to the submission point in Blackboard prior to the due date. In accordance with university policy, late assessments will attract a 10% of available grade penalty for every day late, up to a maximum of 5 days, after which the assessment will not be marked. Please note that requests for resubmissions of this assessment will not be considered. Learning Rubric: Assessment Three Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% Understanding of the Data requirements 30% Demonstrates limited understanding of the data requirements Fair understanding of the data requirements. May neglect to provide resources or that these are cursorily provided without reference to specific areas in the source. Good understanding of the data requirements demonstrated. May provide a limited number of sources the peer can use to develop their technique from. Very good understanding of the data requirements demonstrated. Makes recommendations to other external sources the peer can access to develop their understanding. Outstanding understanding of the data requirements demonstrated through recommendation of other sources with specific references to components of it that the peer will benefit from. Capture of key entities and their relationships 40% Less than 50% entities and relationships are completed 50-64% entities and relationships completed 65-74% entities and relationships completed 75-84% entities and relationships completed 85-100% entities and
Answered Same DayNov 23, 2021MIS602Torrens University Australia

Answer To: MIS602 Assign 3 Page 1 of 4 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling & Database...

Deepti answered on Nov 27 2021
137 Votes
Royal rundle hospital automated database management system
Introduction    2
Automated System- RRH-DBMS    2
Hospital Operations & Flow of Data    2
Benefits of Automated DBMS    2
Improved Processes    3
Digital medical records    3
Less time consuming    3
Patient Self-Service    3
Better Customer Experience    3
Secure Information    3
Challenges of Automated DBMS    3
Scalability    3
Data Volume    3
Security    3
Business Requirements    4
Functional Requirements    4
Non-Functional Requirements    4
Database Quality Attributes    4
Operating Environment    5
Design Constraints    5
Design Brief    5
Business Rules    6
Logical Design    6
E-R Diagram    8
Relations    8
Data Requirem
ents    9
Assumptions    11
The current system of RRH is a manual system which handles the hospital process. Patients arrive at the hospital and are registered at OPD to consult a doctor. Details are recorded. Patients are diagnosed and either prescribed medicine or referred to department for admission. Patients make advance payment, are assigned a room. They are issued a bill and on completing payments, they are discharged.
The main goal of the new RRH Database Management System is to fulfil the RRH Management’s requirements and improving the manual current system thus improving the standard of the system and overall management of the hospital. The report demonstrates the design brief for RRH management and a reflection on the proposed database management solution as expected by the hospital management and how the business operations shall take place once the system gets automated. The design brief includes the major entities, their attributes and interrelations about the way data shall be stored, managed and retrieved. Entity Relationship diagram represents the major components of the system. The research and reflection discusses the features of the proposed automated RRH Database Management System, its advantages, challenges and data requirements.
Automated System- RRH-DBMS
An automated database shall executer certain specific actions when a specific situation arises. The database management system shall facilitate stable functioning of day-to-day tasks and interactions. It will act as a special tool to support the seamless operation of software components critical to clinical administration of RRH. The proposed system shall keep track of all the personal information of the patients, doctors, departments and employees along with other operational needs like treatment details, billing and payments. RRH cam explore the opportunity of collecting its information in one place through the proposed system. It shall be processed, classified and accessed by authorized personnel only empowering clear and smooth functionality (Pavlo, 2017).
The hospital records shall track the doctors who are regular or call-on and their other details like Working hours, salary, hourly pay, etc. It shall store medical history and prescribed treatments of each registered patient. Doctor can access the details and they can also be provided to patients on request. Medical reports and payment details can be generated through the system. The patient’s payments shall be intimated to them and billing status of each patient is tracked and reminders can be sent. However, this is not included in this project. Regular reports can be generated like finances, inventory, department utilization, employee efficiency, etc. The authorities can use the reports in decision making for enhancing business processes for future growth.
Hospital Operations & Flow of Data
The Database System shall automate the clinical work and optimize the utilization of resources rather than only storing and representing the information. The proposed system will manage general process of RRH, shall deal with administrative services on its own, analyze and send notifications to the patients for pending payments or scheduled consultation. A well-managed database system will ensure a better work environment for RRH employees.
Benefits of Automated DBMS
The major benefits of the proposed stand-alone RRH DBMS include operational efficiency, substantial cost savings and enhanced processes (Johnston, 2005). They are elaborated below.
Improved Processes
Automation is a suitable advantage to RRH since it will render optimized user experience for patients as well as employees. Patients, Hospital authorities and medical practitioners shall be able to communicate online and exchange information. This shall overcome the issue of schedules and payment malfunctions that may occur in manual system with the business growth in future.
Digital medical records
Limited storage space of manual record files is an issue that shall be overcome in the new automated digital medical record system.
Less time consuming
For retrieving a patient’s record, management may face great problem since it would be time consuming to search the records manually thus wasting man hours. Information retrieval shall be made easy with a digitized RRH database management system.
Patient Self-Service
With their own account system, patients shall be able to perform multiple actions on their own without waiting in the hospital to be assisted. They would be able to make online requests and make payments online.
Better Customer Experience
The treatment process shall be less stressful with a patient-oriented system. Consultation can be offered in a relaxed environment since records shall be easily retrieved online.
Secure Information
The sensitive information of patients and employees and treatment shall be stored safely in digital format and proper backups of the system shall be taken periodically and stored at more than one location. Thus, the information shall be saved from damage like fire, insects and other natural disasters.
Challenges of Automated DBMS
The proposed database system shall enhance the business operations of RRH. However, with growth in data volumes the system may face the following challenges
The software shall face resource usage and scalability limitations with high volumes of data. Scalability shall be affected in cataloging database architecture, components, OSs and hardware configuration.
Data Volume
With the ever increase in the demand of healthcare services, the data generated and collected is increasing exponentially and the proposed database may struggle to keep up in retrieving the data efficiently in the long run.
The database shall store all the sensitive information n=including personal details of employees and personal details of patients, their line...

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