Assignment Details Multi-Tier Architecture and Working with XML Outcomes covered in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Create XML sequential file from the data. Add data, remove data, and update data....

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Assignment Details

Multi-Tier Architecture and Working with XML

Outcomes covered in this activity:

Unit Outcomes:

  • Create XML sequential file from the data.

  • Add data, remove data, and update data.

  • Identify client/server relationship.

  • Apply three-tier architecture.

Course Outcome:

IT391-4:Analyze client/server relationship.


The purpose of this Assignment is to design and implement a multi-tier application. The data will be stored in an XML file. You will first create an XML file using a text editor of your choice. Specifically, you will create an XML file that holds 24 final student grades. The application you create will read and parse the grades from the XML file (stored on the server). The application will then calculate the average grade, the lowest grade, and the highest grade and return this information to a browser page, using a form to display the values.

Java students will create the application using Java Server Pages (JSP).

C# students will create the application using C# and ASP.NET.

Web Development students will create the application using HTML with PHP and/or JavaScript.

It is important to design the application before coding (implementation) begins.

Create a design document that shows the approach you will take in creating the application, including the description of each tier.

When you have completed the Assignment, document the steps you took and discuss any issues you faced and how you addressed each issue.


1. Create an XML file that stores 24 student grades.

2. Store the XML file on your server. Use the following locations based on the programming language you are using:

Java: on the Apache® Tomcat server — store the file in the Temp folder.

C#: on the Microsoft Internet Information Server® (IIS) within Visual Studio — store the file in the IIS root directory, which during a typical installation is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express.

Web Development: on the Apache Web server — store the file in the htdocs folder.
(Videos in the Reading section are available in this unit for using Java with the Apache Tomcat and for using C# with IIS. For Web Development, you will use the XXAMP Apache Web Server that you set up for previous units.)

3. Name the file studentGrades.xml.

You will find examples of how to create an XML file and what the format is in your textbook readings and videos.

Write a multi-tier program that performs the following actions:

1. Read and parse the grades from the studentGrades.xml.

2. Determine the lowest grade, the highest grade, and the average grade. Display these values to the screen in graphical user interface form, not console output.

3. Provide documentation of steps taken, issues faced, and how issues were resolved. (You can add this to the end of the design document.)


1. Design document

2. XML file stored on Web server

3. Data from XML file is read into an object

4. Calculations performed on data to get highest grade, lowest grade, and average grade

5. Results displayed to the screen

6. Documentation of steps taken, issues faced, and how issues were resolved. (You can add this to the end of the design document.)

Submit the design document, the XML file, and your code as a zipped file to the Unit 7 Dropbox.

Submit your document files to the Dropbox.

Name your Assignment document according to this convention: IT391_YourLastName_Unit7. Submit your completed Assignment to the Unit 7 Dropbox by the deadline.

Answered 276 days AfterAug 03, 2021

Answer To: Assignment Details Multi-Tier Architecture and Working with XML Outcomes covered in this activity: ...

Raja answered on May 06 2022
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