Assignments 3 and 4 will build off of each other.You are tasked with designing (but not implementing) a public health outreach campaign specific to some aspect of sexual health. For assignment 3 you...

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Assignments 3 and 4 will build off of each other.

You are tasked with designing (but not implementing) a public health outreach campaign specific to some aspect of sexual health. For assignment 3 you will identify and issue that you feel needs to be addressed with in a community (for more details see below). For part 4 you will design outreach campaign. This campaign can be a written proposal, a flyer, a website, a IG or TIktok series, or anything else that you feel would effectively communicate to your audience the message you want them to receive. You are NOT implementing the campaign. Therefore you can dream big as though you had unlimited resources for it.

Part 4: Create a mock up of what you proposed in assignment 3. If you are designing a flyer or pamphlet to hand out create that flyer.

NB:assignment 3 was done some days ago on unifolk with the proposal ..the file sent is the proposal so you will use that proposal to answer just part 4 in this question cos part 3 is done already which is the file i sent here.

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 1 Name: Fatimat Dauda Caldwell University Assignment Three 05 April 2023 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 2 Identifying the Sexual Health Issue and the Target Population Sex Education is the aspect of sexual health that I believe needs to be covered in my campaign. I want to concentrate in particular on expanding student access to thorough sex education in schools. Around 50% of high schools in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), offer instruction on all 19 of their recommended important sexual health subjects. This indicates that a sizable fraction of high school students is not receiving sufficient instruction on sexual health, which can result in unwanted pregnancies, STIs, and other detrimental outcomes. High school kids are the campaign's target audience since they stand to gain the most from thorough sex education. According to research, offering sex education in schools can enhance teenagers' sexual health-related knowledge, attitudes, and practises. The "It's All One Curriculum" campaign and the "Our Entire Lives" campaign are two previous campaigns that deal with the same issue or take a similar tack (Ford et al., 2019). A comprehensive sexuality education program created for use in classrooms in poor nations is the "It's All One Curriculum" campaign. The program has been effective at enhancing students' understanding of and attitudes about sexual health. A comprehensive sexuality education programme called "Our Whole Lives" has been created for use in American Unitarian Universalist congregations and schools. Participants' understanding of and attitudes towards sexual health have improved as a result of the program (Fennell & Grant, 2019). I would need to make sure that my campaign is supported by evidence, sensitive to cultural differences, and inclusive of other perspectives and experiences if I wanted it to be effective. To make sure that the campaign adheres to their ideals and objectives, I would need to WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 3 work in conjunction with educators, parents, and local leaders (Gleason et al., 2022). To reach a large audience of students, parents, and educators, I would also need to use a number of communication channels, such as social media, leaflets, and presentations. Outreach campaign The outreach campaign that I would design to improve access to comprehensive sex education in schools would be called “Sex Ed for All”. The campaign would have the following components:  Advocacy: The campaign would push for laws requiring schools to offer thorough sex education to all students on a state and local level. To do this, legislators, educators, and parents would need to work together to create and put into practice regulations that guarantee all pupils have access to accurate, age-appropriate, and culturally sensitive sex education (Fuchs et al., 2020).  Education: As part of the campaign, educational materials and training on the advantages of comprehensive sex education and how to properly execute it will be given to teachers, parents, and students. This would entail producing online materials, doing webinars and seminars, and giving parents and teachers face-to-face training.  Community Engagement: As part of the campaign, communities will be contacted to discuss the value of thorough sex education and to clear up any confusion or misperceptions that may exist (Sinković & Towler, 2019). Hosting community events, such town hall meetings and panel discussions, as well as collaborating with neighborhoods groups to disseminate campaign material would be required. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 4 Pros and Cons of Two Methods of Outreach  Social media pros: Using social media to reach a wide audience is affordable and effective. It enables customized messaging and may be used to create a community centered on a particular problem. Cons: For some people, social networking may be overwhelming and challenging to use. Inaccurate information can spread as a result, as can cyber bullying.  Presentations are a powerful tool for connecting with a particular audience and disseminating in-depth knowledge about a certain subject. They may be interactive, enabling queries and dialogue. Cons: Planning and delivering presentations might take a lot of time. In addition, they might need particular tools or resources that are not always available. Moreover, some people could experience discomfort or disinterest during presentations. As a result, comprehensive sex education is an important topic that has to be included in schools. To increase access to thorough sex education for all kids, we may push for policy, inform stakeholders, and involve communities through the "Sex Ed for Everyone" campaign. We must be evidence-based, sensitive to cultural differences, and accepting of other viewpoints and experiences if we are to make this campaign effective. To reach a large audience and interact with many stakeholders, we also need to use a range of communication methods, such as presentations and social media. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 5 References Fennell, R., & Grant, B. (2019). Discussing sexuality in health care: A systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing, 28(17-18), 3065-3076. Ford, J. V., Corona Vargas, E., Finotelli Jr, I., Fortenberry, J. D., Kismödi, E., Philpott, A., ... & Coleman, E. (2019). Why pleasure matters: Its global relevance for sexual health, sexual rights and wellbeing. International Journal of Sexual Health, 31(3), 217-230. Ford, J. V., Corona Vargas, E., Finotelli Jr, I., Fortenberry, J. D., Kismödi, E., Philpott, A., ... & Coleman, E. (2019). Why pleasure matters: Its global relevance for sexual health, sexual rights and wellbeing. International Journal of Sexual Health, 31(3), 217-230. Fuchs, A., Matonóg, A., Pilarska, J., Sieradzka, P., Szul, M., Czuba, B., & Drosdzol-Cop, A. (2020). The impact of COVID− 19 on female sexual health. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(19), 7152. Gleason, N., Conroy, K., Taylor, S., Smith, L., Gasser, M., Jennings, T., ... & Banik, S. (2022). “Sex Seems Less Important When You Are Worried About a Deadly Virus.” A Content Analysis of Reported Reasons for Changes in Sexual Behavior and Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 1- 24. Sinković, M., & Towler, L. (2019). Sexual aging: A systematic review of qualitative research on the sexuality and sexual health of older adults. Qualitative Health Research, 29(9), 1239-1254. Identifying the Sexual Health Issue and the Target Population Outreach campaign Pros and Cons of Two Methods of Outreach References
Answered 4 days AfterApr 26, 2023

Answer To: Assignments 3 and 4 will build off of each other.You are tasked with designing (but not...

Dipali answered on May 01 2023
40 Votes
The Sex Ed for All movement seeks to increase access for all students to thorough sex education in schools. Our campaign will be focuse
d on supporting legislation at the state and local levels that would mandate that schools provide comprehensive sex education to all students, as well as on giving teachers, parents, and students educational resources and training. We will also engage communities to discuss the importance of comprehensive sex education and to dispel any misunderstandings that may exist. To reach a wide audience and engage several stakeholders, we'll employ a variety of communication techniques, including presentations and social media.
The Sex Ed for All movement will work to pass laws forcing schools to provide all kids with thorough sex education. Working with lawmakers, educators, and parents will be necessary to develop and put into effect policies that ensure all students have access to accurate, age-appropriate, and culturally sensitive sex education. Our advocacy efforts will include –
· Writing letters to local and state officials urging them to give comprehensive sex education in schools first priority.
· Planning protests and demonstrations to draw attention to the value of thorough sex education
· Holding webinars and seminars to inform the public about the advantages of thorough sex education and the dangers of insufficient sex education
· Collaborating with advocacy groups to...

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