Chapter 13: Sexual violence can take many different forms; it is not limited to acts of non-consensual intercourse, but includes a wide range of sexual behaviours, including attempts to obtain a...

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Chapter 13:

Sexual violence can take many different forms; it is not limited to acts of non-consensual intercourse, but includes a wide range of sexual behaviours, including attempts to obtain a sexual act, sexual harassment, coercion, trafficking for sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation.

In reading chapter 13 you learned a great deal inregards to "Intimate Partner Violence" and "Cycle of Violence" amongst other things. Below I would like you to view the 2 short videos as a foundation to help you respond to all the questions below. Read one other response on the thread and give one feedback.



Discussion questions (please put Question 1& 2 responses in one post and question 3 & 4 responses in a second post):

1) Page 306-308 shared a case that involved a young man by the name of "Rick", after reading the case who would you say is to blame knowing that Rick was a victim of "Inter-parentalViolence"?Did he receive the help he needed? What would you have done differently with his case as a Human Service Specialist or Social worker?

What is Sexual Coercion vs Rape? (page 318/319)

Two of your clients have experienced male on male sexual assault, one due to prison rape and the other child sexual abuse; what are some things to expect? What challenges to expect during treatment?

What are the treatment programs for female prisoners, including theclinical issues facing the female prisonerpopulation. Please include at least two psychosocial problems to explore, such as substance abuse, a history of sexual abuse and pregnancy in prison.

Answered 1 days AfterJul 20, 2021

Answer To: Chapter 13: Sexual violence can take many different forms; it is not limited to acts of...

Sayani answered on Jul 21 2021
146 Votes
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Title: Chapter 13
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Post 1
After reading the case study of Rick from chapter 13, it is clear that after knowing about the bitter childhood about Rick, his wife Sarah blamed him for domestic violence. No, he as such does not receive any kind of help from the social workers and from his wife. Rather his wife is being supported by the social workers as Rick harmed her physically out of terrific anger. His wife Sarah was overwhelmed with flood of emotions such as guilt, sadness, confusion and fear.
If I would had been a social worker or human social service specialist then I would first try to guide Rick...

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