

Class Activity Book- Student Pack SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices SITXWHS007– Implement and monitor work health and safety practices Assessor copy (For Assessor use only)– SITXWHS007– Implement and monitor work health and safety practices: Question 1: Define the term “Work health and safety”. Question 2: What kind of WHS Data should you share with staff? Question 3: What should be included in the Work health and safety procedures? Question 4: Discuss the guideline you should follow when monitoring workplace demands. Question 5: Explain the term “non-compliance”. Question 6: Discuss the steps for monitoring health and safety. Question 7: How do you take part in the WHS consultation? Question 8: List out the relevant parties who may resolve a dispute. Question 9: How do we identify hazards in the workplace? Question 10: What methods might you use to detect health and safety issues before an event occurs? Question 11: Which information you should consider in a risk assessment? Question 12: Explain the term “Hierarchy of control”. Question 13: Which are the two (2) factors to consider when examining risk control strategies? Question 14: Answer the following questions a) How do you determine the need for training? b) What are the benefits of workplace safety training? Question 15: What should be covered in health and safety training? Question 16: Discuss two (2) steps for evaluating your safety training programme. Question 17: What are the benefits of keeping records keeping? Question 18: Define the work health and safety management system. Unit Code: SITXWHS007Page 2 of 5 SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations CLASS ACTIVITIES - Student SITXMGT004 - Monitor work operations Question 1: List the main steps involved to monitor work operations. Question 2: List the key strategies involved to monitor efficiency and service levels. Question 3: What is meant by quality assurance? Question 4: List the steps involved to implement quality assurance in the workplace. Question 5: What kind of tools are required to identify quality problems? Question 6: List some ways to improve efficiency and service levels. Question 7: Discuss some strategies to identify and take opportunities to evaluate current and emerging industry trends for relevance to own work situation. Question 8: What is meant by social responsibility? Question 9: List some tips to ensure systems and procedures meet WHS requirements. Question 10: Discuss the steps involved to schedule work to maximise customer service quality. Question 11: What is meant by delegation? Question 12: Why measuring your progress is an important component of defining an effective goal? Question 13: List some ways of coaching colleagues in prioritising workload. Question 14: What are the key factors to consider when identifying staffing needs? Question 15: What are the key steps involved in monitoring team and individual performance against agreed goals and objectives? Question 16: List the key benefits of proactively sharing information and knowledge with team members. Question 17: Discuss some strategies to provide feedback and support to team members. Question 18: What are the main steps involved to complete a performance report? Question 19: What is a SWOT diagram? Question 20: Discuss some strategies to encourage individuals who raise problems to participate in solving the problems. Class Activities: Activity 1: Day-to-day business operations include daily activities carried out by a company's personnel that contribute to the company's overall success and are in line with its objectives. As a warm-up, write down the key things that comes to your mind when you think of monitoring work operations. Activity 2 On your own, or with a partner, take another look at the list above. Rank each point in order of importance to you. Then, (if you are working with another person), compare your results with your partner. If you are working alone, use the space below to make some reflections on your list. Points for reflection: 1. Which aspect of monitoring work operations is the most important to you? Why? 1. Which is the least important? Why? 1. Do you think that different aspects may be more or less important to you and to others at different points of the lifespan? Why do you think people’s priorities may change at different points in time? Activity 3: In this activity, you are required to create a PowerPoint presentation to monitor team and individual performance against agreed goals and objectives. Activities 1-3 Answer may vary but student must address the questions according to the following resources: · Learner Guide · PowerPoint presentation · Self-study Guide · Live Training sessions and discussions with trainers/assessors Unit Code: SITXMGT004Page 2 of 6
Jun 08, 2023

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