Critically read, summarize, and respond to the assigned readings. See the detailed Discussion Assignment instructions in the "Major Assignments" module to help you write 1-2 substantive and...

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  1. Critically read, summarize, and respond to the assigned readings

    . See the detailed Discussion Assignment instructions in the "Major Assignments" module to help you write 1-2 substantive and thoughtful paragraphs in which you preview, critically read, summarize, and give an overall response to the assigned readings.

  2. Respond to these additional questions:

    1. After reading these assigned readings, how do you think you can revise your Essay #2 thesis for Essay #3?

    2. What information and evidence will you need to find to develop and support your thesis and main points about the problem and solution for Essay #3?

    3. What sources have you found so far, and what sources do you still need to find?

    4. What questions do you have about the Annotated Bibliography assignment? (See the Annotated Bibliography assignment on the "Essay Assignments" page in the Major Assignments module.)

    5. Finally, post a draft annotation paragraph for one of your sources with the MLA works cited citation above it. (See example annotations in the Annotated Bibliography resources on the "Essay Assignments" page in the Major Assignments module for an example of what each annotation should look like.)


Microsoft Word - refinetopic.docx HowtoChooseandRefineYourTopic Yourfirststeptowardsasuccessfulresearchpaperorprojectistochooseamanageabletopic.A manageabletopicshouldbe: • Interestingtoyou.Itshouldbeatopicthatyouwanttoknowmoreaboutandcanholdyour interestandattentiontotheendofyourresearchpaperorassignment. • Nottoobroad.Atopicthatistoobroadwillretrievewaytoomuchinformation.Forexample, youcanwriteamultivolumeencyclopediasetonabroadtopicsuchas“health.” • Nottoonarrow.Atopicthatistoonarrowmayretrievenoorveryfewpublishedresources.If thetopicistoospecificornew,itwillbedifficultfindingenoughinformationtowriteaseveral pagepaper. • Welldefinedandspecific.Alwaystrytostateyourtopicasaquestion.Thiswillhelpyouclarify yourthoughtsandremainfocused. HowtoNarrowYourTopic Example:“Iamthinkingofdoingapaperonhealth.” Defineyourtopicbyaskingthefollowingquestions: • Whenyouthinkofthisbroadtopic,whatspecificissuesinterestyou–careersinhealthcare, specificdisordersordiseases,thestateofhealthcareintheUnitedStates?Allofthese subtopicsarefacetsofthemuchbroadertopic–health. • Whataspectsofyourtopicinterestyou:business,history,legal,physical,psychological,social etc.? • Whattimeperioddoyouwanttocover? • Doyouwanttofocusonageographicregionorpopulation? • Whatkindofinformationdoyouneed?(e.g.,abriefsummaryoralengthyexplanation; periodicalarticlesorbooks;statistics) SampleTopic–NarrowingChart: GeneralTopic: Health FacetsofTopic: autism,cancer,depression,eatingdisorders,healthcare AspectsorEvent: business,history,legal,physical,psychological,social TimeSpan: 1990s;current PlaceorPopulation (Demographics): AfricanAmericans,Hispanics,men,women,teenagers,UnitedStates NarrowedResearch Question: Doesthemedia’sportrayaloftheidealfemalebodycontributetoeating disordersinwomen? CreatedbyReynoldsCommunityCollegeLibraries.Thisworkislicensedundera CreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike4.0InternationalLicense. Lastupdated7/09/19 Refine,NarroworBroadenaTopic HowtoBroadenYourTopic Example:“IamthinkingofdoingapaperonhowfishingintheJamesRiverinRichmond,VAhas affectedthesmallmouthbasspopulation.” Thetopicaboveisseekingtoansweraquestionforwhichtheremaybenoansweryet–theremaybe noorverylittleresearchorstudiesthathavebeenconductedonthistopic.Howcanthisbeturnedinto amoremanageabletopic? Hint:Lookforparallelsandopportunitiesforbroaderassociations: • Ratherthanconcentrateonaspecificspeciesoffish,examinemorebroadfishpopulationssuch asfreshwaterfishorsaltwaterfish. • ExaminelargergeographicregionsthatareaffectedsuchasVirginiaortheEastCoast. • Identifythepeopleorgroupsthatencompassthistopicsuchasfishermenorfish&wildlife governmentdepartments. • Brainstormforotherissuesrelatedtothistopicsuchasfisherymanagement,fisheryregulations, fishinglicenses,fishstocking,etc. SampleTopic–BroadeningChart: SpecificTopic: HowhasfishingintheJamesRiverinRichmond,VAaffectedthe smallmouthbasspopulation? Alternatefocus: freshwaterfish,saltwaterfish AlternatePlace: SoutheasternUnitedStates,Virginia,EastCoast,rivers,oceans BrainstormFocuson GrouporPerson fishermen,fish&wildlifegovernmentdepartments BrainstormFocuson AspectorEvent fisherymanagement,fisheryregulations,fishinglicenses,fish stocking BroadenedResearch Question HowhavegovernmentfishingregulationsintheUnitedStates affectedthefreshwaterfishpopulation? NarrowingandBroadeningChartsadaptedfrom:HowtoNarroworBroadenYourTopic,UCLALibrary: Ibtessam Prof: Jennifer Hitchcock ENG 11 3/21/2023 Domestic Violence in USA Introduction Domestic violence is an example of abusive conduct utilized by one life partner to seize or keep control over a private buddy. It can happen in a partnership. Domestic violence can incorporate any example of constrained conduct that impacts an individual in a nearby partner relationship, whether it be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or specialized. Any actions that harasser, control, embarrass, confine, scare, dread, force, compromise, fault, hurt, mischief, or wound somebody fall under this class. Instances Of Abusive Behavior · Physical Abuse: Physical abuse incorporates hitting, striking, pushing, getting a handle on, squeezing, gnawing, hair yanking, and so forth. This sort of abuse likewise incorporates denying a sidekick of clinical consideration or convincing the person in question to utilize drugs or potentially liquor. · Sexual Abuse: any sexual activity or interaction that is constrained or is being constrained without consent. Conjugal assault, attacks on the body's sexual organs, forcing somebody into having intercourse after physical abuse, and being treated in a sexually corrupting way are instances of sexual abuse, however they are in no way, shape or form the specific ones. · Emotional Abuse: Abuse happens when somebody's self-worth as well as self-esteem are decreased. Consistent evaluate, subverting one's abilities, calling names, or hurting one's association with one's youngsters are only a couple of instances of this (Mills et al.). · Economic Abuse: confining or controlling an individual's admittance to, or utilization of, economic assets to which they are legitimately permitted. It likewise incorporates unjustifiably utilizing an individual's very own economic assets, like cash, resources, and credit, or applying excessive impact over an individual's monetary and economic way of behaving or choices, like causing default on joint or other monetary commitments, exploiting powers of lawyer, guardianship, or conservatorship, or falling flat or failing to make any of these moves. · Psychological Abuse: Making fear through terrorizing, compromising materially mischief to oneself, one's partner, youngsters, or one's partner's family or companions, annihilating one's pets and property, and causing one to feel segregated from family, companions, school, or potentially work are instances of psychological abuse. · Technological Abuse: Utilizing any type of innovation, including however not restricted to: web empowered gadgets, online spaces and stages, PCs, cell phones, cameras and imaging programs, applications, area GPS beacons, correspondence advancements, or some other arising advancements, an act or example of conduct that is planned to hurt, compromise, control, tail, pester, mimic, exploit, blackmail, or screen someone else (Kourti et al.). Causes Of Domestic Violence Domestic abuse casualties often accept there is no chance to get out, and loved ones who can't intercede may likewise feel miserable. Also, some batterers probably won't know that their actions qualify as domestic violence. Hence, breaking the example of domestic abuse might require monitoring the markers and risk factors. Normal risk factors connected with domestic violence include (Kofman & Garfin): · Low self-esteem: There seems, by all accounts, to be an association between low self-esteem and the probability of committing domestic violence. Abusers might use embarrassing people as a way of dealing with especially difficult times for their unfortunate self-esteem. · Longing for Power or Control: Connections where one individual needs to apply control over the other as often as possible outcome in domestic violence. The abuser could try to deal with the casualty's funds, get-away plans, and public activity. · Past Abuse History: Without assistance, halting the example of abuse can challenge. People who were physically or emotionally abused as kids might be more disposed to abuse others later on. · Social or regular points of view on orientation standards: Certain individuals might go to domestic violence to control their companion or kids in social orders where animosity is acknowledged or where there are imbued thoughts of orientation imbalance, (for example, the possibility that guys are better than women). Having said that, domestic violence might be committed by or endured by anyone, paying little mind to orientation or sexual direction. · Abuse and a few characteristics of mental infections, for example, marginal behavioral condition, might be connected. This might be especially the situation on the off chance that the patient isn't getting powerful consideration. · Weighty Substance Use: People who use medications or alcohol frequently might be more disposed to abuse others. Regardless of an individual's nationality, age, sexual direction, religion, sex, or orientation character, domestic abuse can happen to anybody. People from different socioeconomic beginnings and instructive levels are impacted by domestic abuse. Domestic violence can end up insinuating partners who are hitched, living respectively, dating, or who have a kid with them. It can likewise occur in same-sex and other gender connections. Effects Of Domestic Violence Domestic abuse has a critical impact on the people in question, yet in addition on relatives, companions, colleagues, different observers, and the general public overall. Youngsters who experience domestic violence as they grow up are among the individuals who are harmed by this wrongdoing. As well as inclining kids toward a large group of physical and social issues, continuous openness to violence in the family instructs them that abuse is an ordinary piece of life, raising the probability that they will grow up to be society's future casualties and abusers. Any individual who has managed domestic violence has without a doubt given their best for safeguard their kids from it (Bright, Burton & Kosky). Be that as it may, regardless of whether they express it or discuss it, numerous families encountering domestic abuse have youngsters who know about it. It could be extraordinarily disturbing, horrendous, and destructive for kids to see or hear one of their folks being forceful or abusive against the other. These encounters can have a deep rooted adverse consequence. Ways Of Fighting Domestic Violence Leaving an abusive relationship may here and there be very difficult. In any case, there are different ways of preparing help when you're. You might need to ponder consolidating different assets to help you on your street to recuperation, for example, online advising, notwithstanding the pivotal ones expressed above, like the National Domestic Violence Hotline. With Better Help’s online treatment, you might have a meeting any place you have a good sense of safety and agreeable as long as you have a dependable web association. If going to visit a guide or specialist in person is testing or on the other hand in the event that you're worried about being seen there, you don't have to stroll inside an office. Solid information upholds the viability of online guiding for various issues, particularly for casualties of domestic abuse. For example, one such review inspected the adequacy of mental conduct treatment (ICBT) gave through the web to casualties of cozy partner abuse. It found that the treatment had "huge and measurably critical" impacts on various PTSD and misery factors. Conclusion This domestic violence debate expects to illuminate the overall population on the elements of abuse in close partner connections, as well as to help casualties in figuring out their experience and casualties' loved ones in spotting advance notice indications of abuse in their friends and family's connections. The Domestic Violence Meaning of the Violence Against Women Act manages the Act's supported projects. Work Cited Bright, Candace Forbes, Christopher Burton, and Madison Kosky. "Considerations of the impacts of COVID-19 on domestic violence in the United States." Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2.1 (2020): 100069. Kofman, Yasmin B., and Dana Rose Garfin. "Home is not always a haven: The domestic violence crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 12.S1 (2020): S199. Kourti, Anastasia, et al. "Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review." Trauma, violence, & abuse (2021): 15248380211038690. Mills, Linda G., et al. "A randomized controlled trial of restorative justice-informed treatment for domestic violence crimes." Nature human behavior 3.12 (2019): 1284-1294. Microsoft Word - refinetopic.docx HowtoChooseandRefineYourTopic Yourfirststeptowardsasuccessfulresearchpaperorprojectistochooseamanageabletopic.A manageabletopicshouldbe: • Interestingtoyou.Itshouldbeatopicthatyouwanttoknowmoreaboutandcanholdyour interestandattentiontotheendofyourresearchpaperorassignment. • Nottoobroad.Atopicthatistoobroadwillretrievewaytoomuchinformation.Forexample, youcanwriteamultivolumeencyclopediasetonabroadtopicsuchas“health.” • Nottoonarrow.Atopicthatistoonarrowmayretrievenoorveryfewpublishedresources.If thetopicistoospecificornew,itwillbedifficultfindingenoughinformationtowriteaseveral pagepaper. • Welldefinedandspecific.Alwaystrytostateyourtopicasaquestion.Thiswillhelpyouclarify yourthoughtsandremainfocused. HowtoNarrowYourTopic Example:“Iamthinkingofdoingapaperonhealth.” Defineyourtopicbyaskingthefollowingquestions: • Whenyouthinkofthisbroadtopic,whatspecificissuesinterestyou–careersinhealthcare, specificdisordersordiseases,thestateofhealthcareintheUnitedStates?Allofthese subtopicsarefacetsofthemuchbroadertopic–health. • Whataspectsofyourtopicinterestyou:business,history,legal,physical,psychological,social etc.? • Whattimeperioddoyouwanttocover? • Doyouwanttofocusonageographicregionorpopulation? • Whatkindofinformationdoyouneed?(e.g.,abriefsummaryoralengthyexplanation; periodicalarticlesorbooks;statistics) SampleTopic–NarrowingChart: GeneralTopic: Health FacetsofTopic: autism,cancer,depression,eatingdisorders,healthcare AspectsorEvent: business,history,legal,physical,psychological,social TimeSpan: 1990s;current PlaceorPopulation (Demographics): AfricanAmericans,Hispanics,men,women,teenagers,UnitedStates NarrowedResearch Question: Doesthemedia’sportrayaloftheidealfemalebodycontributetoeating disordersinwomen? CreatedbyReynoldsCommunityCollegeLibraries.Thisworkislicensedundera CreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike4.0InternationalLicense. Lastupdated7/09/19 Refine,NarroworBroadenaTopic HowtoBroadenYourTopic Example:“IamthinkingofdoingapaperonhowfishingintheJamesRiverinRichmond,VAhas affectedthesmallmouthbasspopulation.” Thetopicaboveisseekingtoansweraquestionforwhichtheremaybenoansweryet–theremaybe noorverylittleresearchorstudiesthathavebeenconductedonthistopic.Howcanthisbeturnedinto amoremanageabletopic? Hint:Lookforparallelsandopportunitiesforbroaderassociations: • Ratherthanconcentrateonaspecificspeciesoffish,examinemorebroadfishpopulationssuch asfreshwaterfishorsaltwaterfish. • ExaminelargergeographicregionsthatareaffectedsuchasVirginiaortheEastCoast. • Identifythepeopleorgroupsthatencompassthistopicsuchasfishermenorfish&wildlife governmentdepartments. • Brainstormforotherissuesrelatedtothistopicsuchasfisherymanagement,fisheryregulations, fishinglicenses,fishstocking,etc. SampleTopic–BroadeningChart: SpecificTopic: HowhasfishingintheJamesRiverinRichmond,VAaffectedthe smallmouthbasspopulation? Alternatefocus: freshwaterfish,saltwaterfish AlternatePlace: SoutheasternUnitedStates,Virginia,EastCoast,rivers,oceans BrainstormFocuson GrouporPerson fishermen,fish&wildlifegovernmentdepartments BrainstormFocuson AspectorEvent fisherymanagement,fisheryregulations,fishinglicenses,fish stocking BroadenedResearch Question HowhavegovernmentfishingregulationsintheUnitedStates affectedthefreshwaterfishpopulation? NarrowingandBroadeningChartsadaptedfrom:HowtoNarroworBroadenYourTopic,UCLALibrary:
Answered Same DayMar 29, 2023

Answer To: Critically read, summarize, and respond to the assigned readings. See the detailed Discussion...

Parul answered on Mar 30 2023
28 Votes
Answer 1. After reading essay #2 here are a few things I would incorporate to make the essay #3 there are a few additional steps you can take to make your essay more engaging and effective:
· Vary your sentence structure: Using different sentence lengths and structures can make your writing more interesting and engaging. Try to avoid using too many long or complex sentences in a row (Bagnall et al. 12)
· Use active voice: Writing in the active voice can make your writing more dynamic and engaging. Instead of saying "the ball was thrown by John," say "John threw the ball."
· Provide examples: Providing specific examples can help illustrate your points and make them more memorable for the reader (Li et al. 74)
· Use vivid language: Using descriptive and specific language can help bring your writing to life and make it more engaging. Avoid using overly general or abstract language (Li et al. 74)
· Edit and proofread: Finally, make sure to carefully edit and proofread your essay to catch any errors or typos. It can also be helpful to have someone else read your essay and provide feedback.
Answer 2. One in four women and one in nine men experience severe physical violence from an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime.

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