Design a simplified MIPS processor that supports only a made-up instruction called addrm rd, rs, rt, which adds the value in rs with the memory value at address rt, and stores the result in rd. Assume...

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Designing a simplified MIPS processor

Design a simplified MIPS processor that supports only a made-up instruction called addrm rd, rs, rt, which adds the value in rs with the memory value at address rt, and stores the result in rd. Assume the control signals have been generated and only the data path needs to be designed. addrm rd, rs, rt opcode (6 bits) rs (5 bits) rt (5 bits) rd (5 bits)
Answered Same DayMar 19, 2021

Answer To: Design a simplified MIPS processor that supports only a made-up instruction called addrm rd, rs, rt,...

Sandeep Kumar answered on Mar 19 2021
146 Votes
Since addrm is modified version of add command, therefore the modified MIPS processor is given below
addrm rd, rs, rt
opcode (6 bits) rs (5 bits) rt (5 bits) rd (5 bits)

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