Develop a brand presentation of 8-12 slides for a new pet food product using speakers notes for each slide to expand talking points. Use previous assignment to build upon.

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Develop a brand presentation of 8-12 slides for a new pet food product using speakers notes for each slide to expand talking points. Use previous assignment to build upon.

apella University ® X Assessment 2 Instructions: Brar X | lli= /listContent.jsp?course id= 394640 1&content_id= 12432081 1 Develop a brand presentation of 8 12 slides for a new pet food product ( your employer or future employer), using the spe aker's notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Introduction Branding is a means of differentiating a product from its competitors. Branding is an important aspect of marketing because it provides a distinctive identity to a product or family of products that sets it apart from s the concept of brands and d structure. By the end of the assessment, you may look at branding an you do right now! competitors. This assessment introduce Position their products within the brand iscusses the various ways marketers and products a bit differently th Introduction Completion of this portfolio work project will hel presentation. Scenario [3 The Vice President of Marketing at MSH Brands ( impressed with your marketing plan submitted or at your employer or future employer company) was n brand presentation based on this work. Assessment 1. They have now asked you to develop a N77 ™s 1 or new product or line extension at sity d/c X [@ Assessment? Instructions Brant x “+ ontent/listContent ISprcourse id Your Role You are a Brand Manager at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future e asked to develop mployer company). You are being a brand presentation for 3 hew pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.) Requirements You are to develop a brand present g elements based on on your work submitted in Assessment 1. Develop a PowerPoint p the work, using the spe aker's notes sections of each slide to ex Présentation includes: ation including the followin your research, building resentation of 8-12 slides that synthesize pand your talking points, Be sure your * What is the brand name for the product? What role d * Who is the target market? oes the new product play in the brand portfolio? What will be the new Product's objectives ( Create g Usage among current USers, support trade What will be the new product position? Ho What will be the new product com reater customer loyalty, increase trials, expand relations)? ‘leuoissajoud ssauisng e jo pa1dadxa SE Solueydsw pue ‘sbesn Jewwelb 1501105 YM eapi [enjuad e pioddns oy Apuaisyod syupp o ‘Siap|oyayels a|dinw yum saibajens pug ‘seniunyioddo ‘spasu Bunasiew Siedlunwiwio) :g Asusyadwon ‘1Pnpoud e uoy (Juswiase|d pue ‘uonowioid '‘Buibesoed ‘Buniid) xiw Bunaxiew ap aen|ea] o 9seq-aduspins 11oddns 0 e1ep asn ig Aousiadwon saibalens Bunsyiew jo SSQUaAI ‘SPoylaw pue saibajeis Bunsiew jo SSaUaADays ay ‘(Quawbas 1ob.1e) ‘Pueiq ui ajo ‘aweu 1dnpoud ‘'saibajeu;s Bunexiew dojanap 01 s|lep 'SUoIsap bunasiew p "(Buluonisod pue SaAa[qo 1onpoid) Das a1 S1enjeA] 0 19jenjeny iz Kouaradwion ° ) SSauIsSNg ay) Jo 1xa1uod SY} a1enomy o OW pue sauosy) Bunasiew Addy | fouaraduwion ‘eL911Id apinb Bunoos Buip 851N0D Buimojjoy ayy ul Aduapyoid nok ajeljsuowap uodsalion ybnoiyy sapusyadwiod ||!M NoA Juawissasse si} Buns|d wod A|njssanons Aq uoljen|eng ‘@2ualpne ay) I1apisuod nok ains 9g o '$92IN0S dAlf Jsed| Je Wo) S92U319J81 panewlo)- JY o '9pI|S saduULIalaY o ‘BplS Sli] o -Sjuswislinbal [euonippy/ s ‘Uol1109s 52]0U S, l2yeads al] ul 9pPl|S yoea uo s|lelsp |Euonippe gl || i » ‘(sapl|s SaduUalajal pue 931 ay) 0} uonippe ui) sa . o2Inosal e se [YT JJ] SUONPIUSSSI J TUIt 'd49MO DAIDS1T 10] =aUlloping asm ruonejuasaid Jui . jewlio4 S|qelaAlle( (SaA1DsIgo ay] Jua ua|dwo ' 4 ||IM MOL jluswiade i ped) 4+ L “4 3d 9] Sly [tA MOH * il HL SHEE LR AA AARNE - Ud1ieas 0] aut
Answered 3 days AfterJun 29, 2023

Answer To: Develop a brand presentation of 8-12 slides for a new pet food product using speakers notes for each...

Dipali answered on Jul 03 2023
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