DISCUSS - IMPACT OF RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) ON AVIATION Objective -Identify a broad range of contemporary safety issues facing the aviation industry

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DISCUSS - IMPACT OF RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) ON AVIATION

Objective -Identify a broad range of contemporary safety issues facing the aviation industry

Answered Same DayAug 24, 2020AVN3105

Answer To: DISCUSS - IMPACT OF RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) ON AVIATION Objective -Identify a...

Kuldeep answered on Aug 25 2020
139 Votes
Running head: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
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Executive Summary
Remote pilot aircraft (commonly known as drones) are increasingly growing areas in aviation, which are used for both commercial and recreational purposes. Some commercial uses are directly useful for airport operations, for example, aerodrome ground lighting inspection, and promise benefit
s in efficiency. This essay examines the impact of RPAS (Remote Pilot Aircraft System) on Aviation. The main objective of this essay is to identify a wide range of contemporary security issues facing the aviation industry.
Remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) have recently shown their importance in military operations, especially for monitoring and gathering information. RPAS can provide facilities such as border management, border control and management facilities, including basic supervision, fire extinguishing, destruction or environmental monitoring. In December 2013, RPAS has been named as one of four capacity developmental priorities by the European Council.
IMPACT OF RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) ON AVIATION
The aviation industry is constantly growing along with other industries, and it is likely to continue to grow in the future. There have been a lot of changes in the airports, airlines and aircrafts in the industry since the middle of the 20th century. Some changes have been helped by past challenges and events. For example, the challenges like Tenerife Air Accident provide significant transportation facilities for the management of aircrafts, aircraft and airlines and design of airport design and management. The number of air passengers is increasing and thereby increasing the number of new airlines, developing new airports and increasing the number of aircraft (Abdul Sathar Eqbal, Fernando, Marino & Wild, 2018). Globalization has combined the world in such a way that it has helped the airlines in many countries and regions instead of focusing on some areas of the region. Technical advancements have helped airlines improve customer service and increase customer experience. Today, for example, customers can access major airlines' services through online websites and book travels. Improvements in aircraft design have increased the air travel safety. Despite the fact that many changes have made significant improvements in the services and services of the aviation industry, today working organizations in the industry deal with many issues and challenges. Increasing the security of air travel is a major challenge, the airline and the airport have a long-term challenge, and it is still a major concern. The main security hazard in the terrorist aviation industry has long been targeting terrorists and airports as they are targets of terror attacks. The Tenerife disaster in 1977, the basic reason for the disaster, which is the biggest airborne disaster in the history of the air, was terrorism and 513 people died due to devastation. The US attack by Al-Qaeda's terrorist group on September 11, 2001, is one of the most notable issues faced by the aviation industry recently. Al Qaeda group kidnapped the planes and used them to attack America. The September 11 attacks led the aviation industry to come up with several safeguards and regulations in the US and other countries to reduce the incidents of terrorist attacks. For example, the monitoring system was installed in the airport, which is to detect bombs, guns, grenades and other things which can be used by terrorists (Bellenkes, 2007). Despite this, the aviation industry is still the target of terrorist attacks, such as the industry's recent attacks. A good example is the attack on the passengers in a Q at Brussels Airport with two suicide bombers on March 22, 2016. In this attack, 32 people died. In October 2015, a Russian ship blew a Russian plane on a route from a military peninsula to St. Petersburg. All 224 passengers of the plane had died. Recently, on June 8, 2016, three passengers were killed in an entrance hall at Aturk International Airport in Turkey. More than 40 people died in this attack. In relation to this, maintaining transportation protection is still a major challenge for the global aviation industry. More than 150 people have been injured.
Positive Impact of RPAS in aviation industry
RPAS is opening a promising new chapter in the history of aviation. Because they can fly closer to land and obstacles, these unmanned systems are capable of working under...

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