MGMT 601: Assignment #2 – Leadership Skills Analysis Login into CONNECT and click the link called "Course wide resources and additional activities". Click the self assessment link called "Do you have...

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"Do you have what it takes to be a leader?"

MGMT 601: Assignment #2 – Leadership Skills Analysis Login into CONNECT and click the link called "Course wide resources and additional activities". Click the self assessment link called "Do you have what it takes to be a leader?" and assess your leadership style. Write a paper starting with an intro and then for part one, write about what are the strongest and weakest areas of your style. DO NOT USE ONLY PERSONALITY TEST (MBTI OR BIG 5). You can include some concept related to your personality but this paper is about your leadership style. In part two develop a written plan to improve the areas where you are not strong. At the end of the paper include a short conclusion. Before you start working on your paper, you should thoroughly explore the grading rubric at the end of this instruction and clearly identify key elements based on which your paper will be assessed. Requirements: · Write the paper using APA style with 6-8 references, in addition to the textbook, including several peer reviewed references. All sources must have: authors, publication dates, and publishers. “Anonymous” authors, and sources without dates or publishers will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted. · The paper should be at least 1500 words, and should exhibit good writing and analytical skills – review the grading rubric. · Submit your paper via Turnitin before the due date; late submissions are penalized by 10%/day This assignment holds a value of 20% of your final mark. Marks are assigned as per the Grading Rubric in this instruction. Grading Rubric for Assignment #2 Written Communication Assessment 10% 1-2 Did not meet expectations 3-4 Met expectations 5 Exceeded expectations Writing Conventions /5 (grammar, word use, punctuation, mechanics) Frequent grammatical errors and misspellings inhibit readability. Informal language, abbreviations and slang are used Few grammatical errors (3 or fewer per page). Correct verb tense used. Paragraphs flow from one to another. Active voice pervasive Free of grammatical errors and misspellings. Effective verb tense used. Uses phrases and construction that delight as well as inform the reader Primarily active voice Overall Effectiveness /5 (appearance/format) Not formatted to Specifications, Lacking professional appearance Formatting is generally correct, acceptable professional appearance. Assigned format followed explicitly: exceptional professional appearance Critical Thinking and Written Analysis Rubric 90% Criteria 1-5 Did Not Meet Expectations 6-8 Met Expectations 9-10 Exceeded Expectations Clarity /10 Writing is not clear. It is difficult to understand points being made. The writing lacks transitions, and few examples and/or illustrations are provided to support explanation or recommendations. Writing is generally well organized and understood. Transitions are used to facilitate clarity. Some examples and/illustrations are used to support explanation or recommendations. Writing is succinct, precise, effectively organized no ambiguity. Transitions, explanation and elaboration are extensive to elucidate points. Detailed illustrations and/or examples are used to support explanation & recommendations Relevance /10 Critical issues/questions are omitted or ignored in the writing. Most of the critical issues/questions are addressed in the writing. All critical issues/questions are addressed completely in writing Depth of Discussion /20 Ignores bias; Omits arguments Misrepresents issues; Excludes data; Includes but does not detect inconsistency of information; Ideas contain unnecessary gaps, repetition or extraneous details overlooks differences Detects bias; Recognizes arguments; Categorizes content; Paraphrases data; Sufficient detail to support conclusions and/or recommendations Analysis includes insightful questions; Refutes bias; Discusses issues thoroughly; Critiques content; Values information Examines inconsistencies; Offers extensive detail to support conclusions and recommendations; Suggests solutions/ implementation Breadth of Discussion /20 Omits arguments or perspectives; Misses major content areas/concepts; Presents few options Covers the breadth of the topic without being superfluous Considers multiple perspectives; Thoroughly delves into the issues/questions; Thoroughly discusses relevant facts Integration Elements of Reasoning /20 Fails to draw conclusions or conclusions rely on author’s authority rather than strength of presentation; Draws faulty conclusions; Shows intellectual dishonesty Formulates clear conclusions with adequate support Assimilates and critically reviews information, uses reasonable judgment, and provides balanced, well justified conclusions Internally Consistent /10 There is little integration across the sections of the paper. Several inconsistencies or contradictions exist. Few of the issues, recommendations and explanations make sense; not well integrated. Sections of the paper are generally well linked/connected. Only minor contradictions exist. Most of the issues, recommendations and explanations make sense and are well integrated. All sections of the paper are linked. There are no contradictions in the writing. All issues, recommendations and explanations make sense and are well integrated /100
Answered 2 days AfterMay 10, 2021

Answer To: MGMT 601: Assignment #2 – Leadership Skills Analysis Login into CONNECT and click the link called...

M answered on May 13 2021
146 Votes
Leadership Skills Analysis
Results of Assessment
Over the past decades, extensive research on leadership clearly indicates a dire need for a good leadership (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2022). As Warren Bennis stated, “To an extent, leadership is like beauty: it’s hard to define, but you know it when you see it” (Ga
ither, 2004), the term has been defined and redefined in but so many different ways. However, a mutual theme that runs through literature is the fact that it is a process (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2022), that which everybody needs to acquire and incessantly hone its traits as life encounters call for having to lead (Gaither, 2004). Several myths attached to the term ‘leadership’ such as that good leadership is all common sense, or that leaders are born, and not made, and that the only school you learn about leadership is from the school of hard knocks (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2022). These have been these myths have been constantly debunked by research findings paving way for more refined and effective leadership. As crucial is to understand and keep up with the direction of leadership literature, it is must for one to come to knowledge the strengths and weaknesses of self concerning the leadership traits to become an effective leader.
The current assessment of my leadership qualities from the model provided sheds light on the potential and skills of leadership I possess. The total score of 77/100 indicates the possession of moderate leadership skills. Of the seven qualities of a leader such as personal stability, productivity, self-management, boundary setting, communication, work quality, and teamwork, several traits scored fairer than others. By the assessment result, more advantageous traits include productivity, communication, work quality and teamwork. A leader who leads by example in managing time and resources effectively is sought after (Day & Sammons, 2013). It has always been my strive to work effectively which means to keep in mind the priorities, underlined by time in hand and resources available. It is outright and blatantly vain to work hard with no strategy. The right plan and approach will point in the right direction and towards productivity. Having known what is expected of a person can bring about clear priorities and hence give birth to effective decisions and appropriate actions (Haley, n.d). Communication as a vital tool in a group works best when it is utilized in the right way. Success is hugely dependent on the effectiveness of communicating accurately, clearly and powerfully, as Haley puts it (n.d.). Listening well to others, at ease to communicate with all types of people, keeping others informed, and understanding viewpoint from others’ perspective will go a long way (National Minority AIDS Council, 2015). When it comes to work quality, being focused and attentive to intricate details sets apart from others and pushes forward towards the attainment of a goal. In addition, a task well cooperated by the teammates is a prerequisite throughout the process of operation. To value all members and opinions, along with a good communication channel, work quality, and productivity will outcome excellent result...

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