>>> from WordGame import * >>> import random ############################# Directions ############################# The goal of this assignment is to create a text based word guessing game. The...

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>>> from WordGame import * >>> import random ############################# Directions ############################# The goal of this assignment is to create a text based word guessing game. The project is completely described in this file, WordGameTEST.py. Follow these steps: 1) download files to your working folder. you will need the win.txt and lose.txt files as inputs 2) Create a file WordGame.py and add your solutions (functions/classes) to that file. 3) After you finish each section, run the doctest to check it. 4) When you are finished submit your WordGame.py #################### clean #################### clean - Implement a function clean that accepts two str arguments, the first a str of "bad" characters and the second a phrase. clean should then return a copy of the phrase where each character in the bad str has been replaced by a single space character, " ". >>> clean(".,?", 'Hello, how are you?') 'Hello how are you ' >>> bad = '="0€%:@)795]”,(#-!3/;81?2&\'$.4*[6â' >>> clean( bad, 'ACADEME, n. An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught.') 'ACADEME n An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught ' >>> clean(bad, 'ACADEMY, n. [from ACADEME] A modern school where football is taught.') 'ACADEMY n from ACADEME A modern school where football is taught ' >>> clean(bad, bad) == len(bad)*" " True ##>>> biercetxt = clean(bad,open('Bierce.txt').read()) ##>>> len(biercetxt) ##382251 #################### wordsByLength #################### wordsByLength - Implement a function wordsByLength that accepts one str argument, a phrase, and that returns a dictionary. Each key in the returned dictionary is a word length and the value corresponding to that key will be a list of the words in the phrase that have that length. Entries will be listed in the order encountered. >>> wordsByLength('hello how are you') {5: ['hello'], 3: ['how', 'are', 'you']} >>> wordsByLength('Given a phrase this function will return a dictionary that lists those words by length') {5: ['Given', 'lists', 'those', 'words'], 1: ['a', 'a'], 6: ['phrase', 'return', 'length'], 4: ['this', 'will', 'that'], 8: ['function'], 10: ['dictionary'], 2: ['by']} ##>>> wbl = wordsByLength(biercetxt) ##>>> [(k,len(wbl[k])) for k in sorted(wbl)] ##[(1, 4147), (2, 11333), (3, 13065), (4, 9680), (5, 6628), (6, 5106), (7, 4663), (8, 3253), (9, 2877), (10, 1891), (11, 970), (12, 488), (13, 252), (14, 116), (15, 33), (16, 10), (17, 7)] ##>>> wbl[17] ##['controversialists', 'controversialists', 'contradistinction', 'objectionableness', 'WHANGDEPOOTENAWAH', 'Whangdepootenawah', 'Whangdepootenawah'] #################### WordGame #################### WordGame - Implement a class WordGame that is the basis for a guessing game for words. A WordGame object has a secret word inside. The letters can be guessed using the guess method and the game will keep track of both the correct and incorrect guesses that have been made as well as the state of the game, i.e., whether still playing, won or lost. Implementation methods/details: __init__ - accepts one str argument, the secret word. Note that the secret word can be given in any case but should be stored in UPPER case. This method should create and initialize 3 attributes (ie., self.????? ): - str attribute to keep track of the secret word, initialized to the given secret word (but converted to UPPER case). - str attribute to keep track of correct/right guesses, initialized to an empty str. - str attribute to keep track of incorrect/wrong guesses, initialized to an empty str. getSecret, getRight, getWrong – methods that return the stored str attributes referred to above getHint – returns masked version of the secret word. Only the letters that have been guessed correctly are revealed, all others display as ‘?’. getState – returns one of three str values: ‘won’ – if all letters have been guessed correctly (how do you know in terms of the three attributes) ‘lost’ – if there have been 6 (or more) incorrect guesses, ‘playing’ – otherwise guess – accepts one argument, an letter. Immediately converts the letter to uppercase and then does the following: - if the game is already won or lost (can call getState to find out), do nothing (quit) - if the letter has already been guessed (right or wrong), do nothing (quit) - if the letter is in the secret word, add the letter to the correct/right guess attribute, - Otherwise (the letter is incorrect) so add it to the wrong/incorrect guess attribute. # basic game play >>> wg = WordGame('apple') >>> wg.getSecret() 'APPLE' >>> wg.getHint() '?????' >>> wg.getRight() '' >>> wg.getWrong() '' >>> wg.guess('p') # correct guess >>> wg.getHint() '?PP??' >>> wg.getRight() 'P' >>> wg.getWrong() '' >>> wg.guess('z') # incorrect guess >>> wg.getHint() '?PP??' >>> wg.getRight() 'P' >>> wg.getWrong() 'Z' # a winning game, notice that repeated guesses are ignored >>> wg = WordGame('apple') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', '?????', '', '') >>> wg.guess('P') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', '?PP??', 'P', '') >>> wg.guess('Q') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', '?PP??', 'P', 'Q') >>> wg.guess('R') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', '?PP??', 'P', 'QR') >>> wg.guess('L') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', '?PPL?', 'PL', 'QR') >>> wg.guess('L') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', '?PPL?', 'PL', 'QR') >>> wg.guess('A') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('playing', 'APPL?', 'PLA', 'QR') >>> wg.guess('E') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('won', 'APPLE', 'PLAE', 'QR') >>> wg.guess('X') >>> wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong() ('won', 'APPLE', 'PLAE', 'QR') # some complete games >>> wg = WordGame('RAILROAD') >>> [(letter,wg.guess(letter), wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong()) for letter in 'RQQOASFOYYUYUIRAILTRE'] [('R', None, 'playing', 'R???R???', 'R', ''), ('Q', None, 'playing', 'R???R???', 'R', 'Q'), ('Q', None, 'playing', 'R???R???', 'R', 'Q'), ('O', None, 'playing', 'R???RO??', 'RO', 'Q'), ('A', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'Q'), ('S', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QS'), ('F', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSF'), ('O', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSF'), ('Y', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFY'), ('Y', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFY'), ('U', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFYU'), ('Y', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFYU'), ('U', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFYU'), ('I', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('R', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('A', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('I', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('L', None, 'playing', 'RAILROA?', 'ROAIL', 'QSFYU'), ('T', None, 'lost', 'RAILROA?', 'ROAIL', 'QSFYUT'), ('R', None, 'lost', 'RAILROA?', 'ROAIL', 'QSFYUT'), ('E', None, 'lost', 'RAILROA?', 'ROAIL', 'QSFYUT')] >>> wg = WordGame('RAILROAD') >>> [(letter,wg.guess(letter), wg.getState(), wg.getHint(), wg.getRight(), wg.getWrong()) for letter in 'RQQOASFOYYUYUIRAILDTRE'] [('R', None, 'playing', 'R???R???', 'R', ''), ('Q', None, 'playing', 'R???R???', 'R', 'Q'), ('Q', None, 'playing', 'R???R???', 'R', 'Q'), ('O', None, 'playing', 'R???RO??', 'RO', 'Q'), ('A', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'Q'), ('S', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QS'), ('F', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSF'), ('O', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSF'), ('Y', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFY'), ('Y', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFY'), ('U', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFYU'), ('Y', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFYU'), ('U', None, 'playing', 'RA??ROA?', 'ROA', 'QSFYU'), ('I', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('R', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('A', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('I', None, 'playing', 'RAI?ROA?', 'ROAI', 'QSFYU'), ('L', None, 'playing', 'RAILROA?', 'ROAIL', 'QSFYU'), ('D', None, 'won', 'RAILROAD', 'ROAILD', 'QSFYU'), ('T', None, 'won', 'RAILROAD', 'ROAILD', 'QSFYU'), ('R', None, 'won', 'RAILROAD', 'ROAILD', 'QSFYU'), ('E', None, 'won', 'RAILROAD', 'ROAILD', 'QSFYU')] >>> #################### playWordGame #################### playWordGame - Implement a function playWordGame that allows the user to interactively play a round of the WordGame. The function accepts a single argument, the secret word. It then asks the user for guesses until the game is won or lost. This function is a WordGame client, i.e., it creates and manipulates a WordGame object. See the following interaction which specifies how the game is played. DO NOT UNCOMMENT the following lines. They are provided to indicate a user interaction, but the doctest will actually read the input from the files win.txt and lose.txt (see below). Note also that the printed lines below should also be left-justified, they are listed here with extra
Answered Same DayMar 21, 2021

Answer To: >>> from WordGame import * >>> import random ############################# Directions...

Yogesh answered on Mar 22 2021
135 Votes
bad = '="0€%:@)795]”,(#-!3/;81?2&\'$.4*[6â'
def clean(bad, phrase):
    for char in bad:
        phrase =
phrase.replace(char, ' ')
print(clean(bad, 'ACADEMY, n. [from ACADEME] A modern school where football is taught.' ))
def wordsByLength(phrase):
    wordsWithLength = {}
    list = phrase.split(' ')
    for el in list:
        length = len(el)
        if length not in wordsWithLength.keys():
            wordsWithLength[length] =[]
print(wordsByLength('Given a phrase this function will return a dictionary that lists those words by length'))
#biercetxt = clean(bad,open('bierce.txt').read())
#wbl = wordsByLength(biercetxt)
#print([(k,len(wbl[k])) for k in...

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