School of Business and Law CQUniversity XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Provider Code: 02219C MGMT 20135: Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making Assessment 2: Written Assessment- Reflective Essay This...

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Hey.It is critical thinking and management assessment 2 about reflective essay about 2000 words to be done in it with APA style referencing and you must pick 4 therios from week 1 to week 8 lectures i will be sending those materials through your mail. You cansee the task in given file here. Tutor gave me topic just the mechanica brand name " FORD". have a look through the assessment description and must covered with 10 best journal articles to fulfill the requirement .

School of Business and Law CQUniversity CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C MGMT 20135: Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making Assessment 2: Written Assessment- Reflective Essay This assessment item accounts for 40% of your final grade for this unit and must be completed by students individually. Due: The assessment is due on Monday of week 9, 11th May 2020 at 5.00 PM AEST. Length: The essay must be 2000 words in length excluding references. Two points will be deducted for assessments that are over or under by 200 words. Cover page: The essay must include a cover page that contains your name, student number, resident campus, assessment title, lecturer and word count. Format: Text should be word-processed, Times New Roman, 12 size font and line spacing (1.5). Referencing: A minimum of 10 academic references are required. The list of references should form the last page or two, at the end of the assessment. Referencing should be in a consistent APA style. Submission: Please save and upload your file in a Word format (.doc or .docx) via the assessment link on Moodle. There will be a late penalty of 2 marks (5 % of 40) for each day late. Task Description: The objectives of this reflective essay are for students to (1) summarize, critically review and reinforce key concepts and theories learned from week 1 to week 8 of this unit. (2) reflect on these concepts/theories’ potential impact on students’ decision making, and how these learning are being applied and could be applied in their current jobs, development of future career and/or their life generally. (3) reflect on new insights gained about oneself as a result of learning the unit and propose a plan for self-development. Students are expected to reflect on the topics (week 1- week 8) this unit has covered and evaluate which topics have inspired their thinking or influenced their decision making. You must pick Four topics covered during the eight weeks. Each topic needs to contain a CONVINCING and PERSONAL justification of why these topics are chosen and how the mentioned topics have changed/might change the students’ thinking or the students’ decisions. For example, students could identify the topic of “automatic versus critical thinking” as a theme for one week’s reflection, and illustrate with personal examples how having learned about the differences has enabled him/her to be more effective in making a certain decision at work. Close to the end, the essay needs to reflect on self- knowledge and highlight implications for future self-development. To successfully complete this assessment task, students should answer the following reflective essay questions: School of Business and Law CQUniversity CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C • Which concepts/theories from which week’s learning activities are significant or important to you? • Why are these concepts/theories you have identified important or significant to you? (Theoretical review) • How are the concepts/theories you have learned influencing/impacting your decision- making in relation to your current interpersonal relationships, professional workplaces and/or personal life? (Practical Application) • What have you learned about yourself through the unit activities? What skills do you possess and what skills are you lacking? How are you going to improve your decision- making in the future? (Self-knowledge and self-development) • You should tie all your arguments/insights together at the end of your paper, highlighting how you think you will be able to use your learning in your future career and in life generally. Assessment 2: Written Assessment- Reflective Essay Marking Rubrics Section/Criteria 40% Fail (< 25%) fail (26-49%) pass (50‐64%) credit (65‐74%) distinction (75‐84%) high d (85‐100%) introduction & conclusion 6 no introduction. no conclusions provided. no topic, key points and/or purpose is introduced or the introduction is irrelevant to assessment item. brief conclusion but no links established to the introduction and body of the essay. topic introduced, but the introduction is underdeveloped in terms of key points and/or purpose. brief conclusion with limited links established to the introduction and body of the essay. topic, key points and purpose of the essay is introduced with satisfactory clarity. the conclusion provided are reasonably concise and some links established to the introduction and body of the essay. the topic, key points and purpose of the essay are clear and concisely delivered. good conclusion provided with concise summary and links to the introduction and body. the topic, key points and purpose of the essay are very clear and concisely delivered. excellent conclusion provided with very clear and concise summary, and links to the introduction and body. critical review of key concepts/theories are the following two questions well addressed? which concepts/theories from each week’s learning activities are significant or important to you? why are these concepts/theories you have identified important or significant to you? 10 the concepts and theories that will be considered, and their impact on the students’ thinking and decision-making are not clearly identified and justified. containing no or little review of the concepts/theories not meeting the requirement of four (4) concepts/theories the concepts and theories that will be considered are identified but justification for why they are important to the students are not sufficiently articulated. the review of the concepts/theories is insufficient. not meeting the requirement of four (4) concepts/theories the concepts and theories considered, and their impact on the students’ thinking and decision-making are identified and articulated in an acceptable manner. containing adequate literature review of four (4) concepts theories and satisfactory explanations of why the chosen concepts/theories are significant. the concepts and theories considered, and their impact on the students’ thinking and decision-making are clearly identified and articulated in a fairly good manner. containing competent literature review of four (4) concepts/theories and reasonable explanations of why the chosen concepts/theories are significant. the concepts and theories considered, and their impact on the students’ thinking and decision-making are clearly identified and articulated in an effective manner. containing good literature review of four (4) concepts/theories and a strong and convincing justification of why the chosen concepts/theories are significant. the concepts and theories considered, and their impact on the students’ thinking and decision-making are clearly identified and articulated in a professional manner. containing excellent review of four (4) concepts/theories and exceptionally strong and convincing justification of why the chosen concepts/theories are significant. reflection on course impact in personal decision making is the following question well addressed? how are the concepts/theories you have learned influencing/impacting your decision-making in relation to your current interpersonal 10 demonstrates little, if any reflection on unit impact in personal decision making with extremely limited, if any, analysis. demonstrates limited reflection on unit impact in personal decision making by providing a limited level of analysis. demonstrate average level of reflection on unit impact in personal decision making by providing an acceptable level of analysis. demonstrates a good level of reflection on unit impact in personal decision making by providing some level of analysis with evidence. demonstrates a high level of reflection on unit impact in personal decision making by providing a high level of analysis with evidence. demonstrates an exceptional level of reflection on unit impact in personal decision making by providing a high level of analysis with strong and compelling evidence. assessment 2: written assessment- reflective essay marking rubrics relationships, professional workplaces and/or personal life? reflection on self-knowledge and future development are the following questions well addressed? what have you learned about yourself through the course activities? what skills do you possess and what skills are you lacking? how are you going to improve your decision- making in the future? 10 demonstrates little, if any reflection on self- knowledge and self- development with extremely limited, if any, analysis. demonstrates limited reflection on self-knowledge and self-development by providing a limited level of analysis demonstrate satisfactory level of reflection on self- knowledge and self- development by providing an acceptable level of analysis. demonstrates a fairly good level of reflection on self- knowledge and self- development by providing some level of analysis with evidence. demonstrates a high level of reflection on self-knowledge and self-development by providing a high level of analysis with evidence. demonstrates an exceptional level of reflection on self- knowledge and self- development by providing a high level of analysis with strong and compelling evidence presentation: 2 quality of writing is at a very poor standard so barely understandable. many spelling mistakes. little or no evidence of proof reading. quality of writing is at a poor standard. frequent grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. use of inappropriate language. some problems with sentence structure and presentation. frequent grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. use of inappropriate language. quality of writing is of a fairly good standard. 25%)="" fail="" (26-49%)="" pass="" (50‐64%)="" credit="" (65‐74%)="" distinction="" (75‐84%)="" high="" d="" (85‐100%)="" introduction="" &="" conclusion="" 6="" no="" introduction.="" no="" conclusions="" provided.="" no="" topic,="" key="" points="" and/or="" purpose="" is="" introduced="" or="" the="" introduction="" is="" irrelevant="" to="" assessment="" item.="" brief="" conclusion="" but="" no="" links="" established="" to="" the="" introduction="" and="" body="" of="" the="" essay.="" topic="" introduced,="" but="" the="" introduction="" is="" underdeveloped="" in="" terms="" of="" key="" points="" and/or="" purpose.="" brief="" conclusion="" with="" limited="" links="" established="" to="" the="" introduction="" and="" body="" of="" the="" essay.="" topic,="" key="" points="" and="" purpose="" of="" the="" essay="" is="" introduced="" with="" satisfactory="" clarity.="" the="" conclusion="" provided="" are="" reasonably="" concise="" and="" some="" links="" established="" to="" the="" introduction="" and="" body="" of="" the="" essay.="" the="" topic,="" key="" points="" and="" purpose="" of="" the="" essay="" are="" clear="" and="" concisely="" delivered.="" good="" conclusion="" provided="" with="" concise="" summary="" and="" links="" to="" the="" introduction="" and="" body.="" the="" topic,="" key="" points="" and="" purpose="" of="" the="" essay="" are="" very="" clear="" and="" concisely="" delivered.="" excellent="" conclusion="" provided="" with="" very="" clear="" and="" concise="" summary,="" and="" links="" to="" the="" introduction="" and="" body.="" critical="" review="" of="" key="" concepts/theories="" are="" the="" following="" two="" questions="" well="" addressed?="" which="" concepts/theories="" from="" each="" week’s="" learning="" activities="" are="" significant="" or="" important="" to="" you?="" why="" are="" these="" concepts/theories="" you="" have="" identified="" important="" or="" significant="" to="" you?="" 10="" the="" concepts="" and="" theories="" that="" will="" be="" considered,="" and="" their="" impact="" on="" the="" students’="" thinking="" and="" decision-making="" are="" not="" clearly="" identified="" and="" justified.="" containing="" no="" or="" little="" review="" of="" the="" concepts/theories="" not="" meeting="" the="" requirement="" of="" four="" (4)="" concepts/theories="" the="" concepts="" and="" theories="" that="" will="" be="" considered="" are="" identified="" but="" justification="" for="" why="" they="" are="" important="" to="" the="" students="" are="" not="" sufficiently="" articulated.="" the="" review="" of="" the="" concepts/theories="" is="" insufficient.="" not="" meeting="" the="" requirement="" of="" four="" (4)="" concepts/theories="" the="" concepts="" and="" theories="" considered,="" and="" their="" impact="" on="" the="" students’="" thinking="" and="" decision-making="" are="" identified="" and="" articulated="" in="" an="" acceptable="" manner.="" containing="" adequate="" literature="" review="" of="" four="" (4)="" concepts="" theories="" and="" satisfactory="" explanations="" of="" why="" the="" chosen="" concepts/theories="" are="" significant.="" the="" concepts="" and="" theories="" considered,="" and="" their="" impact="" on="" the="" students’="" thinking="" and="" decision-making="" are="" clearly="" identified="" and="" articulated="" in="" a="" fairly="" good="" manner.="" containing="" competent="" literature="" review="" of="" four="" (4)="" concepts/theories="" and="" reasonable="" explanations="" of="" why="" the="" chosen="" concepts/theories="" are="" significant.="" the="" concepts="" and="" theories="" considered,="" and="" their="" impact="" on="" the="" students’="" thinking="" and="" decision-making="" are="" clearly="" identified="" and="" articulated="" in="" an="" effective="" manner.="" containing="" good="" literature="" review="" of="" four="" (4)="" concepts/theories="" and="" a="" strong="" and="" convincing="" justification="" of="" why="" the="" chosen="" concepts/theories="" are="" significant.="" the="" concepts="" and="" theories="" considered,="" and="" their="" impact="" on="" the="" students’="" thinking="" and="" decision-making="" are="" clearly="" identified="" and="" articulated="" in="" a="" professional="" manner.="" containing="" excellent="" review="" of="" four="" (4)="" concepts/theories="" and="" exceptionally="" strong="" and="" convincing="" justification="" of="" why="" the="" chosen="" concepts/theories="" are="" significant.="" reflection="" on="" course="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" is="" the="" following="" question="" well="" addressed?="" how="" are="" the="" concepts/theories="" you="" have="" learned="" influencing/impacting="" your="" decision-making="" in="" relation="" to="" your="" current="" interpersonal="" 10="" demonstrates="" little,="" if="" any="" reflection="" on="" unit="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" with="" extremely="" limited,="" if="" any,="" analysis.="" demonstrates="" limited="" reflection="" on="" unit="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" by="" providing="" a="" limited="" level="" of="" analysis.="" demonstrate="" average="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" unit="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" by="" providing="" an="" acceptable="" level="" of="" analysis.="" demonstrates="" a="" good="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" unit="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" by="" providing="" some="" level="" of="" analysis="" with="" evidence.="" demonstrates="" a="" high="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" unit="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" by="" providing="" a="" high="" level="" of="" analysis="" with="" evidence.="" demonstrates="" an="" exceptional="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" unit="" impact="" in="" personal="" decision="" making="" by="" providing="" a="" high="" level="" of="" analysis="" with="" strong="" and="" compelling="" evidence.="" assessment="" 2:="" written="" assessment-="" reflective="" essay="" marking="" rubrics="" relationships,="" professional="" workplaces="" and/or="" personal="" life?="" reflection="" on="" self-knowledge="" and="" future="" development="" are="" the="" following="" questions="" well="" addressed?="" what="" have="" you="" learned="" about="" yourself="" through="" the="" course="" activities?="" what="" skills="" do="" you="" possess="" and="" what="" skills="" are="" you="" lacking?="" how="" are="" you="" going="" to="" improve="" your="" decision-="" making="" in="" the="" future?="" 10="" demonstrates="" little,="" if="" any="" reflection="" on="" self-="" knowledge="" and="" self-="" development="" with="" extremely="" limited,="" if="" any,="" analysis.="" demonstrates="" limited="" reflection="" on="" self-knowledge="" and="" self-development="" by="" providing="" a="" limited="" level="" of="" analysis="" demonstrate="" satisfactory="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" self-="" knowledge="" and="" self-="" development="" by="" providing="" an="" acceptable="" level="" of="" analysis.="" demonstrates="" a="" fairly="" good="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" self-="" knowledge="" and="" self-="" development="" by="" providing="" some="" level="" of="" analysis="" with="" evidence.="" demonstrates="" a="" high="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" self-knowledge="" and="" self-development="" by="" providing="" a="" high="" level="" of="" analysis="" with="" evidence.="" demonstrates="" an="" exceptional="" level="" of="" reflection="" on="" self-="" knowledge="" and="" self-="" development="" by="" providing="" a="" high="" level="" of="" analysis="" with="" strong="" and="" compelling="" evidence="" presentation:="" 2="" quality="" of="" writing="" is="" at="" a="" very="" poor="" standard="" so="" barely="" understandable.="" many="" spelling="" mistakes.="" little="" or="" no="" evidence="" of="" proof="" reading.="" quality="" of="" writing="" is="" at="" a="" poor="" standard.="" frequent="" grammar,="" punctuation="" and="" spelling="" mistakes.="" use="" of="" inappropriate="" language.="" some="" problems="" with="" sentence="" structure="" and="" presentation.="" frequent="" grammar,="" punctuation="" and="" spelling="" mistakes.="" use="" of="" inappropriate="" language.="" quality="" of="" writing="" is="" of="" a="" fairly="" good="">
Answered Same DayMay 04, 2021MGMT20135Central Queensland University

Answer To: School of Business and Law CQUniversity XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Provider Code: 02219C MGMT 20135: Critical...

Moumita answered on May 08 2021
144 Votes
Running Head: Assessment 2                                 1
Assessment 2                                            3
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Answer to Question 1    3
Answer to Question 2    3
Answer to Question 3    6
Answer to Question 4    6
Answer to Question 5    7
Conclusion    7
References    8
The decision making process is a very important process which can lead to the success or failure of a solution in general. That is the reason why it is very important to
rely on the proper approach for the proper decision making process (López-Ruiz, Bergillos & Ortega-Sánchez, 2016). Four theories and their analysis is done within this report to get an in depth understanding on the topic.
Answer to Question 1
I have been going through the different lectures that has been given in the past eight weeks, several themes, concepts and theories about the critical thinking process and the decision making process has been explained thoroughly within the whole lectures that has been given. It has allowed me to look upon the decision making process in a different light (Xiumin, Xiao & Yiwen, 2019). In this way I have came to learn about the different things that can guide me to take the proper decisions in both my personal and professional lives. The theories that have intrigued me the most are the psychological contract theory, prospect theory, Johari window theory and the triangular thinking approach. I thought that these theories are the most significant ones that can provide a certain edge to the decision making process(Zhang, Zhou, An & Jin, 2019). After analyzing all the theories I have though that these four are the most important and effective measures behind the decision making process and I should also implement in my life both in the professional and personal sphere.
Answer to Question 2
    There is a proper reason behind choosing the theories for the decision making approach that been chosen? These approaches give a new definition and edge to the whole decision making process. I have not known the different ways behind the decision making process but these approaches has helped me to understand the processes that can make a decision right and it can also make the solutions or the outcome of the problems successful in a different way. The Johari window theory is one of the major decision making process that helped in the better understanding of the decision making process as a whole. The Johari window is basically a model that helps the different person to develop or identify the own self or the perspectives about the others. Through this development of the perspectives the Johari window model actually helps the people to take the proper decision on their own. This decision is based on the different perspectives and opinions which can lead to the proper decision being made by the individuals.
The Johari window exhibits the four quadrants in which there are different self qualities exhibiting the behavioral approach of the people in general. Accordions to this theory there are two factors that are known to others and they are the open area of the personality and the hidden area or façade. But in this case the hidden area is not known by the other people in the same sphere. There are factors which are known by the other people but known by self and that are the blind spot of the personality. In this way the Johari window represents the different perspectives of the people based upon their understanding of self and other people. This perspective defines the decision making process a lot and that also helped in the success of that decision that is being implemented.
Another theory that I think is very helpful is the prospect theory. The prospect theory helps a lot of thinking behind the decision making approach. The decision making can lead to the different solutions and the solutions can be associated with the different types of the losses or gains. Before taking the decision the people always assumes the associated loss or gain to a solution. That defines the different prospect of the decision. A decision is made only when the individual can think about the gain or advantages associated with it. The prospect theory helps to gain the proper assumption of the losses or gains associated with a decision and only after that a decision is being made. The prospect theory is a very practical concept of the decision making approach that is implemented consciously or subconsciously by the different people before taking the final decision (Meng & Weng, 2018). If there are any circumstances that lead...

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