Question 3 (15 pts) Shift Registers - Shift Operation A. A binary number is parallel-loaded into a shift register. The shift register is then "shifted right" for one clock pulse. How does the value of...

Question 3 (15 pts) Shift Registers - Shift Operation

A. A binary number is parallel-loaded into a shift register. The shift register is then "shifted

right" for one clock pulse. How does the value of the shifted binary number compare to

the number originally loaded in, assuming that the MSB is on the very left flip-flop of the

shift register?

B. How can we use the same shift register to double the value of a binary number?

Question 4 (15 pts) Analog to Digital Conversion

A "free-running" analog-to-digital converter is one that updates its digital output as often as it

can, not waiting for any prompting from another device. If we were to connect a free-running

ADC to a computer (microprocessor or microcontroller), we would need some way to sample the

ADC's output at times specified by the computer, and hold that binary number long enough for

the computer to register it. Otherwise, the ADC may update its output in the middle of one of the

computer's "input" cycles, possibly resulting in corrupted data.

A. If we were to build a shift register to hold the data from the microcontroller or computer,

what type of flip-flop would we use for this purpose? .'

'B. If the ADC has 12-bit parallel output, how many flip flops would we need for the ADC


C. Draw the shift register with a parallel output

Flip-Flop Characteristic Tables (a) JK Flip~Flop (b) SR Flip-Flop J K Q (t + 1) Operation 5 R O(t + 1) Operation 0 0 0(1' No change. 0 0 Q(t ) No change~ J 0 1 0 Reset 0 I 0 Reser 0 Set 1 0 I Set 1 Ott) Complement 1 I 'J Undefined_' (c) D Flip"Flop (d) T Flip"Flop D Q (t + 1) Operation T Q (t + 1) Operation () 0 Reset 0 Q(t) No change Set Q(f) Complement Q.{)Q-rIOIY / &..u~ TlP,y 2_ QUDT/ ~N 3 6 ~ b- .-- I> ~ ~ IT ~~ ..- .-, Clock • «. ., Question 2 (15 pts) Shift Registers - Serial to Parallel In serial-to-parallel data conversion, a stream of serial data is "read" one bit at a time, then all bits output at once in parallel fOlID.Shown here is an eight-bit shift register circuit with some missing connections: D_Fur _FLOP_(XSPlCE) D_FUP_FLOP_IXSPICE} D_FUP_FLOP_(XSPICE} D_FUP_FLOP_(XSPlCE} D_FUP_FLOP_(XSPICEj D_~_lP_FLOP_(XSPICEj D_FUP_FLOP_(XSPlCE) D_FUP_FLOP_(XSPICEj D_FLIP_~_OP_(XSPlCEI D_FLlP_FLOP_(XSPlCE) 10 I PJJ 1 A7 1 M I Al I ~2 I ~ I A4 I '0 I-d - - d r- - d - -d r- - d r- - 0 r- - d - -d ,- d i-d -c~ () ck (~ ck () ck (~ ck
- ck (~ ck O- ct ([)- cf< 01:="" 0-i="" i="" i="" i="" i="" i="" i="" i="" j="" i="" "elk="" please="" complete="" the="" schematic="" by="" adding="" any="" necessary="" wires.="" please="" label="" where="" the="" serial="" data="" would="" enter="" and="" where="" parallel="" data="" would="" exit="" the="" circuit.="" ,.="" ,="" .="" question="" 3="" (15="" pts)="" shift="" registers="" -="" shift="" operation="" a.="" a="" binary="" number="" is="" parallel-loaded="" into="" a="" shift="" register.="" the="" shift="" register="" is="" then="" "shifted="" right"="" for="" one="" clock="" pulse.="" how="" does="" the="" value="" of="" the="" shifted="" binary="" number="" compare="" to="" the="" number="" originally="" loaded="" in,="" assuming="" that="" the="" msb="" is="" on="" the="" very="" left="" flip-flop="" of="" the="" shift="" register?="" b.="" how="" can="" we="" use="" the="" same="" shift="" register="" to="" double="" the="" value="" of="" a="" binary="" number?="" question="" 4="" (15="" pts)="" analog="" to="" digital="" conversion="" a="" "free-running"="" analog-to-digital="" converter="" is="" one="" that="" updates="" its="" digital="" output="" as="" often="" as="" it="" can,="" not="" waiting="" for="" any="" prompting="" from="" another="" device.="" if="" we="" were="" to="" connect="" a="" free-running="" adc="" to="" a="" computer="" (microprocessor="" or="" microcontroller),="" we="" would="" need="" some="" way="" to="" sample="" the="" adc's="" output="" at="" times="" specified="" by="" the="" computer,="" and="" hold="" that="" binary="" number="" long="" enough="" for="" the="" computer="" to="" register="" it.="" otherwise,="" the="" adc="" may="" update="" its="" output="" in="" the="" middle="" of="" one="" of="" the="" computer's="" "input"="" cycles,="" possibly="" resulting="" in="" corrupted="" data.="" a.="" if="" we="" were="" to="" build="" a="" shift="" register="" to="" hold="" the="" data="" from="" the="" microcontroller="" or="" computer,="" what="" type="" of="" flip-flop="" would="" we="" use="" for="" this="" purpose?="" .'="" 'b.="" if="" the="" adc="" has="" 12-bit="" parallel="" output,="" how="" many="" flip="" flops="" would="" we="" need="" for="" the="" adc="" circuit?="" c.="" draw="" the="" shift="" register="" with="" a="" parallel="" output.="" question="" 5="" (20="" pts)="" troubleshooting="" this="" shift="" register="" circuit="" drives="" the="" four="" coils="" of="" a="" stepper="" motor,="" sequentially,="" in="" a="" rotating="" pattern="" that="" moves="" at="" the="" pace="" of="" the="" clock.="" the="" drive="" transistor="" circuitry="" (q="" 1,="" q2,="" and="" resistors="" r2="" through="" r6)="" are="" shown="" only="" for="" one="" of="" the="" four="" coils.="" the="" other="" three="" shift="" register="" outputs="" have="" identical="" drive="" circuits="" connected="" to="" the="" respective="" motor="" coils.="" when="" an="" output="" (qn)="" goes="" high="" it="" turns="" on="" the="" transistor="" which="" allows="" current="" to="" energize="" the="" coils="" causing="" the="" resulting="" magnetic="" field="" to="" turn="" the="" shaft="" of="" the="" motor="" about="" a="" v4of="" full="" rotation:="" c="" dslt="" li="" 74hc194="" -..s,="" -="" elk="" 00="" 0,="" q2="" 03="" -="" ci~k~="" -="" --="" vd.1="" stepper="" motor="" this="" motor="" was="" working="" fine="" previously="" then="" stopped="" working="" completely.="" the="" motor="" shaft="" won't="" turn="" at="" all.="" how="" would="" you="" go="" about="" troubleshooting="" this="" circuit?="" explain="" where="" you="" would="" take="" your="" first="" few="" measurements="" to="" isolate="" the="" problem,="" and="" why="" you="" would="" measure="" there.="" question.b="" (20="" pis)="" troubleshooting="" 1="" this="" shift="" register="" circuit="" produces="" a="" sequential="" light="" pattern="" similar="" to="" the="" taillights="" of="" the="" 2015="" ford="" mustang:="" first="" one="" led="" energizes,="" then="" two="" leds="" energize,="" and="" then="" all="" three="" leds="" energize="" before="" all="" de-energizing="" and="" repeating="" the="" sequence.="" the="" 74hc194="" shift="" register="" circuit="" is="" set="" to="" operate="" in="" the="" "shift="" right"="" mode="" with="" the="" shift-right="" serial="" input="" (dsr)="" tied="" high,="" the="" master="" reset="" ([mr])="" input="" used="" to="" set="" all="" output="" lines="" to="" a="" low="" ~tate="" at="" the="" end="" of="" each="" cycle.="" a="" 555="" timer="" is="" used="" for="" the="" clk="" signal:="" mr="" -.="" glk="" dsl="" the="" sequential="" light="" pattern="" is="" supposed="" to="" begin="" whenever="" the="" "trigger"="" input="" goes="" high.="" something="" has="" failed="" in="" this="" circuit="" which="" is="" preventing="" any="" of="" the="" leds="" to="" come="" on.="" no="" blinking="" light="" sequence="" occurs,="" regardless="" of="" the="" state="" of="" the="" "trigger"="" .input,="" 74hc194="" identify="" some="" likely="" failures="" in="" this="" circuit="" that="" could="" cause="" this="" to="" happen,="" other="" than="" a="" lack="" of="" power="" supply="" voltage.="" explain="" why="" each="" of="" your="" proposed="" faults="" would="" cause="" the="" problem,="" and="" also="" identify="" how="" you="" would="" isolate="" each="" fault="" using="" test="" equipment.="" please="" specify="" the="" test="" equipment="" you="" would="">
Nov 03, 2019

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