P08 MusicPlayer300P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWEDCS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28P08 MusicPlayer300OverviewIn this program, you’ll be creating a...

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P08 MusicPlayer300 P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 P08 MusicPlayer300 Overview In this program, you’ll be creating a queue-based music player that loads song files from your local machine and plays them using your computer’s sound output (speakers or headphones). You’ll interact with this music player using a text-based console menu that you will also create. Familiarity with the Java library we’ll use to accomplish this, javax.sound.sampled, isn’t the point of this assignment, so we’ll provide an interface to the library for you to use by way of a JAR file as we did with the GUI libraries earlier this semester. However, if you’d like to explore the library on your own (outside of this assignment), you’re strongly encouraged to! It’s very fun to add audio effects to your programs. Grading Rubric 5 points Pre-assignment Quiz: accessible through Canvas until 11:59PM on 11/22. 15 points Immediate Automated Tests: accessible by submission to Gradescope. You will receive feedback from these tests before the submission deadline and may make changes to your code in order to pass these tests. ⭐ As we’re getting to the end of the semester, be aware that more and more of the immediate tests will focus on YOUR TESTER METHODS, rather than your implementation. This program will still include some non-tester class immediate feedback, but many of the immediate tests will be focused on your tester class.⭐ Passing all immediate automated tests does not guarantee full credit for the assignment. 20 points Additional Automated Tests: these will also run on submission to Gradescope, but you will not receive feedback from these tests until after the submission deadline. 10 points Manual Grading: performed by TAs once all submissions are in. These tests focus on commenting and style but may also include algorithm checks. ©2022 Mouna Kacem, Jeff Nyhoff, and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 1 P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 Learning Objectives After completing this assignment, you should be able to: ● Describe the functionality of a queue data structure and explain its operational details when implemented using a linked list. ● Create a simple menu-based text interface for your programs ● List the special situations (edge cases) that need to be verified for queue data structures Additional Assignment Requirements and Notes Keep in mind: ● Pair programming is ALLOWED for this assignment. You must either register your partnership by 11/22 using this form, or complete the assignment individually. ● The ONLY external libraries you may use in your program are: java.io.File java.util.Scanner and any relevant exceptions. Use of any other packages (including direct use of javax.sound.sampled) is NOT permitted for this assignment. ● You are allowed to define any local variables you may need to implement the methods in this specification (inside methods). You are NOT allowed to define any additional instance or static variables beyond those specified in the write-up. ● All test methods must be public static and return boolean values. You may define additional private tester methods, and additional private helper methods in other classes. ● All classes and methods must have their own Javadoc-style method header comments in accordance with the CS 300 Course Style Guide, and any methods longer than three lines should have at least one inline comment in the body of the method. ● Any source code provided in this specification may be included verbatim in your program without attribution. ● Run your program locally before you submit to Gradescope. If it doesn’t work on your computer, it will not work on Gradescope. ©2022 Mouna Kacem, Jeff Nyhoff, and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 2 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLv-xWkYIScCdt_wuRMhV1lHniB0zN0cNtGfTGPM-ghfZGWg/viewform?usp=sf_link https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/323005/pages/course-style-guide P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 CS 300 Assignment Requirements You are responsible for following the requirements listed on both of these pages on all CS 300 assignments, whether you’ve read them recently or not. Take a moment to review them if it’s been a while: ● Academic Conduct Expectations and Advice, which addresses such questions as: ○ How much can you talk to your classmates? ○ How much can you look up on the internet? ○ What do I do about hardware problems? ○ and more! ● Course Style Guide, which addresses such questions as: ○ What should my source code look like? ○ How much should I comment? ○ and more! 1. Getting Started 1. Create a new project in Eclipse, called something like P08 MusicPlayer300. a. Ensure this project uses Java 17. Select “JavaSE-17” under “Use an execution environment JRE” in the New Java Project dialog box. b. Do not create a project-specific package; use the default package. 2. Download the QueueADT.java file from the assignment page and add it to your project. 3. Create 5 Java source files within that project’s src folder: a. Song.java b. SongNode.java c. Playlist.java (the linked queue) d. MusicPlayer300.java (MAY contain a main method) e. MusicPlayerTester.java (contains a main method) Additionally, as with our GUI programs, you’ll need a jar file. 1.1 Download the AudioUtility jar file Download the p08core.jar file from the assignment page, which contains an instantiable class that interfaces with the javax.sound.sampled library, called AudioUtility. If you’re interested in the source code, we’re happy to provide it on request! The sound library is not the point of this assignment, so we’ll do the work for now. Copy the jar file into your project folder, and refresh the Package Explorer panel in Eclipse. You should see the jar file there. Add it to your build path as in P02 and P05. ©2022 Mouna Kacem, Jeff Nyhoff, and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 3 https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/323005/pages/assignment-expectations-and-advice https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/323005/pages/course-style-guide https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/323005/pages/installing-eclipse-ide-with-java-17 https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/Song.html https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/SongNode.html https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/Playlist.html https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/MusicPlayer300.html https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/AudioUtility.html P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 1.2 Check your setup In the Song class, add the audioClip data field of type AudioUtility. If you’ve got your jar file connected properly, this should not cause any errors and you’re good to continue with the project. If you DO see errors pop up at this point, please contact a TA, peer mentor, or instructor for assistance before you continue! 1.3 Download the audio files Download the audio.zip file from the assignment page and expand it; it contains several small MIDI files you can use to test your program. The files named only with a number are very short (6-13 seconds); the files with actual names are MIDI versions of longer songs you may recognize. Add this expanded folder to your project; it should be in the base project directory and not src or any other sub-folder. 2. Building the Queue The first coding step is constructing the linked queue our music player is built around. This requires the Song, SongNode, and Playlist classes. 2.1 Song Referencing the Song class javadocs, write a tester method called testSongConstructor() in your tester class: ● Test the constructor with an invalid file, like one that doesn’t exist or one of the provided .txt files (this should throw an IllegalArgumentException) ● Test a valid file with toString() and getTitle() and getArtist() accessor methods. Write the constructor and the other three methods in your Song class, and verify that they work properly before you continue – constructing a Song with an actual music file isn’t something we’ve done before, and since that’s the backbone of our project you’ll want to make sure you can do it correctly. Be aware – if you’re using one of the “real” songs we provided, it can take a couple of seconds to get everything initialized on the back end. Be patient! The other methods in Song have to do with playback – making the audio file actually play or stop playing, and testing whether it is currently running. Write a tester called testSongPlayback() to verify that these methods work – and grab some headphones, maybe. Be aware – song files can take a second or so to actually start playing. You may want to use Thread.sleep(1000) to pause the test method long enough for the computer to actually begin playing the song (and for AudioUtility’s isRunning() method to return true). ©2022 Mouna Kacem, Jeff Nyhoff, and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 4 https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/Song.html P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 ⭐ Your play() method should ALSO print "Playing …" with the song’s information from toString(). Before you continue, the tester methods you should have written for the Song class are: ● testSongConstructor() ● testSongPlayback() 2.2 SongNode The SongNode class is a singly-linked node, similar to the LinkedNode from P07 (except it contains a Song instead of a MultipleChoiceQuestion). Implement it and test it in the same way. Before you continue, the tester method you should have written for the SongNode class are: ● testSongNode() 2.3 Playlist Playlist is a linked queue that implements the QueueADT interface – if you haven’t downloaded QueueADT.java from the assignment page, do so now. A linked queue is essentially a linked list where the only add operation is adding to the end, and the only remove operation is removing from the front. Additionally, aside from our toString() method, the only publicly-accessible node will be the one at the front of the queue (the next one to be removed). As such, the only tester methods you’ll need for your Playlist queue are: ● testEnqueue() which should also test the constructor and accessor methods ● testDequeue() 3. Writing the MusicPlayer300 Now comes the fun part – creating the actual music player application around your queue. Reference the javadocs as you go; most methods are explained there. The few that need additional details are listed out below! 3.1 getMenu() The menu for your interactive application should look like this: Enter one of the following options: [A ] to enqueue a new song file to the end of this playlist [F ] to load a new playlist from the given file [L] to list all songs in the current playlist [P] to start playing ALL songs in the playlist from the beginning ©2022 Mouna Kacem, Jeff Nyhoff, and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 5 https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/SongNode.html https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/Playlist.html https://cs300-www.cs.wisc.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fall2022/p8/javadocs/MusicPlayer300.html P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 [P -t ] to play all songs in the playlist starting from [P -a <artist>] to start playing only the songs in the playlist by Artist [N] to play the next song [Q] to stop playing music and quit the program 3.2 runMusicPlayer300() This should be the LAST method you write in MusicPlayer300. If you choose to add a main method to MusicPlayer300, a call to this method will be its only contents. This is the method that begins the interactive menu loop and processes user input. Its only argument is a Scanner hooked up to System.in. This method should loop continuously, and do the following, using other methods from MusicPlayer300 wherever possible: ● Display the menu ● Prompt the user for input (use a "> ") ● Save the next line of input and parse out the option the user has selected: ○ A – add a song to the end of the playlist. You will need to further prompt the user for the title and artist of this song, and then add the new song to the playlist. ○ F – load in a new playlist from the given file. ○ L – display all the songs remaining in the current playlist. ○ P – begin playing the songs in the playlist, but first! Check to see if there was a modifier. ■ -t – begin playback at the song with the given title. ■ -a – play only the songs by the given artist (hint: use the filterPlay and filterArtist data fields for assistance here) ○ N – stop the current song and move to the next song in the playlist. Songs should only be dequeued from the playlist when you’re ready to move to the next song; otherwise, you won’t be able to stop their audio! ○ Q – clear out the queue and end the method. Print a "Goodbye!" message. ○ Anything else – print out "I don't know how to do that." and go back to the beginning. 3.3 Sample Run What follows is what your MusicPlayer300 might look like when you run it. User input is in green. Enter one of the following options: [A <filename>] to enqueue a new song file to the end of this playlist [F <filename>] to load a new playlist from the given file [L] to list all songs in the current playlist [P] to start playing ALL songs in the playlist from the beginning [P -t <title>] to play all songs in the playlist starting from <title> [P -a <artist>] to start playing only the songs in the playlist by Artist ©2022 Mouna Kacem, Jeff Nyhoff, and Hobbes LeGault — University of Wisconsin–Madison 6 P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWED CS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022 Due: 9:59 PM CDT on MON 11/28 [N] to play the next song [Q] to stop playing music and quit the program > P No songs left :( [menu] * I’m abbreviating the menu here to save space. You should print the whole thing each time. > F test_playlist.txt Loading "test1" Loading "test2" Loading "test4" Loading "test3" [menu] > L</artist>
Answered Same DayNov 29, 2022

Answer To: P08 MusicPlayer300P08 MusicPlayer300 Pair Programming: ALLOWEDCS 300: Programming II – Fall 2022...

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