ITF22519: Introduction to Operating Systems Fall Semester, 2022 Lab5: Processes in Linux Submission Deadline: September 27th, XXXXXXXXXX:59 You need to get at least 50pts to pass this lab assignment....

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ITF22519: Introduction to Operating Systems Fall Semester, 2022 Lab5: Processes in Linux Submission Deadline: September 27th, 2022 23:59 You need to get at least 50pts to pass this lab assignment. In this lab, you will learn how to create a new process in Linux Operating System and do some practices with several system calls such as fork, sleep, exec, wait, and kill. Before you start, pull the new lab: $ cd OS2022/labs $ git pull main main $ cd lab5 1 About Unix Processes • When a system is booted, the first user space process is systemd or /sbin/init depending on your Linux distribution. This process has proccess id (PID) of 1. It will launch startup scripts and eventually login prompts. If you do a ps -el, you should see that process 1 is systemd. It is the ancestor of all other user processes on the system. • When you login or start a terminal, a process for the shell is started. The shell will then launch other processes, which will be children of the shell. If the parent process dies, systemd will adopt the orphaned processes. • The state of a Unix process is shown as the second column of the process table (viewed by executing the ps command). Some of the states are R: running, W: waiting, S: sleeping, Z: zombie. 1 Figure 1: Example of Unix processes Whenever a program or a command executes, there is a process. A process can be run in foreground or background. • Foreground: Every process when started runs in foreground by default. It receives input from the keyboard and then sends output to the screen. When a command/process is running in the foreground, it takes a lot of time and no other processes can be run because the prompt would not be available until the program finishes processing and comes out. • Background: A process runs in the background without keyboard input and waits till keyboard input is required. Thus, other processes can be done in parallel with the process running in the background since they do not have to wait for the previous process to be completed. Adding suffix with an ampersand & starts the process as a background process. 1.1 Process Table The program print pid.c prints out its process ID (PID) and its parent process ID (PPID), and then sleeps for 30 seconds. • Make the executable file output named print pid for print pid.c • Run print pid twice, both times as a background process. • In the meantime, press Ctrl+C to terminate the process - see the commands below. • When you see the message ”I am awake”, the proccess is finished and no longer show up on the screen. $ ./print_pid & Ctrl+C $ ./print_pid & Ctrl+C Now: • Do ps -el to view all processes in the sysem • Do ps -l to view only processes running on your terminal • Do ps -l | less to pipe output to the less 2 • Do ps -l > output to direct output the the file named output The first line from a the command ps -l is: F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN TTY TIME CMD A short description of those fields can be found in this link. 1.2 Killing a process You have known how to find the PID of a process. If you want to terminate an unwanted process, you can use the command: $ kill PID If the process refuses to be killed, type: $ kill -9 PID Here PID is not PID but the ID of the process you want to kill and you have permission to kill. You might also try killall to kill all processes. Do man killall to know more about killall. 2 System call In a computer, the user space is what most users interact with when using the computer. It is a portion of memory with restricted permission and access. Under the user space is the kernel space - the actual operating system (OS). Kernel space has complete access to everything on the system. Because of privileged rights, it is not wise to give any user the access to the kernel space. Therefore, there is a restricted and well-defined interface the between user space and the kernel space: the system calls. When a system call is called, the program execution stops and the execution is switched to the OS address space. The parameters are passed to the OS through a pre-determined register passing scheme. The OS will then check if the program has the permissions to perform the requested operations. If yes, the task is completed. 2.1 The fork() system call: Creating a new process The fork() system call is used to create a new process which becomes the child process of the calling process. If the fork() does not return a negative value, the creation of the child process is successful. If fork() returns zero, the process is the child process. Otherwise, i.e, fork() returns a positive, the process is the parent process. #include #include // ... pid_t child; child = fork(); // ... In this code snippet, the fork() creates a new variable called child. The child is of type pid t defined in sys/types.h. In addition, the fork() is defined in the header unistd.h. Therefore, you have to add sys/types.h and unistd.h on the top of your code. 3 The child process is the copy of the parent process. After spawning a child process, all of the state- ments after fork() system call are executed by both the parent and child processes. However, both processes are now separate and changes in one do not affect the other. The code fragment below calls fork() once, which results in the creation of one child process. Then, each process prints out its id and the parent’s ID. int main() { fork(); printf("Process %d’s parent process ID is %d\n", getpid(), getppid()); return 0; } The output of this program can be: Process 14427’s parent process ID is 6891 Process 14428’s parent process ID is 14427 Here, the ID of the main function is 14427, the child ID is 14428. The the ID of bash shell is 6891. The process tree of this program is showed below. Figure 2: A process tree 4 The program fork ex1.c spawns new processes with two fork() in the main(). The output of the program can be: Figure 3: A possible output of fork ex1.c Figure 4: Corresponding process tree Task 1: The following program prints different messages in the child and parent processes. Complete the condition of the if statements in this program and save the code in a fork ex2.c file. #include #include #include #include #include int main() { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if ( ) { // ADD YOUR CODE HERE 5 printf("This is the child process"); printf("The child process ID is %d\n", getpid()); printf("The child’s parent process ID is %d\n", getppid()); } else if ( ){ // ADD YOUR CODE HERE printf("This is the parent process"); printf("The parent process ID is %d\n", getpid()); printf("The parent’s parent process ID is %d\n", getppid()); } else { perror("fork"); // fork() fails; handle error here exit(-1); } sleep(2); return 0; } 2.2 The wait() system call: Waiting on a child process The child process and its parent process are at their own places. Therefore, they execute independently and one can finish before the other. In some situations, this might not be the desired behavior. There are two system calls which guarantee that the parent process waits for its child process to complete. These system calls are wait() and waitpid(). wait(): This function blocks parent process until the child process (whose PID stored in child) exits or a signal is received. After child process terminates, parent process continues its execution after wait() system call instruction. The snippet of code for wait() is as follows: #include #include ... int status = 0; .... pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if ( pid == 0){ // This is the child process. // Do something here } else if ( pid >0 ) { // This is the parent process. // Wait for the child to finish wait(&status); // Do something else here printf("The child is done, status is: %d\n", status); return 0; } else { perror("fork"); exit(-1); 6 } Task 2: Complete the above code, name the program as fork ex2.c and commit the file fork ex2.c into your Github. waitpid(): If the parent process has multiple children, the knowedge of a specific child process’ ter- mination is of importance. In this case, waitpid() system call should be used instead of wait(). The waitpid() specifies which child process the parent process is waiting for. The snippet of code for using waitpid() is as follows: #include #include ... int status = 0; ... child = fork(); if(child == 0){ // This is the child process. // Do something here } else if(child > 0){ // This is the parent process. // Wait for a specific child to finish waitpid(child, &status, 0); printf("child process is done, status is: %d\n", status); // do something else here return 0; } else { perror("fork"); exit(-1); } For more information about wait() and waitpid(), use man page or google it. Task 3: Compile and execute the programs no wait.c, wait.c, waitpid.c. • Redirect the output of each program to a file. • Concatenate above three output files and include the result into your report. • Explain the difference of the three programs. 2.3 The execl() system call: Making a process run another program The fork() system call is useful for splitting a process into two, but it is not very useful to execute new programs. To start a new program, a different system call which is execve() family of system call must be used. There are a number of available functions defined in execve() family. In this lab, we look at execl function. In our program, we will use execl in the main so that our main will run another defined program. The syntax for execl is as follows: 7 int execl(const char *pathname, const char *arg, ..., NULL); The execl function is defined in the header unistd.h, so remember to add the header in your code. Look at the following code snippet: #include #include int main() { execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL); } In this example, /bin/ls is the path of the executable bin file. ls is the program you want to execute. If there is any errors, the execl returns -1. Otherwise, it
Answered 1 days AfterSep 25, 2022

Answer To: ITF22519: Introduction to Operating Systems Fall Semester, 2022 Lab5: Processes in Linux Submission...

Nidhi answered on Sep 26 2022
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