P a g e 1 | 18 Assessment Details Unit Code and Title: SBM1300 Research Project Assessment Information Assessment Task Weighting Due Leng th ULO CLO Assessment 1 : Research Proposal Brief and...

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I need only assessment 4 with turnitin report. There is ppt presentation of 12 slides also. I need ppt with speaker notes

P a g e 1 | 18 Assessment Details Unit Code and Title: SBM1300 Research Project Assessment Information Assessment Task Weighting Due Leng th ULO CLO Assessment 1 : Research Proposal Brief and Feasibility Proposal identifying a research area and its feasibility (reflection from industry representative) plus oral presentation 20% + 10% invigilated in-class assessment (5-7 mins) Week 4 1 November Presentation Weeks 4 and 5 1500 words ULO-1 ULO-2 CLO-1 CLO-2 Assessment 2: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Literature Review, Rationale, Gaps, Conceptual Framework Research Methodology, Ethical issues plus oral presentation 20% + 10% invigilated in-class assessment (5-7 mins) Week 7 22 November Presentations Weeks 7 and 8 2000 words ULO-1 ULO-2 ULO-3 ULO-4 CLO-1 CLO-2 CLO-5 CLO-7 Assessment 3: Research Design: Rationale, Methodology, Proposed Data collection and Data Analysis; and Ethics considerations 20% Week 9 6 December 2000 words ULO-1 ULO-2 ULO-3 ULO-4 CLO-1 CLO-2 CLO-5 CLO-6 CLO-7 Assessment 4: Final Research Proposal and Presentation Written submission of final proposal and Viva-Voce presentation 20% invigilated in-class assessment (Viva-Voce) (20 mins) Week 12 23 December 4000 words ULO-1 ULO-2 ULO-3 ULO-4 ULO-5 CLO-1 CLO-2 CLO-5 CLO-6 CLO-7 CLO-10 P a g e 2 | 18 Assessment 1: Research Proposal Brief and Feasibility Due date: 1 November 2020 , W4 Group/individual: Individual Assignment Word count / Time provided: 1500 words Weighting: 30% - 20% written submission plus 10% presentation in W4,5 Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1ULO-2 Course Learning Outcomes: CLO-1CLO-2 Assignment Details: A Research Proposal Brief early in the semester is to receive feedback about the suitability of the topic so that it informs others of a proposed piece of research and its significance. This is the first stage of preparing a Research Proposal that could be used as part of an application to undertake a research degree or to apply for funding to conduct the study. The purpose of writing the Research Proposal Brief early in the semester is to receive feedback about the suitability of the topic, so that by the time you complete and present the Research Proposal (in Week 12), the final submission is of a standard that could be used to support an application for a research degree or for research funding. For this assignment, students are required to consult an Industry Representative / Consultant or other approved person (this may include an academic staff member), to discuss their research project’s significance and feasibility. They will therefore revise their proposal or research question on the basis of the feedback. This assignment has two assessable components: the submission of a written Research Proposal Brief and its Feasibility Report, in academic format (1500 words), and a viva –voce oral PowerPoint presentation (5-7 minutes). This assignment is aimed at ensuring that the research project is important, realistic and manageable, and that the research question is appropriate and can be answered with the proposed methodology. It is crucial that the students can complete the research tasks in a timely manner and apply the relevant project management and research tools and techniques. The research feasibility report takes the research brief proposal to the consultant and investigates the possible continuation of the project and its realistic execution for the given time period and availability of resources, as well as taking into consideration the student’s capacity to carry on with the research task. Students can use a Gantt chart to keep track of their schedule for all assigned assessment tasks, and therefore, minimize risks. The feasibility analysis may result in feedback that suggests changes to the research approach and these can be incorporated in the Research Proposal. The reflection on the feedback is important for demonstrating that the feedback has been considered and suggesting how it may be acted upon, for example, by reconsidering or revising the scope of the topic or research question or revising the methodology. This is equivalent to the acceptance of the project charter for which the students have studied in their course. This assessment is worth 30% of the total marks for SBM1300 and forms the basis of the Research Design due in week 9 and worth 20% of the total marks in the unit. Students develop the Research Proposal across the semester incorporating several individual assignment tasks. The first of these is the Research Proposal Brief and its Feasibility. P a g e 3 | 18 For the Research Proposal Brief you need to prepare an outline of your proposed research topic and research plan using the template below. The recommended lengths of each section are approximate, and will vary depending on the research question you are proposing to investigate and the methodology you are proposing to use in your research proposal. Contents Length (words) 1. Project Title: This is a brief descriptive summary of the proposed research topic. For ideas on how a project title should look, look at articles in Project Management journals such as the International Journal of Project Management< 50 words 2. research overview and justification: this is a brief summary of the research topic that describes the topic and why it is important for a research study to be conducted to investigate the topic 150 3. condensed literature review (at least three research-based sources). discuss the objectives, methodologies and findings of relevant previous research that provides a background for your research topic. the aim is to provide a critique of existing work and identify gaps in knowledge and / or methodological weaknesses in existing research. 250-300 4. research objectives, research question and sub-questions. linking back to sections (2) and (3), present and justify the question that your research project will be designed to answer. 150-200 5. methodology (which type- comparative, descriptive, action, ethnographic, explanatory, exploratory). think about how you would answer your research question (e.g., by reviewing trends in national / international statistics, by conducting a survey of consumers, by undertaking interviews with employers) and start to consider any advantages, disadvantages, materials needed or practical limitations of the methodology. this section is the most likely to change as you progress through the unit and learn about alternative ways of answering your research question. remember, this is hypothetical. you do not have to actually be able to carry out the study, but you need to think about what you would need to carry out a study to answer your research question. 150-200 6. significance of the research of the project. this is a final summary of all of the sections above ending with a statement of why it is important to conduct the research using the methodology proposed. 100-150 7. describe the role of the industry representative / consultant and their years working in the industry (do not identify the person by name) 50 8. summary of the questions presented to the industry representative / consultant based on the following main questions: * “please comment on the importance of this research topic for the industry?” * “please comment on how convincing you found the justification for the research?” * “please comment on the feasibility of the proposed methodology for answering the research question?” * “do you think the findings of a study like this can have industry applications?” na 9. summary of feedback / recommendations from industry representative / consultant organized by questions 250-300 p a g e 4 | 18 10. your reflection on the feedback / recommendations from part 3 above. how might you need to modify your research proposal to improve it in the areas of: * justifying the topic and question? * importance to industry? * feasibility? 250-300 11. references and resources: provide references to at least three research studies, government reports and/or industry reports using harvard referencing. please note, websites are not acceptable resources for the purpose of the assignment. na marking criteria and rubric: the assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 20% of the total unit mark marking criteria not satisfactory (0-49%) of the criterion mark) satisfactory (50-64%) of the criterion mark good (65-74%) of the criterion mark very good (75-84%) of the criterion mark excellent (85-100%) of the criterion mark logical structure and flow with a clear link between the specified problem and the proposed research. (10 marks) insufficient linking of the proposed research and the stated specific problem. acceptable linking of the proposed research with the stated specific problem. good linking of the proposed research with the stated specific problem. very good linking of the proposed research with the stated specific problem. excellent linking of the proposed research with the stated specific problem. proposed methodology the proposed methodology is likely to yield a satisfactory solution to the specified problem. (10 marks) the methodology is not likely to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem. the methodology is likely to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem. the methodology is most likely to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem. the methodology is highly probable to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem. the methodology is almost certain to provide a satisfactory solution to the specified problem. relevance of cited research latest relevant research is referred to in the report and the expected research findings are compared to past findings. (10 marks) the research referred to in the report is not the latest relevant research available and an acceptable comparison of the expected research findings to past findings is not provided. the research referred to in the report is the latest 50="" words="" 2.="" research="" overview="" and="" justification:="" this="" is="" a="" brief="" summary="" of="" the="" research="" topic="" that="" describes="" the="" topic="" and="" why="" it="" is="" important="" for="" a="" research="" study="" to="" be="" conducted="" to="" investigate="" the="" topic="" 150="" 3.="" condensed="" literature="" review="" (at="" least="" three="" research-based="" sources).="" discuss="" the="" objectives,="" methodologies="" and="" findings="" of="" relevant="" previous="" research="" that="" provides="" a="" background="" for="" your="" research="" topic.="" the="" aim="" is="" to="" provide="" a="" critique="" of="" existing="" work="" and="" identify="" gaps="" in="" knowledge="" and="" or="" methodological="" weaknesses="" in="" existing="" research.="" 250-300="" 4.="" research="" objectives,="" research="" question="" and="" sub-questions.="" linking="" back="" to="" sections="" (2)="" and="" (3),="" present="" and="" justify="" the="" question="" that="" your="" research="" project="" will="" be="" designed="" to="" answer.="" 150-200="" 5.="" methodology="" (which="" type-="" comparative,="" descriptive,="" action,="" ethnographic,="" explanatory,="" exploratory).="" think="" about="" how="" you="" would="" answer="" your="" research="" question="" (e.g.,="" by="" reviewing="" trends="" in="" national="" international="" statistics,="" by="" conducting="" a="" survey="" of="" consumers,="" by="" undertaking="" interviews="" with="" employers)="" and="" start="" to="" consider="" any="" advantages,="" disadvantages,="" materials="" needed="" or="" practical="" limitations="" of="" the="" methodology.="" this="" section="" is="" the="" most="" likely="" to="" change="" as="" you="" progress="" through="" the="" unit="" and="" learn="" about="" alternative="" ways="" of="" answering="" your="" research="" question.="" remember,="" this="" is="" hypothetical.="" you="" do="" not="" have="" to="" actually="" be="" able="" to="" carry="" out="" the="" study,="" but="" you="" need="" to="" think="" about="" what="" you="" would="" need="" to="" carry="" out="" a="" study="" to="" answer="" your="" research="" question.="" 150-200="" 6.="" significance="" of="" the="" research="" of="" the="" project.="" this="" is="" a="" final="" summary="" of="" all="" of="" the="" sections="" above="" ending="" with="" a="" statement="" of="" why="" it="" is="" important="" to="" conduct="" the="" research="" using="" the="" methodology="" proposed.="" 100-150="" 7.="" describe="" the="" role="" of="" the="" industry="" representative="" consultant="" and="" their="" years="" working="" in="" the="" industry="" (do="" not="" identify="" the="" person="" by="" name)="" 50="" 8.="" summary="" of="" the="" questions="" presented="" to="" the="" industry="" representative="" consultant="" based="" on="" the="" following="" main="" questions:="" *="" “please="" comment="" on="" the="" importance="" of="" this="" research="" topic="" for="" the="" industry?”="" *="" “please="" comment="" on="" how="" convincing="" you="" found="" the="" justification="" for="" the="" research?”="" *="" “please="" comment="" on="" the="" feasibility="" of="" the="" proposed="" methodology="" for="" answering="" the="" research="" question?”="" *="" “do="" you="" think="" the="" findings="" of="" a="" study="" like="" this="" can="" have="" industry="" applications?”="" na="" 9.="" summary="" of="" feedback="" recommendations="" from="" industry="" representative="" consultant="" organized="" by="" questions="" 250-300="" p="" a="" g="" e="" 4="" |="" 18="" 10.="" your="" reflection="" on="" the="" feedback="" recommendations="" from="" part="" 3="" above.="" how="" might="" you="" need="" to="" modify="" your="" research="" proposal="" to="" improve="" it="" in="" the="" areas="" of:="" *="" justifying="" the="" topic="" and="" question?="" *="" importance="" to="" industry?="" *="" feasibility?="" 250-300="" 11.="" references="" and="" resources:="" provide="" references="" to="" at="" least="" three="" research="" studies,="" government="" reports="" and/or="" industry="" reports="" using="" harvard="" referencing.="" please="" note,="" websites="" are="" not="" acceptable="" resources="" for="" the="" purpose="" of="" the="" assignment.="" na="" marking="" criteria="" and="" rubric:="" the="" assessment="" will="" be="" marked="" out="" of="" 100="" and="" will="" be="" weighted="" 20%="" of="" the="" total="" unit="" mark="" marking="" criteria="" not="" satisfactory="" (0-49%)="" of="" the="" criterion="" mark)="" satisfactory="" (50-64%)="" of="" the="" criterion="" mark="" good="" (65-74%)="" of="" the="" criterion="" mark="" very="" good="" (75-84%)="" of="" the="" criterion="" mark="" excellent="" (85-100%)="" of="" the="" criterion="" mark="" logical="" structure="" and="" flow="" with="" a="" clear="" link="" between="" the="" specified="" problem="" and="" the="" proposed="" research.="" (10="" marks)="" insufficient="" linking="" of="" the="" proposed="" research="" and="" the="" stated="" specific="" problem.="" acceptable="" linking="" of="" the="" proposed="" research="" with="" the="" stated="" specific="" problem.="" good="" linking="" of="" the="" proposed="" research="" with="" the="" stated="" specific="" problem.="" very="" good="" linking="" of="" the="" proposed="" research="" with="" the="" stated="" specific="" problem.="" excellent="" linking="" of="" the="" proposed="" research="" with="" the="" stated="" specific="" problem.="" proposed="" methodology="" the="" proposed="" methodology="" is="" likely="" to="" yield="" a="" satisfactory="" solution="" to="" the="" specified="" problem.="" (10="" marks)="" the="" methodology="" is="" not="" likely="" to="" provide="" a="" satisfactory="" solution="" to="" the="" specified="" problem.="" the="" methodology="" is="" likely="" to="" provide="" a="" satisfactory="" solution="" to="" the="" specified="" problem.="" the="" methodology="" is="" most="" likely="" to="" provide="" a="" satisfactory="" solution="" to="" the="" specified="" problem.="" the="" methodology="" is="" highly="" probable="" to="" provide="" a="" satisfactory="" solution="" to="" the="" specified="" problem.="" the="" methodology="" is="" almost="" certain="" to="" provide="" a="" satisfactory="" solution="" to="" the="" specified="" problem.="" relevance="" of="" cited="" research="" latest="" relevant="" research="" is="" referred="" to="" in="" the="" report="" and="" the="" expected="" research="" findings="" are="" compared="" to="" past="" findings.="" (10="" marks)="" the="" research="" referred="" to="" in="" the="" report="" is="" not="" the="" latest="" relevant="" research="" available="" and="" an="" acceptable="" comparison="" of="" the="" expected="" research="" findings="" to="" past="" findings="" is="" not="" provided.="" the="" research="" referred="" to="" in="" the="" report="" is="" the="">
Answered Same DayDec 18, 2021SBM1300

Answer To: P a g e 1 | 18 Assessment Details Unit Code and Title: SBM1300 Research Project Assessment...

Abhishek answered on Dec 22 2021
149 Votes
1. Abstract
This paper is going to focus on a thorough understanding and analysis of the e-commerce business in Australia. This paper will try to understand how the transformation occurred in order to contribute to the world economy. The ecommerce and internet commerce business has affected the world business and changed the process of their dealing. In terms of Australia, the transformation process has increased the significance of the trading process, increased the no of work provisions, increased the jobs for freshers and helps to provide a wider range to several people with working provisions and facilities.
In addition, the integrated training process on the development of technological approaches has helped to increase the technical skill and adapt older processes and older technologies that were in use. This has allowed for a push into renovating and upgrading of the
country and on a larger scale the world. The system makes the process of business dealings more innovative. This results in people being able to save cost in terms of workforce, time, production and development. It also increases skills of the workforce while making the procedures used more advanced and smarter.
The paper has certain objectives in place so it can explore ecommerce. The paper will show and demonstrate the ways; the efficiency of e-commerce impacts the market and its transformation. The paper has been based on a research into understanding how the transformation occurred. The methodology will act as a tool to gain a general perspective of the process and will be substituted by the data collection. The data will be collected from 50 employees through survey questions. The researchers have considered the various ethical considerations that need to be addressed in context to the research study. The main goal is to understand the general perspective of the transformative process of ecommerce businesses in context to Australia.
Table of Contents
1. Abstract    2
2. Research Objectives    4
Objective 1    4
Objective 2    4
Objective 3    5
Objective 4    5
Objective 5    5
3. Evaluation of Evidence    6
Critical Analysis of Source 1    6
Critical Analysis of Source 2    6
Critical Analysis of Source 3    7
Critical Analysis of Source 4    8
Critical Analysis of Source 5    8
4. Areas Requiring Further Research    9
Gaps in Literature    9
5. Research Question    10
6. Hypothetical Research Study to Answer Research Question    11
a. Methodology    11
Research Philosophy    11
Research Approach    11
Research Design    11
Data Collection    11
b. Details of Participants    12
c. Description of Materials    13
d. Data Analysis    14
e. Ethical Issues    14
7. References    16
2. Research Objectives
Objective 1
· To boost marketing strategies so that it might provide more visibility in both global and local prospects
E-commerce is not only important for increasing sales, it has a wide scope and prospect to innovate the business structure and organisational activity from multidimensional prospects (Cao, 2018). This helps an organisation by providing an appropriate conversion strategy that can directly impact the leading policy or organisation and receiving enormous integrity in sales.
This helps in providing a dimension of opportunity by enhancing and widening the market opportunities associated with it and helps in enhancing ranges and quality of products with more potential and developed strategies of product segmentation. This can further help an organisation by developing an attractive strategy to initiate corporate potential and emerge with a developed website so that organisational goals can be achieved and convenient services can be boosted up herewith.
Objective 2
· To bring forth developed strategies and market opportunities in increasing brand awareness and broadening brand image
The market scenario of Australia can be improvised and be provided a strengthened structure with the development of e-commerce set up for all sorts of business including small scale business. The improvisation of all kinds of business has already taken an online form of marketing and widely expanded with famous marketing sites like Amazon (Hamad, Elbeltagi & El‐Gohary, 2018). Hence, acknowledging one’s identity and business integration and achievement of success are dependent on the extent of e-commerce mediums and its fastest exploration.
Therefore, the paper aims to accumulate all sorts and size of business in Australia to move its phase of business on an online and E mode to associate more acknowledgment, more renunciation, more familiarity, to reach a greater number of customers, link up with a greater number of and potential marketing sites, more advantageous advertising mediums to benefit their business and making more brand awareness factors so that differences in business credibility can get created.
Objective 3
· To associate a more increasing and more convenient mode of business for accelerating business credulousness
E-commerce nowadays is considered to be the most important application that contributes to generating more business visibility and developing new and intended communication technology. With the development of an e-commerce business medium, communication affluence, transparency and lucrative communication bonds have become more prominent and effective.
Developing an efficient website as part of this business type, associates in encompassing a lucid and efficient communication mode that can serve purposes of people to a higher degree by answering instant queries of the customers and intending prompt responses regarding query about a product (Rahi & Abd Ghani, 2016). Hence, the paper will put emphasis on incorporating a digital mode of business that can at once handle business issues and mitigate solutions to any kind of queries and absurdities regarding it.
Objective 4
· To increase the integrity of products and make more awareness among customers by increasing the market opportunities as per business key objectives
The paper will aim to set a potential form in the Australian business market so that it might benefit the economy of the country by setting a high value and making higher market demonstrations. The e-commerce highly sets values to an existing business and can widely make a market demonstration of its products set value for market renunciations. Through a set of values, feedback of customers can be attained and easy demonstration and market renovations can be made. Through the adoption of e-commerce facilities, an organisation can easily get associated with its flaws and the net requirements of the customers.
Objective 5
· To incorporate and intend higher market opportunities and attain scalable business growth in the industry
These factors help in developing appropriate strategies and help organisations make instant solutions for their betterment. Hence, the aim of the paper lies in benefiting the economy of Australia with an advanced, easily accompanied, impactful mode of business and incorporates scope to all sorts of business to reach the optimum market opportunity and business integrity. The chief purpose of e-commerce associates in developing highly integrated marketing tools.
It also includes building up a common and higher-skilled efficiency, which can make significant market promotions and attain high value from the market associating an integrated market response and customer base (Agag, 2019). Therefore, the paper will attempt to develop market integrity factors and undertake the development of websites as an important factor in market integration. Thus, the effort of researchers will endeavour to benefit the economy and flourish with the enormous integrity of e-commerce business.
3. Evaluation of Evidence
Critical Analysis of Source 1
Gregory, GD, Ngo, LV & Karavdic, M 2019 ‘Developing e-commerce marketing capabilities and efficiencies for enhanced performance in business-to-business export ventures’ Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 78, pp. 146-157
Development of the marketing capabilities of the e-commerce business helps in the adoption of overall growth in the business operations of the companies. In that case, it can be mentioned that the e-commerce business operation helps business companies to export their performances towards the achievement of the destined success graph. With the analysis of the reports, it is observed that the introduction of developed strategies in the e-commerce business fosters the development graph of the company. This process also resulted in the extension of the business in the international world with easy and successful contexts.
Reports show that extension of the business based on the transformation of the e-commerce business activities helps companies to acquire high rates of earning revenues (Gregory, Ngo & Karavdic, 2019). Evidence that is collected from the research shows that specialised e-commerce marketing offers opportunity in front of the business companies to increase their distribution channel. Furthermore, this process helps in the establishment of better communication of the company with their customer and existing business market with the direct format.
Critical Analysis of Source 2
Meyerhoff Nielsen, M & Jordanoski, Z 2020 ‘Digital transformation, governance and coordination models: A comparative study of Australia, Denmark and the Republic of Korea’ In The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, pp. 285-293
Based on the researchers, it is noticed that in different countries of the world such as Australia, Denmark and Korea, there is the presence of high-speed infrastructure. With the presence of high-speed infrastructure in these countries, the e-commerce business has faced its effective transformation. Therefore, the availability of the high rates of internet services allows e-commerce companies to manage the successful performances of their business activities around the world.
On the other hand, utilisation of the information communication technology offers...

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