I-Per Rummler and Brache, managers at various stages incorporate up to nine variables asimprovement levelsto enhance performance. Please list the nine variables and expound upon your understandings...

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I-Per Rummler and Brache, managers at various stages incorporate up to nine variables as

improvement levels

to enhance performance. Please list the nine variables and expound upon your understandings of each variable. There is a four page


length requirement for this quiz.

Single Spaced

Arial font

1 inch margins

*no cover page

References should appear on an additional page. 4 PAGES

II-Elaborate in four paragraphs a minimum of 5 strategies your industry deployed to overcome the odds you illustrated in last weeks PPT. Particularly, speak to Key Performance Indicator established or necessary to accomplish respective strategies.

In this tread - articulate the actual design of your organization and envisioned redesign necessary to advance operations. Please complete this assignment as an organizational leader. 2-3 PAGES, please check for grammatical error, clarity and fonts

Albino Financial Group Albino Financial Group Value Creation Startegy Albino Financial Group The organisation that needs to be focus on in terms of addressing the value creation aspects for the businesses is a financial advisory company. Provides business by managing the multiple portfolios that provides convenient and financially efficient advices to the other businesses. The company is Albino Financial Group that initially started its operation in 1982 and pay focus on discussing the flaws that are prevalent in most of the financial firms. The organisation that needs to be focus on in terms of addressing the value creation aspects for the businesses is a financial advisory company that provides its business by managing the multiple portfolios that provides convenient and financially efficient advices to the other businesses. The company is Albino Financial Group that initially started its operation in 1982 and pay focus on discussing the flaws that are prevalent in most of the financial firms. The business had effectively provided to guide product sales agenda and it has culturally committed to the client’s best interest. The major goals of the team are to focus on the clients and provide them a best and a conjectured financial advice. The investment relationship has not only been the potential aspects for the clients to discuss about the financial goals and the investment philosophies but it has also projected for laying the foundations for a personalized and an integrated service to the clients. Services of the Company Financial Advising Investment Management ESG Responsibility The services of the firm include: · Financial advising. The financial advising secures the financial future of the client and the attention to the components for the financial life of the company. The organisation works to understand the financial and the lifetime goals of the organisation and the objective of the organisation is to help make a series of good financial decisions you are after year. · Investment management focuses on the goals and risk tolerance that are different for each client. This effectively focuses on believing in doing the right thing and the fiduciary that are effective in terms of the compensation structure and there is no pressure to do anything but what's right and effective for each client. · Another significant operation that we company is primarily focus on is investing in energy, social and governance issues. This is known to be the ESG responsibility of the organisation that is selected in a conscientious way. Down Sides New dimensions of the dynamic business environment and those aspects that are coming up in terms of the working capital and the cash management scenario. The context of revenue and margin enhancement. The context of procurement and strategic sourcing. The aspects of operation all improvement and the supply chain. The aspects regarding the working capital and asset efficiency. The need for a value creation down sides of the organisation that it has been facing for a quite a time period of the business year. The aspects of the down sides and the relevant context can be referred in this particular section. The major aspects of the down sides includes the dynamic change in the business environment and the change that is required in the most nominal aspects of the financial decision. New dimensions of the dynamic business environment and those aspects that are coming up in terms of the working capital and the cash management scenario. The context of revenue and margin enhancement. The context of procurement and strategic sourcing. The aspects of operation all improvement and the supply chain. The aspects regarding the working capital and asset efficiency. Value Creation Strategies The company is focusing to identify and plan with a cohesive implementation of certain initiative in order to deliver tangible benefits across the value chain. This focuses to effectively categories the key levels of the success and the prospects that leads to be exclusively focus movement with an effective implementation for the delivery of the unrivalled range of network professionals who are ready to add the deep expertise whatever the specific needs of the organisation. The value creation has to focus on the unrivalled techniques that would effectively concentrate on the working capital and the performance improvement. The company is focusing to identify and plan with a cohesive implementation of certain initiative in order to deliver tangible benefits across the value chain. This focuses to effectively categories the key levels of the success and the prospects that leads to be exclusively focus movement with an effective implementation for the delivery of the unrivalled range of network professionals who are ready to add the deep expertise whatever the specific needs of the organisation. This is the transformation services that are cohesive about the consequent factors that would lead to the effective improvement of the performance of the organisation along with the enhancement of the capital. Execution The prospect beyond the strategy and the top segments of the business is dependent on the proper execution. Depicting the true value is one of the most important contexts that offers from the cohesive combination of the products along with the customers and with that particular prospect and business approaches which can drive a step change in the financial performance of the company. The business strategy that will be effective in order to identify and need to address those prospects most focus on the technology or digital gaps and take action in order to build the engine for the growth of the company. The prospect beyond the strategy and the top segments of the business is dependent on the proper execution. Depicting the true value is one of the most important contexts that offers from the Cohesive combination of the products along with the customers and with that particular prospect and business approaches which can drive a step change in the financial performance of the company. The business strategy that will be effective in order to identify and need to address those prospects most focus on the technology or digital gaps and take action in order to build the engine for the growth of the company. Revenue & Margin Enhancement · Pricing. · Churn and loyalty. · Marketing effectiveness. · Sales force effectiveness. This is to focus on operation building top line and margins. The effective focus that can drive the value and approach to revenue and margin enhancement covers the following aspects: · Product range. · Pricing. · Churn and loyalty. · Marketing effectiveness. · Sales force effectiveness. Procurement & Strategy Sourcing Maturity assessment. Quick scan. Cost approach and benchmarking. Category management value framework and category insights. Commodity profiles Procurement and strategy sourcing can be contextual in terms of generating value with the suppliers. The context of having correct materials and the correct cost that provides the foundation for the supply chain can definitely at value and this procurement should typically be a data heavy environment in order to contextual aspects for the purpose of navigating the right data and extracting the insights that are needed for action. The approach can effectively lead to cost reduction through the eminent focus on execution excellence and by category management that focuses on the following aspects. · Maturity assessment. · Quick scan. · Cost approach and benchmarking. · Category management value framework and category insights. · Commodity profiles Operational Improvement Diagnostics. EBTIDA improvement. Operating model Optimisation. 100day plans. Zero based budgeting. Operational improvement and the supply chain value creation focuses on delivery results across the value chain in an organisation. In terms of the commercial context, it is effective to understand how the company can benefit from the streamlined operations and can enhance the performance improvement of the team by a change management program and implementation specialist. The context of performance improvement can effectively deliver rapid operation on improvement by improving the cash flow and deploy skills that range from pricing strategy and optimisation. This also take into consideration the target improvements that has the biggest impact on the bottom line. The pragmatic and the self-driven applications along with the financial lens to performance improvement can be contextual by the collaborative approach in achieving sustainable results. This includes the following aspects and the behaviours. · Diagnostics. · EBTIDA improvement. · Operating model Optimisation. · 100day plans. · Zero based budgeting. Improvement in Supply Chain The context of performance improvement can effectively deliver rapid operation on improvement by improving the cash flow and deploy skills that range from pricing strategy and optimisation. This also take into consideration the target improvements that has the biggest impact on the bottom line. Operational improvement and the supply chain value creation focuses on delivery results across the value chain in an organisation. In terms of the commercial context, it is effective to understand how the company can benefit from the streamlined operations and can enhance the performance improvement of the team by a change management program and implementation specialist. The context of performance improvement can effectively deliver rapid operation on improvement by improving the cash flow and deploy skills that range from pricing strategy and optimisation. This also take into consideration the target improvements that has the biggest impact on the bottom line. The pragmatic and the self-driven applications along with the financial lens to performance improvement can be contextual by the collaborative approach in achieving sustainable results. This includes the following aspects and the behaviours. Overheads Organisation. Processes. Guidelines and policies. Overheads is one important approach that needs to be an effective in terms of the value creation and it is contextual for getting the right structure and cost drive in the business. Inefficiency in the overhead can lead to value leakage and can lead to decrease of the profitability of the company. The strict focus that directly drive the value on the approach for the overhead covers the following aspects: · Organisation. · Processes. · Guidelines and policies. Driving Cash Sustainability Identifying the opportunities to improve cash flow through working capitals. Ordering to cash procure to pay. Forecast to fulfil. Making capital more efficient through sustainable process of changes. Implementing the opportunities that can operation early improve the working capital and the cash circulation in the organisation. Using Data Analytics for creating working capital dashboards and effectively utilising the transactional data. Another contextual aspect for the value creation is the focus on driving cash sustainability and the working capital along with the prospects of asset efficiency. The working capital is often described as the life blood of the business. In this aspect it represents the operation and liquidity of the business and maintaining its optimal level is very effective and challenging for the business. It is found that if the efficiency of the capital is not affecting the liquidity of the business. In efficient Working Capital management can lead to slow moving stock and early payments to the supplier which can also slow down the collections from the customers. This includes the following aspects about how to create value in terms of driving cash sustainability and enhance the asset efficiency. · Identifying the opportunities to improve cash flow through working capitals. · Ordering to cash procure to pay. · Forecast to fulfil. · Making capital more efficient through sustainable process of changes. · Implementing the opportunities that can operation early improve the working capital and the cash circulation in the organisation. · Using Data Analytics for creating working capital dashboards and effectively utilising the transactional data. Bibliography Parida, V., Sjödin, D., & Reim, W. (2019). Reviewing literature on digitalization, business model innovation, and sustainable industry: Past achievements and future promises. Sustainability, 11(2), 391. Centobelli, P., Cerchione, R., Chiaroni, D., Del Vecchio, P., & Urbinati, A. (2020). Designing business models in circular economy: A systematic literature review and research agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(4), 1734-1749. Sjödin, D., Parida, V., Jovanovic, M., & Visnjic, I. (2020). Value creation and value capture alignment in business model innovation: A process view on outcome‐based business models. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37(2), 158-183. Freudenreich, B., Lüdeke-Freund, F., & Schaltegger, S. (2020). A stakeholder theory perspective on business models: Value creation for sustainability. Journal of Business Ethics, 166(1), 3-18. THANK YOU Design Thinking Eo
Answered 2 days AfterSep 11, 2023

Answer To: I-Per Rummler and Brache, managers at various stages incorporate up to nine variables asimprovement...

Shubham answered on Sep 14 2023
27 Votes
A. Selected Article
The article provides a systematic review of the literature on the design of business models in the context of circular economy (Centobelli et al. 2020). The authors identify three key dimensions of circular business models that are value creation, value transfer and value capture. The article discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with designing circular business models. It includes outlining a research agenda for future research in the are
B. Building Organizational and Employee Capacity
Employee Training and Development:
Albino Financial Group recognized early for design thinking to flourish in the organization. It includes identifying employees needs of right skills and mindset. It initiates comprehensive training and development programs tailored for specific needs. The key component of training was equipping employees with a deep understanding of design thinking principles. This involved workshops, seminars and online courses for employees that learns about empathy-driven problem-solving, rapid prototyping and iterative testing. The company brought in external experts in design thinking to facilitate sessions for ensuring employees received top-notch training. The training programs not only educated employees about design thinking but also encouraged to think creatively, challenge assumptions and view problems from multiple perspectives (Elsbach and Ileana Stigliani, 2018). Employees encourages to step out of the comfort zones and embrace more experimental approach to problem-solving. The result of initiatives is that employees began to exhibit more open and innovative mindset. Employees were longer afraid to propose unconventional solutions and were more receptive to feedback and collaboration.
Cultural Shift:
The change in culture of organization is often one of the most challenging aspects of transformation. Albino Financial Group recognized that culture of innovation and collaboration was essential for the successful implementation of design thinking. This requires focusing on cultural shift and the company should initiate several measures like leadership example. Top-level executives and managers led by example. This includes actively participated in design thinking projects and demonstration to commitment to the new culture. This helps in inspiring employees and made it clear that innovation was a priority for the entire organization. Albino Financial Group introduces a recognition and rewards system that acknowledged and celebrated innovative ideas and successful design thinking projects. This incentivized employees to contribute the creative solutions to business challenges. The company encouraged open communication and transparency. It actively sought feedback from employees and acted on the suggestions that are required to be made possible. This creates a sense of ownership and involvement among the workforce. Cross-functional teams were established to encourage collaboration among employees from different departments. This broke down silos and promoted the sharing of diverse perspectives and expertise. The selected efforts led to a cultural shift in Albino Financial Group. Employees began to see themselves as problem solvers and innovators and collaboration became second nature. The organization had successfully created an environment where design thinking could thrive.
Cross-Functional Teams:
The fundamental principles of design thinking are the collaboration of multidisciplinary teams. Albino Financial Group recognized the importance of all the aspect and actively organized cross-functional teams to tackle complex business problems. These teams comprised members from various departments and this includes bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table. The team might include financial analysts, marketing specialists, IT experts and customer service representatives. The formation of teams facilitated a holistic approach to problem-solving. Employees with diverse backgrounds and expertise collaborated to generate innovative solutions. It includes brainstormed ideas, created prototypes and tested solutions in real-world scenarios. The cross-functional teams enhanced communication and understanding between departments that had previously operated in isolation. It helps in providing improved problem-solving along with boosted employee morale as it ensures contributions that are valued across the organization.
Leadership Support:
Leadership plays an important role in driving any transformation effort. Albino Financial Group's leadership understood that it is needed to actively champion design thinking for embracing throughout the organization. The commitment to resources helps the company to allocated resources both financial and human for supporting...

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