COSC 530Programming Assignment 3Exploiting the Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE)Your assignment is to make an efficient dot product (sum of products) function. Below is a conventional dotproduct...

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COSC 530 Programming Assignment 3 Exploiting the Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) Your assignment is to make an efficient dot product (sum of products) function. Below is a conventional dot product implementation in C. float dotprod(float x[], float y[], int n) { int i; float sum; sum = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < n;="" i++)="" {="" sum="" +="x[i]" *="" y[i];="" }="" return="" sum;="" }="" you="" are="" required="" to="" implement="" other="" versions="" of="" the="" dotprod="" function,="" where="" each="" function="" is="" placed="" in="" a="" separate="" le.="" the="" versions="" are="" (1)="" loop="" is="" unrolled="" by="" a="" factor="" of="" 4="" (ur4="" dotprod.c)="" where="" you="" can="" assume="" n="" is="" an="" integer="" multiple="" of="" 4,="" (2)="" accumulator="" expansion="" is="" applied="" on="" the="" unrolled="" loop="" (ae4="" dotprod.c),="" and="" (3)="" sse="" intrinsics="" are="" used="" to="" process="" 4="" elements="" of="" the="" arrays="" for="" each="" operation="" within="" each="" iteration="" of="" the="" loop="" (sse="" dotprod.c).="" you="" may="" find="" the="" following="" sse="" intrinsics="" useful="" when="" implementing="" your="" version="" of="" sse="" dotprod.c.="" m128="" a="" typedef="" used="" to="" declare="" a="" variable="" that="" can="" hold="" four="" single-precision="" floating-point="" values.="" m128="" variables="" can="" be="" assigned="" values="" from="" other="" m128="" variables,="" functions="" that="" return="" an="" m128="" value,="" or="" from="" a="" four="" element="" float="" array="" initializer.="" m128="" mm="" load="" ps(float="" *p);="" is="" the="" prototype="" for="" a="" function="" that="" loads="" four="" single-precision="" oating-point="" values="" from="" the="" address="" specied="" in="" p="" and="" returns="" the="" four="" values="" as="" a="" m128="" value.="" p="" must="" be="" aligned="" on="" a="" 16="" byte="" boundary.="" void="" mm="" store="" ps(float="" *p,="" m128="" v);="" is="" the="" prototype="" for="" a="" function="" that="" stores="" the="" m128="" value="" in="" v="" at="" the="" address="" specified="" in="" p,="" which="" must="" be="" aligned="" on="" a="" 16="" byte="" boundary.="" m128="" mm="" add="" ps(="" m128="" a,="" m128="" b);="" is="" the="" prototype="" for="" a="" function="" that="" returns="" the="" sum="" of="" the="" m128="" values="" in="" a="" and="" b.="" m128="" mm="" mul="" ps(="" m128="" a,="" m128="" b);="" is="" the="" prototype="" for="" a="" function="" that="" returns="" the="" product="" of="" the="" m128="" values="" in="" a="" and="" b.="" use="" the="" following="" c="" preprocessor="" command="" to="" obtain="" access="" to="" the="" typedef="" and="" the="" prototypes="" for="" the="" intrinsics.="" #include=""> You can precede an array declaration by the following specification to align the array on a 16 byte boundary. attribute ((aligned(16))) You should test the efficiency of your solutions on one of the hydra machines using the test.c and run scripts that are in the starter package. You should test each dot product implementation with the array sizes of 32768, 65536, 131072, and 262144. You should also plot the timing results as a bar graph, including the results with the regular implementation of dot product solution shown above and included in reg dotprod.c in the starter package. 1 For your submission, you should create a gzipped tar file of your project directory with the completed ur4 dotprod.c, ae4 dotprod.c, and sse dotprod.c implementations, as well as a pdf file containing the timing results of your experiments. Upload this tar file to canvas before due date and time specified at the top of this assignment. Partial credits will be given for incomplete efforts. However, a program that does not compile or run will get 0 points. Point breakdown is below: • ur4 dotprod.c (15) • ae4 dotprod.c (20) • sse dotprod.c (50) • results with bar graph (15) 2
Answered 22 days AfterNov 24, 2022

Answer To: COSC 530Programming Assignment 3Exploiting the Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE)Your assignment...

Aditi answered on Nov 25 2022
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