I want you to do studio 2 question ......Determine the location and magnitude of the greatest tensile, compressive, and the shear stresses in the shaft; use a two-plane analysis if neede

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I want you to do studio 2 question ......Determine the location and magnitude of the greatest tensile, compressive, and the shear stresses in the shaft; use a two-plane analysis if neede

ENME400 Machine Design Studio Problem 2 – Free Body Diagram and Stress Calculations Description For the proposed design cart from Studio Problem 1, teams conduct stress analysis and design the layout of shaft(s) including the locations of bearing(s), gear(s) and wheels when necessary. For calculations, consider shaft diameter of 25 mm. • Determine the minimum required torque on the driving shaft(s) using acceleration calculations • Draw free body diagram of shafts • Determine the reaction forces and torques on the shafts • Determine the location and magnitude of the greatest tensile, compressive, and the shear stresses in the shaft; use a two-plane analysis if needed (see example 3-9 from the textbook). • Draw shear and bending moment diagrams for each shaft • Document each student’s contribution to this assignment Objective Students will develop an appropriate understanding of stress analysis, shaft design and find reaction forces using equilibrium equations. Submission Each team will submit their assignment through Canvas in PDF format. Rubric 10 points for torque and acceleration calculations 20 points for free body diagram of shafts (at least two shafts) 20 points for reaction forces and torques on the shafts 20 points for location and magnitude of maximum tensile, compressive, and the shear stresses 20 points for shear and bending moment diagrams for each shaft 5 points for student’s contribution documentation 5 points for professionalism and well-articulated submission (clear, concise, coherent, complete) Microsoft Word - Studio Assignment 1 ENME400 Machine Design  Studio Problem 1 – Problem Definition and Requirements   Description  Each team will meet to document team contract using provided outline. Teams review the design  project posted on Canvas under Files > Design Project folder.    Document team contract using provided outline   From the project description, students are to document a list of requirements or design  specifications. The requirements should be a clear and complete sentence.    Students will provide a possible concept solution for the problem. It could be an abstract hand‐ sketch or a CAD model with some text explaining the solution. No calculations or detailed design  specifications are expected for this assignment.      Finally, students will write about the general design process and the type of analysis that are  needed to solve this problem.   Document each student’s contribution to this assignment    Objective  Students will develop a high level of understanding of the Design Project and possible solutions.   Submission  Teams will submit typed assignment through Canvas in PDF format.  Rubric  Professionalism will be considered in the grading and can result in a maximum of 20 points off the final  score. Professionalism includes but is not limited to correct spelling, proper grammar, proper  formatting, clear display of information, and inclusion of document metadata (name, date, course,  document topic, page number).      10 points for a complete team contract  20 points for complete list of requirements (minimum of 10 requirements)  25 points for a hand‐sketch or CAD model with some text explaining the solution   20 points for general process and analysis type  20 points for professionalism and typed, well‐articulated submission (clear, concise, coherent, complete)  5 student’s contribution documentation    Shaft FBD X Y .1m.025m Wheel Axle Shaft Cart Axle Bearing Z Y .025m Wheel Axle Shaft .1m .025m .075m Cart .3m Axle Attaches to differential Z Y .025m Wheel Axle Shaft .1m .025m .035m .0125m .3m Z Y Axle ShaftAxle Bearing aa . hh EE coc ; BO Se Ral A —, ’ . 2/16 Studio Submission During the class today, we completed the acceleration and torque calculations on wheels using Kinematic equations and then related Newton's first law equations. As a result, we achieved values that seemed reasonable given the slow speed of the car, around 0.00625 N-m on each wheel, with a wheel radius of 0.05 m . Towards the end of class, we reevaluated our chosen wheel diameter, based on the amount of space needed below the car. After some deliberation, we believe that the wheel diameter of .1 m was realistic, there will be some clearance between the wheel and the bottom of the cart, this should allow for the gearbox and motor to be approximately 0.06 m thick, leaving 0.05 m between the bottom of these and the ground. We also establish the total number of shafts to be 5, with an input shaft into the gear box, a layshaft inside the gearbox, the output shaft, then two shafts to the two rear wheels to power the cart.
Answered 1 days AfterFeb 25, 2024

Answer To: I want you to do studio 2 question ......Determine the location and magnitude of the greatest...

Dr Shweta answered on Feb 26 2024
11 Votes
Ans 1:
Torque τ = Fr sin θ
Here, F = force, r = distance from where the force is applied, and θ
= angle between r and F
The minimum required torque on the driving shafts = 0 since minimum torque occurs when the value of θ is zero and therefore sin θ becomes 0. And therefore minimum torque = 0
Ans 2 Free body diagram of shafts are as follows:
Ans 3: The torque required to drive a shaft is calculated with the help of following formula: 
Torque = force x distance
Here, Force = force applied to the shaft
Distance = length of the shaft
Reaction force on a shaft is calculated as:
F = (T * R) / L,
Here: F = force, T =...

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