just check first and tell me what's the price?

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just check first and tell me what's the price?

Assignment 5 Final Project Spring 2024 Assignment #5 (Written Assignment Due by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, May 14, 2024) Oral/Written Staff Report to Planning Commission Email to [email protected] (No Page Limit but I would expect 13-15 written pages with some graphics) The purpose of this Assignment is to bring together everything we have learned this semester and to help you work on your professional skills. As I mentioned in class, a developer with a pending project in front of the County of Santa Cruz has agreed to let us use its Project to analyze. Because the assignment is for educational purposes only, please do not contact the County about about this Project. The Project is called the 841 Capitola Road Project. It consists of a proposed approximately 15-unit project with affordable housing component located at 841 Capitola Road, Unincorporated Santa Cruz County. Currently the site has one existing dwelling unit that will be demolished. You should go on Zillow which has great photos of the project site and the purchase history for the property: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/841-Capitola-Rd-Santa- Cruz-CA-95062/59718269_zpid/ . Notice the purchase price and the date of purchase. Also, I would suggest going on google maps street view to see the surrounding neighborhood and obtain graphics for your report. Take a virtual walk around the neighborhood to determine if the proposed project is compatible with the neighborhood. I have had some students walk the neighborhood in person if they live/find themselves in Santa Cruz but of course not required. Each student in the class will prepare a written staff report for the Project and present a particular aspect of the Project that interests them to the class orally for roughly 5-7 minutes during the last two weeks of class. The oral presentations and class discussion will take place on May 14, 2024 and May 21, 2024. I would greatly appreciate each student bringing some unique personal perspective on their review of the Project, meaning that you can make personal observations and not have to stick to the strictly staff report format. I would also expect students to create visual aids for the Planning Commission such as google map images, and powerpoint slides summarizing aspects of the Project. Each student would create approximately 3-5 slides to enhance their presentation. The paper is due for all students by 5:00 pm on Tuesday May 14, 2024. In fairness to other students, late papers will not be accepted without penalty without prior approved excuse. At a minimum, each student’s staff report shall contain the following areas of discussion (however, all students should feel free to expand on these topics or add other topics they feel are relevant). There is no exact format for the staff report but if you want you can look at sample staff reports and you can choose your local/favorite jurisdiction to get ideas on formatting etc. Or you can review a County of Santa Cruz planning commission staff report. http://www.sccoplanning.com/PlanningHome/ZoningDevelopment/AgendasHearings/ PlanningCommission.aspx mailto:[email protected] http://www.sccoplanning.com/PlanningHome/ZoningDevelopment/AgendasHearings/PlanningCommission.aspx http://www.sccoplanning.com/PlanningHome/ZoningDevelopment/AgendasHearings/PlanningCommission.aspx First, the class should independently confirm the information provided by the developer. . Go to: http://sccounty01.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/PlanningApplicationStatus/Report enter the Assessor Parcel Number: 02649140. This will provide you with a Parcel Status Report. In addition, in order to complete the assignment, the students should consult: Santa Cruz County General Plan: https://www.sccoplanning.com/PlanningHome/SustainabilityPlanning/ GeneralPlanTownPlans.aspx Santa Cruz County Zoning Ordinance https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/#!/SantaCruzCounty13/ SantaCruzCounty13.html Santa Cruz County Subdivision Ordinance https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/#!/SantaCruzCounty14/ SantaCruzCounty14.html One key goal of this Assignment is for you to spend significant time in each of the above documents. Our developer has provided a Submittal that has been submitted to the County of Santa Cruz. Part of your assignment is to evaluate the proposal for compliance with the above General Plan and Ordinances. The plan set is attached to this email. Spend some time looking in detail at the Plan Set. I have attached the most recent plan set to the email attached with this instruction sheet. Look on line for resources on how to read plans. I googled “how to read building plans” and looked at a few resources. Here is an article with a good overview: https://esub.com/blog/how-to-read-construction-site-plans/ http://sccounty01.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/PlanningApplicationStatus/Report https://www.sccoplanning.com/PlanningHome/SustainabilityPlanning/GeneralPlanTownPlans.aspx https://www.sccoplanning.com/PlanningHome/SustainabilityPlanning/GeneralPlanTownPlans.aspx https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/#!/SantaCruzCounty13/SantaCruzCounty13.html https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/#!/SantaCruzCounty13/SantaCruzCounty13.html https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/#!/SantaCruzCounty14/SantaCruzCounty14.html https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/#!/SantaCruzCounty14/SantaCruzCounty14.html https://esub.com/blog/how-to-read-construction-site-plans/ Once you have determined the property’s zoning and general plan categories you can go to those documents to figure out whether the proposal complies with the codes. This would include determining compliance with density, lot coverage, floor area ratio, parking, open space, density bonus calculations, etc. and any other categories that you deem important. You will also need to determine what permits/entitlements are likely required for the Project. It is planned as a subdivision so will need approval of a tentative map. At a minimum, each student’s staff report will contain the following discussion topics (please use subject headings, executive summary, etc. but you don’t need to be constrained by the staff report format, I want to know what you think about the project good and bad and whether you would revise it, etc) This is a minimum and you can add topics and use your own creative approaches. You will assume that the Project has been approved at an administrative level. You are writing the staff report to the Planning Commission after the approval has been appealed by a neighborhood group “Save our Santa Cruz”. 1. Executive Summary. This will be one paragraph approximately 1 page in length that will summarize everything a decision-maker needs to know in one place about the Project including your own staff recommendation, i.e. whether to approve or deny the Project/ Appeal. If this was all the decision-maker read, he or she would be minimally prepared. 2. Project Description/Project Setting. This narrative section will state the location of project, parcel size, all requested permits/approvals for the Project and describe the site and surrounding neighborhood. (Consult google maps to evaluate the site, street and surrounding neighborhood). This will also state the existing General Plan/Zoning for the property. Is the proposed project compatible with the neighborhood? 3. CEQA Compliance. Prepare a portion of an Initial Study. Discuss at least the following impact areas: Land Use/Planning, Population/Housing, and Transportation/Traffic. Try to answer the questions in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines for these 3 topic areas in a few paragraphs based upon your own opinions: https://resources.ca.gov/CNRALegacyFiles/ceqa/docs/ab52/final-approved-appendix-G.pdf Based upon your review, do you think the project should be subject to an exemption, a negative declaration, or an EIR and why? Please determine which exemption (that we discussed in class) is applicable and explain/defend it in the staff report. Please discuss both the initial study assuming CEQA compliance and the exemption. 4. Development Standards/Parking/Etc. Review the project plans/particularly Page APO.52 Site Plan. Based upon your independent review of the codes, describe the Project’s compliance with the various applicable development standards, including but not limited to: lot coverage, floor area ratio, setbacks, parking, etc. You must consult https://resources.ca.gov/CNRALegacyFiles/ceqa/docs/ab52/final-approved-appendix-G.pdf with the County Code on these topics and cite sections of the code that you use to make these determinations. 5. Design/landscaping parameters for the project. Evaluate the overall site plan and project and express your opinion regarding the choices made by the developer. Include a discussion of whether the Project is “compatible with the neighborhood” as we discussed in class. 6. Response to Appeal. You will need to advise the Planning Commission on the merits of the appeal. The grounds for appeal are as follows: a. Density. The neighbors argue that the Project is too dense and should be 8 units as per the Zoning Code/General plan. Review the general plan/zoning code based upon the classification of the property and analyze what density range is authorized and/or required by the code. Include citations to the relevant sections of the Code/General Plan. b. Historic Structure. The neighbors argue that the existing house is historic and can’t be demolished. Review the code and explain the issues to the planning commission with a recommendation to deny the appeal on this issue. Cite to the Code. c. Tree Removal. The neighbors argue that the project should be redesigned to lessen the tree removals. Evaluate the project plans and recommend whether it can be redesigned to avoid the tree removal based upon review of the code. d. Open Space The neighbors think there is not enough open space in the project and this will lead to negative impacts on the neighborhood. 7. What would you do to revise the Project to meet these concerns? Propose at least three new project conditions of approval that would address these concerns and discuss their legality based upon what you have learned in class. Another conditions shall involve requiring that the developer dedicate property to provide a pocket park for the neighborhood. Evaluate whether or not you think this pocket park condition could be legally defended under Nolan/Dolan standards or other topics we have discussed in class. 8. Other issues. Please discuss any other issues that would you like to discuss in your staff report. Thanks. Please contact me with questions! PROJECT DIRECTORY ARCHITECT WORKBENCH CONTACT: JAMILEH CANNON 189 WALNUT AVE. SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 P: 831.227.2217 E: [email protected] OWNER 841 CAPITOLA LLC CO: WORKBENCH CONTACT: TIM GORDIN 189 WALNUT AVE. SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 P: 831.902.9734 EXT 201 E: [email protected] CONTRACTOR WORKBENCH CONTACT: TIM GORDIN 189 WALNUT AVE. SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 P: 831.227.2217 E: [email protected] CIVIL ENGINEER IFLAND ENGINEERS CONTACT: JON IFLAND 5300 SOQUEL AVE, STE 101 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062 P: 831.426.5313 E: [email protected] LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MBLA CONTACT: MEGAN BISHOP P.O. BOX 328 APTOS, CA 95001 P: 831.818.9227 E: [email protected] GEOTECHNICAL ROCK SOLID ENGINEERING CONTACT: DUSTY OSBURN 1100 MAIN ST, STE A WATSONVILLE, CA 95076 P: 831.724.5868 E:[email protected] ARBORIST DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP CONTACT: BRENDA WONG/ ELIZABETH LANHAM ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST P: 650.372.8116 E: [email protected] A101 1 SIM 101 1 1 A101 SIM 1i 1t DOOR OR GATE NUMBER WALL TAG WINDOW TAG ROOM NUMBER ELEVATION MARKER ROOM AREA DETAIL NUMBER SHEET NUMBER REVISION NUMBER KEYNOTE NUMBER A101 1 Ref 1 R e f 1 Ref 1 R e f ELEVATION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER BUILDING SECTION NUMBER SHEET NUMBER GRAPHIC LEGEND Room name 101 150 SF X X X X ROOM FINISHES 11/30/23 Scale Project number Print Date Drawn by Checked by 189 WALNUT AVENUE SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 WORKBENCHBUILT.COM P: 831.227.2217 All drawings and written material appearing herin constitute original and unpublished work of Workbench, Inc. and may not be duplicated, used or disclosed without written consent of the Workbench, Inc. ISSUES/ REVISIONS APN number DR AF T: N O T FO R CO N ST RU CT IO N NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 9 /2 9 /2 0 2 3 5 :0 1 :5 9 P M GP0.00 COVER SHEET 21110 06.30.2023 OH EB 8 4 1 C A P IT O LA R O A D S A N T A C R U Z , C A 9 5 0 6 2 8 4 1 C A P IT O LA R O A D 026-491-40 841 CAPITOLA ROAD PLANNING PACKAGE DRAWING INDEX - PLANNING GENERAL GP0.00 COVER SHEET GP0.01 PROJECT INFORMATION GP0.02 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS GP0.03 RENDERINGS & 3D EXHIBITS GP0.04 SHADOW STUDIES GP0.05 DENSITY BONUS WAIVER DIAGRAMS SURVEY LS.1 LAND SURVEY TENTATIVE MAP TM1.0 TENTATIVE MAP TM1.1 TENTATIVE MAP CIVIL C0.0 COVER SHEET C0.1 TYPICAL STREET SECTION C1.0 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN (SOUTH) C1.1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN (NORTH) C1.2 PRIVATE ROAD PROFILE C2.0 UTILITY PLAN (SOUTH) C2.1 UTILITY PLAN (NORTH) C3.0 STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN C3.1 STORMWATER CONTROL DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL AP0.51 DEMOLITION SITE PLAN + EXISTING ELEVATIONS AP0.52 PROPOSED SITE PLAN + SITE ELEVATIONS AP1.01 PROPOSED OVERALL FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR PLAN AP4.01 PROPOSED UNIT PLANS AP5.01 PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS AP6.01 PROPOSED BUILDING SECTIONS AP9.01 LIGHTING PLAN LANDSCAPE L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.2 LANDSCAPE PLAN 06/30/2023 Issue DESCRIPTION DATE 1 DRG SUBMISSION 08.10.2022 2 PLANNING PACKAGE 03.29.2023 3 PLANNING REV 1 06.30.2023 3 3 ASSESSORS MAP SUBJECT PROPERTY PROJECT DATA LOT ADDRESS: 841 CAPITOLA RD. SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062 APN: 026-491-40 LOT SIZE (PER SURVEY): 38,217.29 SF ZONING DISTRICT: R-1-5 LAND USE DESIGNATION: R-UM
Answered 7 days AfterMay 06, 2024

Answer To: just check first and tell me what's the price?

Sonam answered on May 13 2024
9 Votes
841 Capitola Road Housing Development Project, Santa Cruz County
Executive Summary    3
Project Description and Setting:    5
Project Design and Compatibility:    7
CEQA Compliance:    8
Development Standards Compliance and Variances:    9
Design and Landscaping Parameters:    10
Response to Appeal:    10
Proposed Project Revisions and Legality:    11
Other Issues and Staff Recommendation:    13
Conclusion:    14
Executive Summary
The proposed 28-unit housing development at 841 Capitola Road, in the Live Oak neighborhood of unincorporated Santa Cruz County, appears to fill the region's extreme housing shortage with a mix of housing types. Development spearheaded by local developer Workbench is planned to meet the requirements of the strea
mlined approval process under Senate Bill SB 35, a state law to fast-track the development of housing projects that meet objective standards.
The multi-family residential building will be a one- and two-bedroom apartment building that can accommodate a host of different household sizes and income levels. Most importantly, the project features four affordable units to fulfill the county's commitment to offering all residents an opportunity to live here. The building will replace an existing single-family home to maximize the use of the 0.41-acre parcel for housing density.
The design of the project considers compatibility with existing neighborhood character, which is dominantly single-family homes. Still, it seeks to adopt certain elements of modern architecture and sustainability. The developer tries to make a balance between functionality, aesthetic appeal, and environmental responsibility.
However, opposition to the project has arisen because of density, increased traffic congestion, and the removal of the existing single-family dwelling. These issues are not new in new housing developments, reflecting the community's desire to preserve the neighborhood's character and way of life.
The developer has tried to address the concerns raised by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the potential effects of the project and committing to mitigation measures for each of the effects. Notably, the developer has agreed to make a contribution toward a traffic mitigation fund, which the local government can use to enhance traffic flow in the area and help reduce any traffic congestion resulting from increased residents.
Additionally, the project complies with state and local goals for increased housing density. California is in a deep housing crisis, and SB 35 is meant to encourage housing projects that will go toward alleviating that crisis. Santa Cruz County is also interested in more housing—especially affordable units—for its increasing population.
After a review of the project design, impacts, and proposed mitigations, staff is recommending approval of the project. The recommendation is based on project compliance with the objective standards for development under SB 35 and for contributions to the housing crisis, in view of the applicant's commitment toward mitigation of potential negative impacts.
To ensure that the development complements the character of the neighborhood and that the potential effects of this project are minimized, staff is recommending Conditions of Approval for traffic mitigation measures and design review. These conditions would bind the applicant to execute the proposed traffic mitigation measures and make them present the final project design for review to ensure compatibility with neighborhood aesthetics.
In a nutshell, the proposed housing development of 28 units at 841 Capitola Road is a viable way of answering regional housing challenges while being in compliance with state and local goals of development. Subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval, the project is expected to make available needed housing, including affordable units, with the least negative impacts possible on the community and the environment.
Project Description and Setting:
The project site is located at 841 Capitola Road in the unincorporated Live Oak neighborhood of Santa Cruz County, California. It currently contains a single-family home that will be demolished for the new construction. This will develop much-needed housing stock in the area by increasing density and adding to the residential units in a setting well-suited for multi-family living.
841 Capitola Road is situated in an area that is primarily residential and consists of mostly single-family home dwellings with some existing multi-family developments. The subject property is uniquely positioned near amenities, schools, and transportation options, making this a desirable location for new housing. This neighborhood is in growing demand for housing based on location to job centers, natural beauty, and general desirability of the Santa Cruz area.
Parcel Size and Zoning:
Project Site: The project site is approximately 0.41 acres. The parcel is zoned single-family residential and, as such, the developer will need to have it rezoned to accommodate the multi-family project. The zoning change, however, will be in conformance with the county's General Plan that recognizes the area for medium-density residential use.
Proposed Use and Requested Approvals:
The project will consist of a multi-family residential building containing 28 units. These units are comprised of one and two-bedroom apartments that satisfy all household sizes and income groups. Importantly, it comprises four affordable units that show the commitment of the developer to social responsibility and the goal of the county in increasing the affordable housing stock.
For the development of the project, this developer is before the Santa Cruz County Planning Commission for the following approvals:
1. Coastal Development Permit: This is one of the permits required to perform developments inside the coastal zone, and it's there to ensure that they meet specified environmental and aesthetic standards.
2. Design Review Permit: This would include the architectural design the project would follow to make sure that the neighborhood is maintained or upgraded and stays compatible with the existing neighborhood and meets the aesthetic standards of the community.
3. Variance to the Maximum Height Limit: The design of the project is two feet over the maximum height limit. This variance is sought by the developer to explain that this height increase is needed to realize the units envisioned and provide light and air to the residents in the building.
Project Design and Compatibility:
This project will balance the latest aesthetic appeal with compatibility in the surrounding neighborhood. The exterior features of the building reflect predominant architectural features existing in the area, such as roof pitching and variation of setbacks. This is complemented by the landscaping features using drought-tolerant plants and trees, contributing to the sustainability of the project and further reducing the usage of water.
The developer has tried to answer the community's concerns regarding density and traffic through affordable housing units and has offered to contribute toward a traffic mitigation fund. The proximity of this project to already existing multi-family dwellings, plus the provision of a variety of housing options, answers the changing character of the neighborhood and the increased demand for...

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