Final Exam CENG 4351 Fall 2022AssigmentModify your file to add a green cylinder that slides along an imaginary rail on the top of the chassis as shown in the attached...

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Final Exam CENG 4351 Fall 2022 Assigment Modify your file to add a green cylinder that slides along an imaginary rail on the top of the chassis as shown in the attached video. The green cylinder has a radius of 0.05 meters and a length of 2.5 meters. Its mass properties are : Mass = 0.05 kg Inertia matrix =   Your code should also include a collision model for the green cylinder which is geometrically identical to its visual model. Run gazebo simulation and use Kazam to record a similar video on your computer showing also your commands on the terminals.   Hint: the green cylinder can be modeled as an additional link that is connected to the chassis by a prismatic joint which is the rail.   Clearly label your code and video files and submit them to blackboard.   Bring up Turtlebot3 simulation with file, then perform SLAM and navigate from the initial turtlebot3 pose, to poses 1,2,3,4,5 in that order. Use Kazam (or a video software of your choice) to record the entire process (in multiple files if needed). Clearly label the video file(s) and submit them to blackboard. Modify the file in your Homework 3 to add another turtle that will run like in the attached video. Colcon build your code, make a run with at least 2 sets of commanded motion for each turtle. Use Kazam to record the whole computer screen for the entire run. Clearly label your code and video files and submit them to blackboard. To install Turtlebot3 Simulation and perform SLAM and Navigation on it in an Ubuntu 20.04 Virtual Machine 1. Install required packages: open a terminal and run the following commands foxy (or source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-foxy-cartographer ros-foxy-cartographer- ros ros-foxy-navigation2 ros-foxy-nav2-bringup sudo apt install ros-foxy-turtlebot3-msgs ros-foxy-dynamixel-sdk ros-foxy-hls-lfcd- lds-driver mkdir -p ~/turtlebot3_ws/src cd turtlebot3_ws/src git clone -b foxy-devel git clone -b foxy-devel 2. Build the Turtlebot3 simulation (still using the same terminal) cd ~/turtlebot3_ws colcon build --symlink-install --parallel-workers 1 2. Launch the Turtlebot3 simulation: open a new terminal and run the following commands foxy export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo 3. Launch the mapping program: open a new terminal and run the following commands foxy export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 launch turtlebot3_cartographer use_sim_time:=True 4. Launch the teleop keyboard to drive the simulated Turtlebot3 around the arena: open a new terminal and run the following commands foxy export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard (Note: w=forward, x=backward, a=rotate CCW, d=rotate CW, s=stop) (Drive the simulated Turtlebot3 completely around the arena so the cartographer software can create a map) 5. To save the map: open a new terminal and run the following commands: foxy export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi;!!BCR0FSePrR4x!UIte99QQKzuZByaqp9DhQ_QvGAUj8h6pZyUv_sI29vEqQxeOaqurtYd6nuD0K8o$;!!BCR0FSePrR4x!UIte99QQKzuZByaqp9DhQ_QvGAUj8h6pZyUv_sI29vEqQxeOaqurtYd6GE0drGM$;!!BCR0FSePrR4x!UIte99QQKzuZByaqp9DhQ_QvGAUj8h6pZyUv_sI29vEqQxeOaqurtYd6rhCwNUM$;!!BCR0FSePrR4x!UIte99QQKzuZByaqp9DhQ_QvGAUj8h6pZyUv_sI29vEqQxeOaqurtYd6R4_boL4$ source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/map (The map will be saved in two files map.pgm and map.yaml at the home directory) 6. To navigate: first terminate all applications in all windows that were used in creating the map, then relaunch the Turtlebot3 simulation with commands in the step 2 above. Finally, open a new terminal and launch the navigation software by running the following commands foxy export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi source ~/turtlebot3_ws/install/setup.bash ros2 launch turtlebot3_navigation2 map:=$HOME/map.yaml 7. Estimate the Initial Pose by a) Click the 2D Pose Estimate button in the RViz2 menu b) Click on the map where the actual robot is located and drag the large green arrow toward the direction where the robot is facing. c) Repeat step a and b until the LDS sensor data is overlayed on the saved map. 8. Launch keyboard teleoperation node to precisely locate the robot on the map with the command ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard (Move the robot back and forth a bit to collect the surrounding environment information and narrow down the estimated location of the Turtlebot3 on the map which is displayed with tiny green arrows) 9. Terminate the teleoperation node by entering Ctrl + C 10. Set Navigation Goal by a) Click the Navigation2 Goal button in the RViz2 menu b) Click on the map to set the destination of the robot and drag the green arrow toward the direction where the robot will be facing. This green arrow is a marker that can specify the destination of the robot. The root of the arrow is x, y coordinate of the destination, and the angle θ is determined by the orientation of the arrow. As soon as x, y, θ are set, TurtleBot3 will start moving to the destination immediately. PowerPoint-Präsentation Gazebo (version 11) 3D simulation environment Powered using rigid-body dynamics (all objects are incompressible) Open Dynamic Engine (ODE) is used by default. Bullet, DART or Simbody can be compiled by choice OpenGL rendering Can provide real-time simulation with physically plausible behavior Gazebo Robot mobility can be handled in 2D or 3D because the environment is static. Indoor ground robots operate primarily in 2D, but aerial, underwater, space, and even outdoor ground robots need 3D simulation environments. Robot manipulators in simulation require more complexity to handle the dynamics of the robot and other objects in the scene. Gazebo plugins ModelPlugins provides access to the physics model API SensorPlugins provides access to the sensors API VisualPlugins provides access to the visual rendering API Gazebo $ gazebo Once gazebo is run the first time, the directory ~/.gazebo will be created Differential Drive Gazebo Demo Open a terminal $ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-ros-pkgs $ sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros-core ros-foxy-geometry2 $ gazebo --verbose ~/Downloads/ Open another terminal $ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash $ ros2 topic list $ ros2 topic pub /demo/cmd_demo geometry_msgs/Twist ‘{linear: {x: 0.2}}’ -1 $ ros2 topic pub /demo/cmd_demo geometry_msgs/Twist ‘{linear: {x: 0.0}}’ -1 $ ros2 topic pub /demo/cmd_demo geometry_msgs/Twist ‘{angular: {z: 0.2}}’ -1 XML declaration Comments begin of sdf begin of world world data URI=Uniform Resource Identifier ~/.gazebo/models/construction_cone Modeling SW: AutoCAD, Solidworks sdf=Simulation Description Format link chassis chassis inertial data chassis visual data /usr/share/gazebo-11/media/materials/scripts/gazebo.material ambient, diffuse, specular, emissive determine color & texture of a model link chassis chassis collision data end of link chassis link left wheel left wheel inertial data left wheel visual data gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world link left wheel left wheel collision data end of link left wheel cfm = constraint force mixing erp = error reduction parameter kp = spring constant kd = damping coeff ode = open dynamics engine gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world joint ‘left wheel / chassis’ gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world link right wheel right wheel inertial data right wheel visual data gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world link right wheel right wheel collision data end of link right wheel gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world joint ‘right wheel/chassis’ gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world differential drive plugin gazebo_ddrobot_demo. world end of model end of world end of sdf ROS2 Topics, Publishers and Subscriber Homework 3 Homework 3 Homework 3 ROS2 Publisher How to add a publisher for the topic /turtle1/cmd_vel From Lesson_7 powerpoint self.publisher_name = self.create_publisher(topic_type, “topic_name”, queue) ROS2 Publisher self.publisher_name = self.create_publisher(topic_type, “topic_name”, queue) The publisher_name is already chosen on line 67 of the code - Topic name is given “turtle1/cmd_vel” - To find topic type, first activate turtlesim $ ros2 topic list $ ros2 topic type /turtle1/cmd_vel (Twist) ROS2 Subscriber How to add a subscriber for the topic /turtle1/pose From Lesson_7 powerpoint self.subscriber_name = self.create_subscription(topic_type, “topic_name”, callback_function, queue) ROS2 Subscriber self.subscriber_name = self.create_publisher(topic_type, “topic_name”, callback_function, queue) The subscriber_name is of your choice - Topic name is given “turtle1/pose” - Callback function name is given “callback_turtle_pose” (line 30) $ ros2 topic list $ ros2 topic type /turtle1/pose (Pose) ROS2 Timer How to add a timer that calls the “control_loop” function every 0.1 sec From Lesson_7 powerpoint self.timer_name = self.create_timer(0.1, self.control_loop) Add python code Simple python code Build the system Add the “TurtleControllerNode” to file “” $ colcon build --packages-select my_py_pkg Run $ source install/setup.bash $ ros2 run my_py_pkg turtle_controller_node
Answered 2 days AfterDec 06, 2022

Answer To: Final Exam CENG 4351 Fall 2022AssigmentModify your file to add a...

Karthi answered on Dec 08 2022
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