Now that you've been introduced to the process of conducting research, it's time for you to get started! For this assignment, you'll be creating a bibliography that you could potentially use for your...

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Now that you've been introduced to the process of conducting research, it's time for you to get started! For this assignment, you'll be creating a bibliography that you could potentially use for your research paper, as well as showing me the process that you're using for thinking through which sources to use. You'll be required to do the following:

1.) You MUST include five sources that you could use for the research paper.At least two of these sources MUST be scholarly work.

2.) You MUST include a full bibliographic citationfor all five sources.

3.) You MUST include an annotationfor every single sourcethat answerseachof the following questions:

  • What type of source is this?

  • Why is this source credible?

  • What is the argument/point that this source is making?

  • How will this source help your paper?

This is meant to give you practice in the realm of academic research and to give you a jump-start on the final project, rather than leaving it until the last minute.You are not required to use these exact sources on your final paper.They just have to be something that you'd be able to potentially use; you can abandon these sources and/or add new ones on your final paper if you wish.

Answered 1 days AfterNov 20, 2023

Answer To: Now that you've been introduced to the process of conducting research, it's time for you to get...

Shubham answered on Nov 22 2023
24 Votes
Article 1
Goralski, M. A., & Tan, T. K. (2020). Artificial intelligence and sustainable development. The International Journal of Management Education, 18(1), 100330.
It is a peer-reviewed journal article explores potential of artificial intelligence to contribute towards sus
tainable development goals. The authors describe about field of AI and sustainable development that provides comprehensive overview of various ways in which AI can be used to address environmental, social and economic challenges. The article highlights potential of AI to optimize resource use, reduce pollution and promote sustainable energy production. It discusses potential of AI to improve healthcare, education and social services. The article examines challenges associated with use of AI for sustainable development like ethical considerations, data privacy concerns and need for responsible AI development and deployment. The article provides valuable resource for understanding the potential of AI to contribute to sustainable development. It offers comprehensive overview of potential applications of AI. It includes critical discussion of challenges and opportunities associated with the use of AI. The article can be used to inform research and policy decisions related to use of AI for sustainable development. The article is credible because it is published in reputable academic journal with rigorous peer-review process. It includes authors that are experts in field of artificial intelligence and sustainable development. Artificial intelligence has potential to play significant role in achieving sustainable development goals. AI can be used to address environmental, social and economic challenges.
    Article 2
Kaplan, A., & Haenlein, M. (2020). Rulers of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence. Business Horizons, 63(1), 37-50.
The article is peer-reviewed journal article that examines potential benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence on society. It provides a balanced overview of impact of AI on various aspects of human life that highlights opportunities for innovation and potential risks associated with widespread adoption. The article focuses on transformative power of AI acknowledging potential to increase productivity along with enhanced decision-making and create new avenues for innovation. It describes about potential downsides of AI like job displacement, privacy concerns and possibility of AI surpassing human control. This article can be considered as valuable resource for understanding the complex relationship between AI and society. It offers insights in ethical and social implications of AI development and deployment that provides framework for informed decision-making related to AI governance and...

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