2.3P_create_a_context_diagram A context diagram is used to visualise the boundary between the software system and its environment. It is important to prepare a context diagram, at the beginning of...

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Pass Task 2.3: Create a context diagram

2.3P_create_a_context_diagram A context diagram is used to visualise the boundary between the software system and its environment. It is important to prepare a context diagram, at the beginning of your requirements analysis, to show the high level architecture of the proposed system. This will help you define the scope of the proposed software system by clearly defining its boundaries. This week you have been presented with a case study based on Melbourne City Council’s (MCC) inner city parking problem. Now imagine MCC is employing you to develop a smartphone mobile application to solve its parking problem. This app should help people locate car park spaces in the inner city and pay for parking with ease. In this task you will prepare a context diagram for the MCC’s smartphone parking application. Submit the following files to OnTrack: Your context diagram for MCC’s smartphone parking application. A brief report that explains the different aspects of your context diagram. 1. Review this week’s steps particularly the one directly related to context diagrams. 2. Read the MCC parking case study, presented this week, carefully. 3. Identify the external stakeholders and any other systems that will interact with the application. 4. Identify the data flows into or out of the application. 5. Create your context diagram using Lucid Chart. 6. Prepare a short report explaining your data flows and the functions of external stakeholders, systems and the interactions they have with the parking application. 7. Submit your work to OnTrack. SIT773 Software Requirements and Analysis Pass Task 2.3: Create a context diagram Overview Submission Details Instructions SIT773 Software Requirements and Analysis Pass Task 2.3: Create a context diagram Overview Submission Details Instructions
Answered Same DayAug 06, 2022

Answer To: 2.3P_create_a_context_diagram A context diagram is used to visualise the boundary between the...

Aditi answered on Aug 06 2022
85 Votes
For drivers, MCC's parking software receives information about their parking requests, checks available
parking slots in the parking control system, and delivers available parking slots and payment gateways from parking slots to drivers.
Details of the parking slot allocation and parking status are updated and saved in the database for future reference after payment is completed and the payment status is verified.
External stakeholders include customers, investors, suppliers, government agencies, and the general public. They have an interest in the company's success for a number of reasons.
Customers expect to get the best product or service they can get their money's worth from. As a result, they may want to see the corporation have a beneficial influence on the community and the environment.
As demand grows for the company's goods or services, suppliers want to be able to provide that demand.
Governments and regulatory agencies want the company to respect the law, employ more people, and maintain strong financial procedures in order to help the economic situation..
When it comes to purchasing and selling products and...

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