Please do this: Case Study: COSO Components Principles.COSO principles are important factors in assuring a company has a reasonable structure in decision-making areas. In addition, COSO provides a framework upon which companies can work. It does not provide a functioning process—processes are established based on the company's needs, culture, and environment. Aytaç and Çabuk (2020) discuss 17 COSO components in the Assessment of the Effectiveness of Internal Control System and a Case Study. For a company of your choice, choose four components and establish processes to apply them. The submission should be 1-2 pages long. Use two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment.ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AND A CASE STUDY- Start your research here ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AND A CASE STUDY. Alternate T!tle: İÇ KONTROL SİSTEMİNİN ETKİNLİĞİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ VE BİR VAKA ANALİZİ. Language: Turk!sh Authors: AYTAÇ, Alp1
[email protected] ÇABUK, Adem1
[email protected] Source: Muhasebe ve Verg! Uygulamalar! Derg!s! (MUVU) / Journal of Account!ng & Taxat!on Stud!es (JATS). 2020, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p353-376. 24p. Document Type: Art!cle Subject Terms: *Internal aud!t!ng *F!nanc!al statements *Asset protect!on *Pr!vate sector Case stud!es Geograph!c Terms: Author-Suppl!ed Keywords: 4/11/24, 10:59 AM Page 1 of 4 Aud!t!ng Case Study COSO Internal Control Internal Control Effect!veness İç Kontrol İç Kontrolün Etk!nl!ğ! Denet!m Vaka Çalışması Language of Keywords: Engl!sh; Turk!sh Abstract (Engl!sh): Ident!fy!ng r!sks and tak!ng precaut!ons should be taken !nto cons!derat!on for ma!nta!n!ng the act!v!t!es. The negat!ve effects of r!sks !ncrease exponent!ally. In th!s r!sk determ!nat!on and tak!ng precaut!on process, !nternal control system holds a cruc!al pos!t!on. Internal control system !s affected by all stakeholders can ensure the rel!ab!l!ty of f!nanc!al statements, the protect!on of the!r assets and compl!ance w!th legal regulat!ons. In th!s study, the change of !nternal control system from past to present have been put forward, the elements to be cons!dered !n the des!gn and valuat!on process, and the problems encountered !n th!s process are ment!oned. Also, !n order to compare the theoret!cal ground and !ts pr!vate sector appl!cat!on of !nternal control system, a company operat!ng !n Bursa, was selected by conven!ence sampl!ng. In th!s study, sem!-structured !nterv!ew and document rev!ew method were used. Based on th!s, th!s company's strong and weak s!des related to !nternal control system was put forward. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Abstract (Turk!sh): R!skler!n bel!rlenmes! ve karşı önlemler!n alınması faal!yetler!n 4/11/24, 10:59 AM Page 2 of 4 sürdüreb!lmes! açısından göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. R!skler!n olumsuz etk!ler! katlanarak artış göstermekted!r. R!skler!n bel!rlenmes! ve bunlara karşı önlem alınma sürec!nde !ç kontrol s!stem! kr!t!k b!r noktada yer almaktadır. İç kontrol s!stem!; tüm paydaşlardan etk!lenen, f!nansal tabloların güven!l!rl!ğ!n!, varlıkların korunmasını ve yasal düzenlemelere uygunluğunu sağlamaktadır. Ele alınan çalışmada, !ç kontrol s!stem!n!n geçm!şten günümüze değ!ş!m!, kurulum ve değerleme sürec!nde d!kkate alınması gereken faktörler ve bu süreçte karşılaşılan sorunlar ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca, !ç kontrol s!stem! !le !lg!l! teor!k çerçeven!n özel sektör uygulamalarındak! !ç kontrol s!stem! !le karşılaştırılması !ç!n Bursa'da faal!yet gösteren b!r f!rma kolayda örnekleme yöntem!yle seç!lm!şt!r. Bu çalışmada yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme ve doküman !ncelemes! yöntem! kullanılmıştır. Buna bağlı olarak f!rmanın !ç kontrol s!stem!yle !lg!l! güçlü ve zayıf yanları ortaya konulmuştur. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyr!ght of Muhasebe ve Verg! Uygulamalar! Derg!s! (MUVU) / Journal of Account!ng & Taxat!on Stud!es (JATS) !s the property of Ankara Serbest Muhasebec! Mal! Musav!rler Odas! and !ts content may not be cop!ed or ema!led to mult!ple s!tes or posted to a l!stserv w!thout the copyr!ght holder's express wr!tten perm!ss!on. However, users may pr!nt, download, or ema!l art!cles for !nd!v!dual use. Th!s abstract may be abr!dged. No warranty !s g!ven about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the or!g!nal publ!shed vers!on of the mater!al for the full abstract.normal (Copyr!ght appl!es to all Abstracts.) Author Aff!l!at!ons: 1Uludağ Ün!vers!tes!, İkt!sad! ve İdar! B!l!mler Fakültes! ISSN: 4/11/24, 10:59 AM Page 3 of 4 1308-3740 DOI: 10.29067/muvu.603777 Access!on Number: 143146945 Database: Bus!ness Source Complete 4/11/24, 10:59 AM Page 4 of 4 ACC308001VA016-1244-001 Week 4 Week 4 Assignment - Case Study: COSO Components Prin- ciples 110 Points Possible In Progress NEXT UP: Submit Assignment 3 A!empts Allowed Available a!er Apr 8, 2024 12:00am Choose a submission type Due: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:00am A"empt 1 Add Comment Details COSO principles are important factors in assuring a company has a reasonable structure in decision-making areas. In addi#on, COSO provides a framework upon which companies can work. It does not provide a func#oning process—processes are established based on the company's needs, culture, and environment. Aytaç and Çabuk (2020) discuss 17 COSO components in the Assessment of the Effec#veness of Internal Control System and a Case Study. For a company of your choice, choose four components and establish processes to apply them. The submission should be 1-2 pages long. Use two sources to support your wri#ng. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one #me within your assignment. For help with research, wri#ng, and cita#on, access the library or review library guides. This course requires the use of Strayer Wri#ng Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including cita#ons and forma%ng. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any addi#onal instruc#ons. View Rubric Week 4 Assignment - Case Study: COSO Components Principles Criteria Ra"ngs Pts Component 1: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Component 2: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Component 3: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Component 4: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Use two credible, relevant, and appropriate sources to support your wri#ng and cite each source listed on your source slide at least one #me within your assignment. view longer descrip#on / 11 pts Clarity, wri#ng mechanics, and SWS forma%ng requirements. view longer descrip#on / 11 pts Total Points: 0 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 11 to >9.9 pts Exemplary Exceeds the required number of references; all references are high quality choices. 9.9 to >8.8 pts Competent Meets the required number of references; all references are high quality choices. 8.8 to >7.7 pts Sa"sfactory Does not meet the required number of references; some references are poor quality choices. 7.7 to >6.6 pts Needs Improvement Does not meet the required number of references; all references are poor quality choices. 6.6 to >0 pts Unacceptable No references provided. 11 to >9.9 pts Exemplary 0–2 errors present. 9.9 to >8.8 pts Competent 3–4 errors present. 8.8 to >7.7 pts Sa"sfactory 5–6 errors present. 7.7 to >6.6 pts Needs Improvement 7–8 errors present. 6.6 to >0 pts Unacceptable More than eight errors present. 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