Acct6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6007 Financial Accounting Theory and Practice Assessment Critical Analysis Individual/Group...

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Acct6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6007 Financial Accounting Theory and Practice Assessment Critical Analysis Individual/Group Individual Length 1500 words +/- 10% Learning Outcomes c. Explain the relationship between accounting theory, the accounting conceptual framework and accounting standards. d. Work individually and in groups to identify and apply appropriate accounting standards to a range of authentic accounting scenarios. Submission Week 9 Sunday 11:55pm (AEST) Weighting 25% Total Marks 100 marks Context: This assignment develops research and critical thinking abilities. It is a critical analysis/review of an academic article. Changes in technology are impacting accounting and how accountants perform their jobs. This activity will provide students information on new trends in accounting field. Instructions: Download and critically analyse an academic article written by Afua A. B. Agyekum and Robert P Singh. This article can be found in the Torrens University library using the following citation: Agyekum, A. A. B., & Singh, R. P. (2018). How Technology is Changing Accounting Processes: Institutional Theory and Legitimacy Theory Perspective. Journal of Accounting & Finance (2158- 3625), 18(7), 11–23. Retrieved from 37&site=ehost-live Acct6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 2 of 5 Format: Essay format or any other acceptable academic format for critical review. Referencing style: APA referencing style guide. Note: Use minimum 10 academic references. Answer the following questions in your critical review: 1. Research and briefly explain Institutional Theory and Legitimacy Theory of Accounting? 2. Evaluate and assess adoption of Information Technology in Accounting through Institutional Theory and Legitimacy Theory perspective of Accounting. Use examples to illustrate how accounting systems are institutionalised within organisations and provide external legitimacy. 3. Critically evaluate the propositions made by the authors. Do you agree or disagree with the 4 propositions in the article? Explain your point of view and provide evidence from other academic resources. 4. Comment on any strengths and weaknesses of the article. To answer all the above questions: Review the article provided and search for related academic journal articles. Use minimum 10 academic references. Academic skills resources: Analysing the Brief, Essay Writing, and Critical Thinking These resources can be downloaded from LASU - Learning and Academic Skills Unit on Blackboard following the link: https://laureate- =_2498849_1 ACCT6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 3 of 5 Learning Rubrics Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0%-49% Pass (Functional) 50%- 64% Credit (Proficient) 65%-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75%-84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85% - 100% Grade Description (Grading Scheme) Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the course, insufficient understanding of the course content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development. Evidence of satisfactory achievement of course learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the content of the course or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the course. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a high level of achievement of the learning objectives of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills. Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement of learning objectives across the entire content of the course demonstrated in such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of methodology and communication skills. Institutional Theory and Legitimacy Theory of Accounting explained 20 Does not meet minimum standard Demonstrates no awareness of content and/or purpose of the assignment. Meets minimum standard Demonstrates limited awareness of content and/or purpose of the assignment Moves beyond minimum standard Demonstrates consistent awareness of content and/or purpose of the assignment. Exceeds minimum standard Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of content and/or purpose of the assignment. Exceeds minimum standard and exhibits high levels of independence Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of content and purpose of the assignment. ACCT6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 4 of 5 Theories applied to explain IT adoption 25 Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge Key components of the assignment are not addressed. Knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning. Critical reasoning, presentation and defence of an argument and/or position 25 Specific position (perspective or argument) fails to take into account the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Makes assertions that are not justified. Specific position (perspective or argument) begins to take into account the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Justifies any conclusions reached with arguments not merely assertion. Specific position (perspective or argument) takes into account the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Others’ points of view are acknowledged. Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion. Specific position (perspective or argument) is expertly presented and accurately takes into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Justifies any conclusions reached with well-developed arguments. Specific position (perspective or argument) is presented expertly, authoritatively and imaginatively, accurately taking into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Limits of position are acknowledged. Justifies any conclusions ACCT6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 5 of 5 reached with sophisticated arguments. Strengths and weaknesses of the article 10 Limited discussion Justifies any conclusions reached with arguments Justifies any conclusions reached with arguments not merely assertion. Justifies any conclusions reached with very well developed arguments not merely assertion. Justifies any conclusions reached with sophisticated arguments. Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence. Grammar, spelling and referencing 20 Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are mistakes in using the APA style. Is written according to academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary). Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop
Answered Same DayNov 10, 2021ACCT6007Torrens University Australia

Answer To: Acct6007_Assignment 2 Brief Critical Analysis Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title...

Himanshu answered on Nov 15 2021
140 Votes
The Purpose of the study is to Explain about the relationship between Accounting theory, the accounting conceptual framework and accounting. The definitions of the current institutionary accounting philosophy are elaborated. The need to turn accounting practices from a practical administration subsystem to a social organization in the economic field is justified. The paper illustrates how accounting theory, the accounting system
, accounting and the implementation of information technology are interlinked. We have done extensive analysis on the number of publications already published between 1995 and 2015, and we have found that various accounting ideas and principles are related with accounting as a whole. The studies have shown that the new approach Structural Sociology dominated the study of innovations in management accounting.
Keywords: Accounting, Accounting theory, Accounting concepts, Accounting framework
Institutional theory and Legitimacy theory of Accounting:
Legitimacy theory of Accounting: A theoretical stance that forecasts the actions of businesses towards handling and retaining the viewpoints of key stakeholders by business transparency. According to the legitimacy concept, businesses share details on social responsibilities in order to present a socially conscious picture such that they may justify their actions to their stakeholder groups. The philosophy of legitimacy is based on the premise that a social contract occurs between business and society. A philosophy that advocates that organizations seek to function beyond the boundaries and expectations agreed by the society. It illustrates the degree to which corporate social and environmental declarations are impacted by the limits defined by society in order to be respected and to prevent being penalized by the culture in which the organization resides (IGI, 2020)The legitimacy philosophy is a framework that allows companies to adopt and establish voluntary social and environmental disclosures in order to satisfy their social contract, allowing them to understand their goals and to thrive in a fast-paced and tumultuous climate. (Suchman, 1977) Perceives that 'Legitimacy is a generic interpretation or inference that an entity's behavior are desirable, reasonable or justified within a collectively established set of expectations, principles, views, and meanings. Legitimacy Theory claims that entities actively strive to ensure that they function within the bounds and norms of their respective cultures. In following a validity theory approach, a corporation would actively report on its operations if management perceived that such actions were supposed to be performed by the societies in which it works (DeeganCraig, 2002)
Institutional theory: According the scholar, one of the approaches to be used was the use of the Institutional Theory to describe the pattern of continuity and transition in management accounting systems. The core studies of the Institutional Philosophy are related to the Current Organizational Analysis. In sociology and organizational theory, institutional theory is a concept of the broader and more resilient dimensions of the social system. It considers the mechanisms by which systems, including programmers, laws, norms and habits, are defined as definitive standards for social behavior. Institutional studies propose that the institutional climate may have a strong impact on the evolution of formal frameworks within an organisation, much more fundamental than market forces. Innovative mechanisms that enhance technological productivity of early-adopting organisations are being legitimised in the community. At the end of the day these inventions enter a degree of legitimization where refusal to implement them is perceived as "irrational and negligent" (or they become legitimate mandates). At this point, new and current organisations will follow a structural model even though the form does not increase performance. DiMaggio and Powell assume that the overall result of structural constraint is to enhance the uniformity of hierarchical frameworks in the institutional setting. As a function of three types of stresses, companies will follow identical systems. Coercive influences derive from legislative provisions or the power of institutions on which they rely. Mimetic forces to copy successful forms emerge amid high uncertainty....

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