Please find below the assignment for Prescriptive Analytics subject, XXXXXXXXXXCreate using your survey instrument to collect dataset or find out any clean balanced dataset using Git hub or Kaggle...

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Please find below the assignment for Prescriptive Analytics subject,

Create using your survey instrument to collect dataset or find out any clean balanced dataset using Git hub or Kaggle that would have at least two variables and minimum of 10 records. Provide details about the Predictive variable “Y” and its dependencies on all the dependent variables. Using Multivariate analysis predictive equation for “Y”.

Y = β0 + β1X1+ βkXk + residual


Your assignment solution should


be more than one page in word document or PowerPoint or Excel or PowerPoint presentation of description along with equation and avoid plagiarism to your solution.

Please find below the assignment for Prescriptive Analytics subject, Create using your survey instrument to collect dataset or find out any clean balanced dataset using Git hub or Kaggle that would have at least two variables and minimum of 10 records. Provide details about the Predictive variable “Y” and its dependencies on all the dependent variables. Using Multivariate analysis predictive equation for “Y”. Y = β0 + β1X1+ βkXk + residual. Your assignment solution should not be more than one page in word document or PowerPoint or Excel or PowerPoint presentation of description along with equation and avoid plagiarism to your solution.
Answered Same DayJun 20, 2023

Answer To: Please find below the assignment for Prescriptive Analytics subject, XXXXXXXXXXCreate using your...

Harshal answered on Jun 21 2023
33 Votes

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