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Please answer to all this discussion below regarding and. Make short jf necessary please please answer them in orders. Acc 308 Discussions I- COSO's Internal Control Framework · There are five components of COSO's internal control framework. They are often referred to by the acronym C.R.I.M.E. · Control environment. · Risk assessment. · Information and communication. · Monitoring activities. · Existing control activities. · Find a news story or case where a company was impacted by a fraudulent event or an ethics violation. Explain where the internal controls of this company failed using the COSO C.R.I.M.E. framework. Acc 401 Variable Interest Entities II- Please respond to the following: · Provide at least two reasons and support your rationale for the U.S. GAAP treatment of reporting additional investments in subsidiaries when the parent establishes control compared to the IFRS treatment, such as evaluating the usefulness to investors of the post-control step acquisitions. ACC 306 Depreciation Calculations III- One of the main features of Excel is its ability to perform calculations without needing a calculator. In this week's activities, you learned how to prepare a depreciation schedule and compute depreciation using Excel formulas. · How does Excel make it easier for an accountant to prepare a depreciation schedule and compute depreciation? · How can you use the program to perform calculations in your personal financial life, based on what you learned this week about Excel? How will doing so help you become more organized in your own personal financial life? ACC308001VA016-1244-001 Week 4 Week 4 Assignment - Case Study: COSO Components Prin- ciples 110 Points Possible In Progress NEXT UP: Submit Assignment 3 A!empts Allowed Available a!er Apr 8, 2024 12:00am Choose a submission type Due: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:00am A"empt 1 Add Comment Details COSO principles are important factors in assuring a company has a reasonable structure in decision-making areas. In addi#on, COSO provides a framework upon which companies can work. It does not provide a func#oning process—processes are established based on the company's needs, culture, and environment. Aytaç and Çabuk (2020) discuss 17 COSO components in the Assessment of the Effec#veness of Internal Control System and a Case Study. For a company of your choice, choose four components and establish processes to apply them. The submission should be 1-2 pages long. Use two sources to support your wri#ng. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one #me within your assignment. For help with research, wri#ng, and cita#on, access the library or review library guides. This course requires the use of Strayer Wri#ng Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including cita#ons and forma%ng. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any addi#onal instruc#ons. View Rubric Week 4 Assignment - Case Study: COSO Components Principles Criteria Ra"ngs Pts Component 1: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Component 2: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Component 3: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Component 4: Discuss the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. view longer descrip#on / 22 pts Use two credible, relevant, and appropriate sources to support your wri#ng and cite each source listed on your source slide at least one #me within your assignment. view longer descrip#on / 11 pts Clarity, wri#ng mechanics, and SWS forma%ng requirements. view longer descrip#on / 11 pts Total Points: 0 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 22 to >19.8 pts Exemplary Thoroughly discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 19.8 to >17.6 pts Competent Sa#sfactorily discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 17.6 to >15.4 pts Sa"sfactory Par#ally discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 15.4 to >13.2 pts Needs Improvement Insufficiently discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 13.2 to >0 pts Unacceptable Did not submit or incompletely discussed the component and established processes to apply this component to a company of your choice. 11 to >9.9 pts Exemplary Exceeds the required number of references; all references are high quality choices. 9.9 to >8.8 pts Competent Meets the required number of references; all references are high quality choices. 8.8 to >7.7 pts Sa"sfactory Does not meet the required number of references; some references are poor quality choices. 7.7 to >6.6 pts Needs Improvement Does not meet the required number of references; all references are poor quality choices. 6.6 to >0 pts Unacceptable No references provided. 11 to >9.9 pts Exemplary 0–2 errors present. 9.9 to >8.8 pts Competent 3–4 errors present. 8.8 to >7.7 pts Sa"sfactory 5–6 errors present. 7.7 to >6.6 pts Needs Improvement 7–8 errors present. 6.6 to >0 pts Unacceptable More than eight errors present. 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Answered 2 days AfterApr 09, 2024

Answer To: Please see the attachment below and follow as instructed. Thank you, PLEASE KEEP IT SHORT NOT LONGER...

Khushboo answered on Apr 11 2024
15 Votes
The three steps process can be followed to analyse components and established process of COSO to check the reasonableness of structure in decision making areas. Under step-1 the selection of company is required, and we have selected Apple Inc as a company which develop, design and sells computer software, consumer electronics and online services.
Under step 2 we have select to most effective 4 COSO components to check reasonableness of structure as there are 17 components in COSO framework. The detailed analysis of four components of COSO framework are as follows:
· Control environment: Under this component, the internal controls and its effectiveness are covered, and management sets various foundations for strong internal controls such as management operating style, ethical values and HR policies.
· Risk assessment: Under this component, the risk assessment and analysis are analysed, and the probable impact of risks are also assessed on the organizational performance and operations.
· Information and communication: Under this component, the...

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