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Portfolio & Reflections (Final Drafts of Job Letter, Resume, Tech Description, & Instructions) For this assignment, the expert needs to look at the job letter, resume, technical description, and usability report files and revise them based on the comments that have been provided by the professor and write a portfolio about the process of revising and what has been revised. Please follow these requirements. The usability report was all about evaluating a classmate’s assignment (Setting up a WIFI Router) The file for the classmate’s file will be submitted. Check the portfolio example file to see the correct format. Portfolio & Reflections (Final Drafts of Job Letter, Resume, Tech Description, & Instructions) Points: 200 points Word Count: 2000 to 2500 words (single spaced) (excludes the Appendix attachments) Formal Report Format: Letter of Transmittal, Cover Page, Front Matter, Content of Portfolio with Two Graphics (evidence of revisions/feedback for drafts) & Back Matter  Overview of Assignment Portfolios are used in both professional settings and in educational settings. Though they serve slightly different purposes in each setting, they act as "proof" of your skills and learned experiences. Professional portfolios could include a number of documents (select "exceptional" pieces of your work that showcase applied skills; letters of support from co-workers/supervisors/clients; certificates of completed continuing education credits/courses; professional awards won). Academic portfolios could be used for one specific course or an entire degree (such as a Master's degree portfolio) and include completed assignments with learning reflections to showcase professional growth. Portfolios also act as a historical document for an organization as proof of work and as a catalog of the experiences along the way. They could document challenges encountered, changes in scope, and ways to improve in a similar future project. Purpose of Assignment: Skills Practiced and Knowledge Gained • Create technical documents that are tailored to the specific needs and expectations of a professional audience; clearly define an audience and their need(s) • Compose focused, organized technical documents, including a statement of purpose, a clear hierarchy of information, and consistent, logical organizing elements • Thoroughly support your work with professional source materials, and use and cite those materials effectively and responsibly • Compose work that applies standard English usage and professional formatting, and make use of published guidebooks to aid your work • Create effective designs and informative visuals for technical/professional documents • Use organized writing/composing processes: generate ideas, evaluate rhetorical situations, research, draft, revise, edit, proofread; elicit, provide, and use constructive feedback in a productive manner • Employ good time management skills Required Elements for Success Letter of Transmittal ❏ Formal letter format identifies return address (your address), recipient address (me), date of letter, closing & signature line. ❏ Brief statement of the purpose of your communication. ❏ Brief summary of your projects and any acknowledgements. Front Matter ❏ Cover page includes a title, identifies who the portfolio is written for (me), who the portfolio is written by (you), and the date the portfolio was completed. ❏ Table of Contents lists the major headings (H1) and minor headings (H2 & H3) with the page number where the headings are located in the portfolio. ❏ List of Figures lists any figures presented in the portfolio with the page number where the figure is located in the portfolio (at least two graphics are required; these can be screenshots from your job letter, resume, technical description, technical instructions, or usability report drafts or other appropriate materials used to create the deliverables). ❏ Executive Summary is an abridged version of the full portfolio, mirrors the major section headings, and offers a brief summary of each section.  It ends with an overview of the portfolio structure. Content of Portfolio ❏ Introduction orients the reader to the portfolio's content and purpose and provides an overview of what is in the portfolio. ❏ Deliverables describes the documents you created in WRI 327; it describes the purpose of the documents, and who the documents are intended for (target readers). ❏ Learning Outcomes explains how you met the learning outcomes for the course in the process of creating and completing the assignments in the course (job letter, resume, technical description, technical instructions, and usability report). ❏ Project Challenges & Learning Experience explains your personal learning reflections with creating the documents. What challenges did you face in learning about the topic? What challenges did you face in completing the technical documents? What new knowledge and skills did you learn from completing the technical documents? What revisions did you make to the final drafts and why? What would you have done differently if you had more time or resources? ❏ At least two graphics (screenshots) from your deliverables are included (these could be used in any section of the Content of Portfolio listed above). Back Matter ❏ References (as needed). ❏ Appendix A – Job Letter & Resume deliverable (final draft). ❏ Appendix B – Technical Description & Instructions deliverable (final draft). ❏ Appendix C – Editorial Review & Usability Report deliverable (final draft). Style and Conventions ❏ Genre expectations are met ❏ Single spaced content, 2000-2500 words (excluding the Appendix) ❏ Standard English (content should follow standard rules of English grammar and spelling) PROFESSOR COMMENTS ON THE TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS ASSIGNMENT: For the title, use the "how to" or gerund (ing) format. Adding some details about time to complete task and stage setting/preparing the space used in the dealership to change a spare tire would enhance the introduction. While your tech description/instructions provide key terms defined, it is unclear what object you are describing for use in the instructional guide. You will need to add this to the draft in the portfolio (one logical object to describe is the jack used in the process of changing a tire). Also, it looks like some of the definitions used are not original/not cited. You will need to revise those for your own words to avoid plagiarism. This section is missing in the draft. You will need to add a section that describes in detail what the object (a jack) looks like. Please see the assignment information. Because the set of instructions is for co-workers at the car dealership, the context of use is at that workplace. It appears the instructions are written for anyone in a road-side situation, however. You will need to revise this draft so you provide instructions for a workplace task (changing a tire at a car dealership). As you work on those revisions, address the genre conventions for imperative mood (use strong verb structures to command the user to complete steps). Also, pay close attention to parallelism in the commands. The numbered steps should all be the same syntax. For example, steps 1 and 3 use the gerund (ing) form; "locating" should be "locate". ANy sub-step (nested) should also follow the imperative mood. PROFESSOR COMMENTS ON THE JOB LETTER AND THE RESUME Letter format needs to be used (see assigned readings on block letter/correspondence). Specific details need to be added to the body of the letter to show how you "fit" the job ad. This requires that you repeat key words/phrases from the job ad and then talk about how you have that skills/experience/qualification. Proofreading corrections need to be addressed in the final draft. Resume format is effective and skills/employment description detailed enough to understand your experiences. You will need to revise this to fit 1 page and proofread/condense the lengthy paragraph in the summary section. PROFESSOR COMMENTS ON THE USABILITY REPORT Strengths and weaknesses of the target document required significantly more (specific) details about the writing quality, content, and genre components. Missing graphics to support the assessment Missing the completed heuristic evaluation worksheet. BACK MATTER Back Matter ❏ APA formatted References list (any screenshots of your classmate’s documents; other resources mentioned – such as textbook or web materials – to support your assessment). ❏ Appendix A – copy of your completed heuristic evaluation/usability assessment worksheet HASAN BASHA   HASAN BASHA   Contact   Address Beaverton, OR, 97007 Phone 5032708030 E-mail [email protected] July 2, 2022   CarMax 23238   RE: Finance Assistant, 06/30/2022   Dear Hiring Manager,   Please accept my interest in the post of finance assistant as shown in this letter. I have extensive experience in this field as an Internet sales assistant and am very driven to make development. I have developed strategic ideas that I think would be beneficial to CarMax because of my track record of initiative and reliability. I have honed my payment coordination and data entry skills throughout the course of my employment. I have the ability to prioritize tasks and manage projects well. I am a reliable and consistent problem-solver. In my prior position, I contributed to teamwork and organizational advancements via management, management of accounting operations, and communication. I have a modern mindset and am aware of recent advancements in my industry. I have shown that I can work well with others and be both productive and collaborative. I take pleasure in group brainstorming meetings since they help me plan actions to accomplish a shared objective. Please evaluate my qualifications and resume in the attachment. The chance to discuss my candidacy with you would be tremendously appreciated. I appreciate you giving it some thought.   Sincerely, HASAN BASHA . HASAN BASHA . . HASAN BASHA FINANCE ASSISTANT Beaverton, OR, 97007 5032708030 [email protected] Diligent finance assistant with experience helping with budgeting for many areas. Intent on enhancing an organization's performance in the automotive sector by meeting deadlines, cooperating with others in a team, and fostering excellent customer and employee relations. helping customers achieve their financial objectives as a collaborative finance professional with four years of experience. inspiring leader who has a track record of accomplishment in hostile conditions while maintaining composure under pressure. well-educated, amiable, and with a track record of effectively providing clients with a specialized level of care while responsibly advancing company growth. Skills Consultative techniques Inventory Tracking Monthly reporting Financial Management Work History INTERNER SALES ASSISTANT LUXURY AUTO PLEX, BEAVERTON, OREGON • Helped the sales team place and complete orders for business cards and nameplates. • Cultivated a connection with clients utilizing interpersonal skills and active listening. • Customers were helped with timely and courteous telephone and in- person service. aided in fostering a customer-focused team environment that drove sales targets and supported organizational objectives. • Handled 100 calls every day to answer questions and concerns from customers. SALES ASSISTANT BEAVERTON CAR COMPANY, Hillsboro, OR • Assisted customers with prompt and polite support in-person and via telephone. • Evaluated consumer requirements and provided referrals to a range of providers. 2019-06 - Current 2017-06 - 2019-01 . . recommendations. • Answered consumer inquiries to offer
Answered 3 days AfterAug 06, 2022


Parul answered on Aug 09 2022
70 Votes
Portfolio & Reflections
Portfolio & Reflections
Submitted To: << Please Add Complete Name of Your Professor>> Submitted By: <>
Student Name
5678 St, Peterson Road <>
OR 201309
August 9, 2022
3201 Campus Dr. Klamath Falls
OR 201309
Dear Dr. Lancaster
Good Day to You!
I have formulated this letter to accompany my <> WRI Portfolio and Reflections. By the virtue of this letter, I would be incorporating revised versions of Tech Description, Job Letter, Editorial Review and Usability Report. Focusing on the spring term, I will be presenting the opportunity to enhance my design of the document as well as shape strong organizational skills leveraging the feedba
cks, I received during various review sessions and grading procedure.
Specifically, for the resume and job letter, I was strongly encouraged to draw strong attention to certain skills that would make me a better choice for the job. According to my Technical description as well as instructions, I was guided to minimize the use of longer sentence and flow of content should be adjusted as per the figures. Hence, I have delve deeper into the report and made a sincere attempt to build shorter sentences and organize the consistencies in the content. In the portfolio provide below, you will witness the explanation of the revisions performed on the documents as well as my reflection on the ability to meet the learning of the course outcomes along with the challenges.
I sincerely hope that this report can successfully share the details of my revision process and how I attained the insights from the course, outcomes as well as the challenges experienced.
Thanks & Regards,
Executive Summary    3
Introduction    3
Deliverables    3
Technical Description    4
Learning Outcomes    4
Challenges and Shortcoming faced during the Project & Conclusion    4
Introduction    5
Deliverables    5
1.1    Job Letter & Resume CarMax Finance Consultant    5
1.2    Adjustment of Resume    6
Editorial Review & Usability Report    7
Challenges in the Project & Overall Learning Experience and Conclusion    9
References    12
Executive Summary
This portfolio explains my insights and learning based on which I have revised my Resume, Job Letter, Technical Description as well as Instructions along with Editorial Review. Furthermore, it also explains the Usability Report that covers domain specific instructions and implementation. This course has been very interesting and intriguing for me and by the end of this report you would find the required learning from the courses, outcomes as well as the challenges that I experienced while completing the required projects.
It was a learning journey and during each phase I received constant feedback that were incorporated in the project. With the help of dynamic guidance and feedback, I was able to adjust my outcome to enhance the overall user-experience as well as attain the required goals.
Job Letter & Resume for CarMax Finance Consultant
I comprehended the Job Description for the role that I was applying and delved deeper into what was required in the overall process. It expanded my understanding as it what were various styles of references, editing experiences as well as soft skills aspect required for the job. Synchronizing my experience and designing the resume such that it reflects close match for the open position. By the virtue of re-designing by resume specifically to the job requirement, I hope it strongly appeals to my target audience as well as the hiring managers.
Technical Description
While re-working and editing the assignment, I concentrated on academic guidelines. For instance, applying APA 7 guidelines that can enable my document to become more legible and credit worthy. Furthermore, I fine-tuned the longer sentences and shaped my graphics to make it more appealing and customer centric.
Learning Outcomes
It was very insightful and intriguing assignment that enabled me to develop strong articulative skills. I was provided the opportunity not only to learn the essential framework but also implement it with a real-life example.
Challenges and Shortcoming faced during the Project & Conclusion
While working on the project, I got to know about many cores framework and concepts which weren’t clear before. Furthermore, I was able apply the course learning on the ground with real life case example which enabled me to develop strong skills.
This portfolio explains my insights and learning based on which I have revised my Resume, Job Letter, Technical Description as well as Instructions along with Editorial Review. Furthermore, it also explains the Usability Report that covers domain specific instructions and implementation. This course has been very interesting and intriguing for me and by the end of this report you would find the required learning from the courses, outcomes as well as the challenges that I experienced while completing the required projects.
It was a learning journey and during each phase I received constant feedback that were incorporated in the project. With the help of dynamic guidance and feedback, I was able to adjust my outcome to enhance the overall user-experience as well as attain the required goals.
Job Letter & Resume CarMax Finance Consultant
After carefully comprehending the feedback I received during the evaluation process, I re-worked and readjusted the job letter to comply with the job description and fit the requirements. This enhances the quality of the job letter, build on the clarity, and helped to convince my target audience - CarMax’s hiring committee – to consider contacting me for an interview. Letter format required to be designed in blocks that convey the required experience and message across to the audience. Concentrating on the specific details that was essential to be added to the body of the letter to show how you "fit" the job ad. This requires that you repeat key words/phrases from the job ad and then talk about how you have that skills/experience/qualification. Proofreading corrections need to be addressed in the final draft.
Figure 1.1 explaining the changes in the Job Letter
Adjustment of Resume
After this I focused my energy in adjusting my resume. In my resume, I briefly mentioned my experience and key projects. I was advised to make it more concise such that it better articulate my experience of working on this piece yet on a single page. I agreed that the section needed a more in-depth description but ultimately decided that expanding on my editing experience would be more beneficial. Now, my entire resume is much more concise and have the bullets that fits in one page
Editorial Review & Usability Report
While the feedback I received during the evaluation process for this deliverable was good, I wanted to make it better and could improve its readability by condensing some of my sentences. In doing so, I hoped that my peer could better understand my suggestions.
Create technical documentation tailored to the specific needs and expectations of a professional audience clearly define their audience and needs (purpose and audience)

I wrote cover letters and resumes to convince my audience on the Tesla hiring committee to consider contacting me for an interview. question. By inserting job posting elements into my resume and cover letter.
I created a section that matched the job requirements and was able to earn me a call back.
• Write organized and focused technical documents, including statements of intent, clear information hierarchy and coherent and logical organizational elements (centralization and content development)
My Editorial and Usability Review Report is an example of the organized and targeted products I
gave rise to the term. I included a statement of purpose and used the H1 and H2 headings to guide my colleague
through the article.
• Fully support your work with source materials, and use and cite them effectively and responsibly
(Support and documentation)
I have achieved results this course while writing technical descriptions and tutorials as well as usability reports and my editorial review
. In each of these articles, I have cited my figures and
articles from external sources in APA 7 format.
• Write the work using standard English and a professional format and...

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