Posta response to the following:Socw 6060After taking the TEST, post your results.Explain in 2–3 sentences the extent to which you were surprised or not surprised by the TEST results, and explain...

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Posta response to the following:

Socw 6060

  • After taking the TEST, post your results.

  • Explain in 2–3 sentences the extent to which you were surprised or not surprised by the TEST results, and explain the reasons why you were surprised or not surprised.

  • After looking back at the array of theories and models that were covered in this course, identify the top three theories or models that most appealed to you.

  • Explain in 3–4 sentences how your personal values, worldviews, life experiences, and/or your personality influenced your selection of the top three theories or models.

  • In this course, you were asked to select one case study to use throughout the entire course. Describe this experience—for example, the degree to which it was helpful to focus on one case, what you learned, what could perhaps be done differently.

Answered Same DayFeb 07, 2024

Answer To: Posta response to the following:Socw 6060After taking the TEST, post your results.Explain in 2–3...

Parul answered on Feb 08 2024
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