MNG00786 Learning Journal MNG00786 The Learning Journal Structure and Sample MNG00786 Learning Journal 1 Structuring a learning reflection Just like all academic writing, a learning reflection needs a...

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MNG00786 Learning Journal MNG00786 The Learning Journal Structure and Sample MNG00786 Learning Journal 1 Structuring a learning reflection Just like all academic writing, a learning reflection needs a key message that is used to structure the narrative. As a writer, you need to make sure that your reader (or marker) understands the significance of your reflection. A reflection is a piece of writing, so remember what makes writing such as this effective: An introduction that includes your key reflection(s). Put your key message in the introduction (this is the focus of the discussion for that particular week) A body, that retells the facts and relates it to your prior knowledge Use topic sentences to highlight the main point Then follow with the retelling and relating (use evidence if you wish to emphasis a point in your learning). A conclusion, that gives the significance or implications of your key reflections What this will mean for the future? What has changed for you? MNG00786 Learning Journal 2 Content of your learning journal   A learning journal should focus on your own personal responses, reactions and reflections to new ideas or new ways of thinking about a subject that have been introduced to you through: Lectures and tutorial sessions Research and reading including any visual research: e.g. television, film Conversations and discussions with other students or tutors Significant experiences that have happened in the work place or outside university. MNG00786 Learning Journal 3 What should you write about? The most important thing is to make time for your writing – regularly set aside some time each week to write down your thoughts. Try to focus on using the journal to help you to communicate (the following is a list of prompts to help you. You do not need to answer every questions): •What you think about issues raised in the question •Any flashes of inspiration you have had •What you understand so far •What you find puzzling, difficult or contradictory •How you can reach a better understanding of the above •What do you need to know more about, and how can you go about finding out more? •What resources have helped you to understand and/or been interesting to use? •How do you feel about the way you have approached the issue/topic so far? •What new knowledge, skills or understanding have you gained during the process of writing your learning journal? •Have you changed your opinions or values during the process/experience? •How can you improve your learning, thinking and working in the future? •Have you identified the next step(s) for your further development? MNG00786 Learning Journal 4 SAMPLE Learning journal can be presented in a word document, PPT slides and/or a combination of text, audio and video (check with your tutor) MNG00786 Learning Journal 5 MNG00786 Learning Journal Session 3 2020 Melinda Muir Student ID: !@#$%^&* MNG00786 Learning Journal 6 Table of contents Week 1: The debates Week 2: Cultural challenges Week 3: Standardisation versus localisation MNG00786 Learning Journal 7 Week 1: The debates In our first week the issue that I found most interesting was the current themes and debates in the IHRM literature: the ‘global’ versus ‘local’ dilemma faced by MNCs, as well as the convergence-divergence debate and the degree to which the same HR polices and practices are being adopted. It seems from our lecture and tutorial discussions that the dilemma facing MNCs is that of achieving a balance between international consistency and local autonomy. They have to decide on the extent to which their HR policies should either ‘converge’ worldwide to be basically the same in each location, or to ‘diverge’ to be differentiated in response to local requirements. From my readings it seems that those who support the view that there is convergence also suggest that globalisation and a common use of technology are driving international management to adopt single best practices (Faulker et al. 2002). However, according to Brewster et al. (2002) the effectiveness of IHRM depends on ‘the ability to judge the extent to which an organization should implement similar practices across the world (convergence) or adapt them to suit local conditions (divergence)’. Considering the different debates it seems that globalisation might not be taking place in the clear, straightforward way of making things more similar. It seems that national institutions and cultures are potential barriers to a convergence HR system. Introduction includes the all-important key reflection: the current IHRM debates. Body that retells the facts. Links to new ideas and new ways of thinking about a subject that have been introduced through readings.  Conclusion that gave the significance or implications of key reflections 224 words MNG00786 Learning Journal 8 Week 1 References Faulkner, D, Pitkethly, R & Child, J 2002, ‘International mergers and acquisitions in the UK 1985-94: a comparison of national HRM practices’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol.13, no.1, pp. 106-122, DOI: 10.1080/09585190110092839. Tregaskis, O &Brewster, C 2006, ‘Converging or diverging? A comparative analysis of trends in contingent employment practice in Europe over a decade’, Journal of International Business Studies; vol. 37, no.1, pp. 111-126, DOI:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400174. DB posting An excellent video featuring Professor Michael Spence, Nobel laureate: ‘The World After the Pandemic – Convergence or Divergence?’ The presentation is an hour long, but worth listening to if you are interested in globalisation after COVID-19. MNG00786 Learning Journal 9
Answered 3 days AfterJan 29, 2021MNG00786Southern Cross University

Answer To: MNG00786 Learning Journal MNG00786 The Learning Journal Structure and Sample MNG00786 Learning...

Arunavo answered on Feb 01 2021
154 Votes
Table of Contents
Week 1:    3
Week 2    3
Week 3    4
Week 4    4
Week 5    5
Week 6    5
Week 7    6
Week 8    6
Week 9    7
Week 10    7
References    9
Week 1:
In our first week, the most interesting topic that I come across is the International Human Resource Management, also known as IHRM. There has been ongoing discussion regarding the global versus local work faced by many leading MNCs. The debate also carries on for the HR
policies and practices that are being adopted.
From our lecture and tutorial discussions there are many dilemmas faced by IHRM activities, that includes recruitment, selection, performance management, training, development, and renumeration. However, positioning themselves, a company need to follow certain policies, which are normally same for each country, with an added global HR policy to cover the international operations.
From the readings, it seems that the IHRM operates at global management and activities; hence, there is broader approach to many HR functions such as strategic or cross culture HR activities considering the global trends. Comparative IHRM seeks and compares the HRM practices with respect to various other countries to assist the HR policies of the organization.
However, according to Cooke et al. (2019), the effectiveness of IHRM is dependent on the organizations strategy to operate in international boundaries and to deliver the output, and adapting to the local culture and working norms.
Week 2
In our second week, the topic covered was regarding the cultural context of IHRM. in the global operation, while operating internationally, such as cultural difference, social system difference, legal principles difference and many more.Cultural differences in organization are visible, however, the manner in which the harmony and unity is sustained in the organization is the real challenge.
From thelectures and tutorial discussion, it seems that the organizational culture consists of patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting. The main core of culture consists of traditional ideas and the values attached with that ideas.It can be debated that the cultural differences enrich the working culture in the organization with increased knowledge and skills.
However, according to Pirlog (2017), Trompenaars and Turner can define the cultural context of organization. They have proposed a model, which can easily define the cultural context in the IHRM.They proposed universalism vs particularism, where universalism is the belief that certain principles and rules are best applied for all kind of situations or countries. Whereas, particularism denotes that taking into account some situations in all spheres of life.
Considering the different debates and notes, thecultural aspect definesthat a country’s system of values, attitudes and behaviour of people does have an influence over the organizational policies and procedures in the field of Human Resource Management.
Week 3
In our third week, we have studied on the organizational context of HRM. There are many debates regarding the organizational and the hierarchal context in the organization, because of the multicultural and background people in an organization.
From the lectures and tutorials, the dilemma facing by the MNC is considering the proper allocation of work force in respective job position, irrespective of their background. In this situation, a proper HR policy implementation is necessary to avoid any kind clash within the organization.
However, as discussed by Frandale et al. (2017), in the organization, certain culture is high on the power distance and has respect for the authority in the organization and that authority should be centralized in structure, if not decentralized in nature. For example, manufacturing companies are more centralized; however, service sector companies are decentralized in nature.
From my readings it seems that now a days, organizations are more focused on the Matrix structure, which is different from traditional structure and had certain unique features. It creates a dual line of authority and it combines the product and functional department. This type of structure is ideal for large organizations, where the information processing capability is overloaded, and this system allows the flow of communication in a flexible manner.
Week 4
In our fourth week of tutorials and lectures, I have understood regarding the equity and non-equity modes of international operation. Foreign markets offer a range of unique business opportunities for countries, because each country faces certain kind of challenges for the overseas business, who try to enter in those...

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