PurposeTo explain your research findings, drawing on themes explored in your data analysis and supporting your discussion with considered connections to the guiding literature.Task detailsThis...

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To explain your research findings, drawing on themes explored in your data analysis and supporting your discussion with considered connections to the guiding literature.

Task details

This submission will provide a detailed insight into your experience as a teacher researcher. Position your research question as the focus and showcase how the investigation into your practice has enabled you to draw conclusions and influence your practice.


  • Introduction:

Explain the purpose of your Research Report and the sequence of discussion that your reader can expect.

  • Analysis:

Use the literature review from AT1 and add further insights. This provides a good lead into the Discussion section and subheadings can be utilised to guide the sequence of your writing.

  • Discussion:

This is where you connect the literature and the major findings from your research. Using the themes/codes from your Analysis, discuss the central question in relation to the key findings and literature. You may draw attention to whether your data makes positive connections with the literature explored in AT1, or if it challenges it. Limitations of your study and recommendations for future research

Resources relevant to the assessment

See AT2 Resource Folder

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT5 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT Table of contents Research Findings Introduction3 Reference5 Research Findings Introduction My teaching method is founded on the idea that play-based learning is the greatest way for children to learn since it involves them actively participating in meaningful experiences. My knowledge of child development and the role educators play in supporting learning forms the foundation of this ideology. My work is guided by theories of child development, such as those of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson. I understand that children learn via social interactions and interactions with their surroundings. This knowledge guides my approach to developing curriculum, enabling me to provide learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate (Beatson, 2020). I support play-based learning as a potent tool for helping children experiment, explore, and make sense of the world. Studies conducted by academics as if Bruce, Pellegrini, and Ginsburg demonstrate the many ways that play foster growth on all levels. Alongside play-based learning, I support a deliberate teaching strategy that strikes a balance between teacher-guided instruction and student-directed inquiry (Lunga, Esterhuizen & Koen, 2022). Teachers are essential in helping students think more deeply, asking challenging questions, and structuring learning experiences. In line with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), this method places a strong emphasis on deliberate and responsive teaching techniques. In addition, I see the educator as a thoughtful practitioner, collaborator, and facilitator. I regard myself as a co-learner with children, not the only source of information, and I constantly modify my methods in response to provocation, reflections, artefacts, clipboard and observations (Van der Westhuizen, 2023). This constructivist viewpoint is consistent with socio-cultural theory, which holds that meaningful surroundings and social interactions are necessary for learning to take place. To sum up, my pedagogical approach centres on promoting comprehensive growth via play-based education in a nurturing and purposeful learning atmosphere. My work is informed by theories of child development, empirical studies, and educational frameworks, and it is steered by a dedication to fostering children’s natural curiosity, sense of agency, and lifelong love of learning. Reference Beatson, J. (2020). Play based natural environments and language development in young children (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology). Lunga, P., Esterhuizen, S., & Koen, M. (2022). Play-based pedagogy: An approach to advance young children’s holistic development. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 12(1), 1133. Van der Westhuizen, B. (2023). Teacher collaboration to enhance play-based learning for the holistic development of young children (Doctoral dissertation, North-West University (South Africa).). EDU4TR2 – AT1B RESEARCH FINDINGS Introduction Research Question – What will happen if I incorporate information technology in my practice for 3-5 years old? Integrating information technology in early years education highlighted the importance aspect of the reason why I have decided to incorporate information technology in my practice. Drawings from the data collected and why I chose to use it in a way for my readers to adapt easily, there is a findings table with four main topics which helps support my research findings and how it connects to my research plan. Potential advantages, focus on the child development, long term educational outcomes and practical implications are my supporting evidence from my research plan to help justify my analysis. Additionally, are my three main themes with some relating codes to further support my research. I believe the data collected provides evidence to help implement a more appropriate teaching strategies in my practices for children ages from 3-5 years old. By deconstructing or 'pulling apart' experiences and critically examining each aspect, educators can gather information to guide their decision making about what should be repeated or extended and what might be changed.  Through this process, educators can enrich children's learning, build their own knowledge and skills, and affirm and challenge their colleagues. (ACECQA, 2016, p. 1) Finding Table – What will happen if I incorporate information technology in my practice for 3-5 years old? Experiences Data type Observation Reflection Analysis – What did this show? Themes/Codes Connection to previous research Group time (Routine) Using ICT tool (iPad/Speaker) Group Discussion Following our daily routine, children were encouraged to sit on the mat during our morning group time. We began with our Acknowledgement of Country, followed by our Calendar then our educational videos of Phonic Alphabet, Numbers, Shapes, Days of the week, Months of the year to our last favourite Taba Naba using ICT. Children always look forward to our Group time session. During our morning group time session children sat on the mat already to start our morning. Of course, there were distractions among some children, some were settled, and this is something we do consistently together. Children were able to sing along using words by words of every song. Children is always showing great interest and curiosity when we are using our iPad and speaker to watch our educational videos. Some tried to come close to the screen, while some loose focused. When children are singing educator will interact by asking along what is the next number, what comes after number 5, they will scream out 6! Using the data collected I was able to find and reflect on the children’s interest and their intention from our group time session. Children demonstrated: Theme: Communication · Group involvement and settle among each other. · Effective conversation within the group discussion after each song · Confident in singing all the songs. · Using words and following instructions from video · One on one interaction · Using language to explain their ongoing learning toward the topic. · Potential Advantages and Drawbacks: The use of technology in early childhood education has the potential to improve educational opportunities (Zalat, Hamed & Bolbol, 2021). It can deliver dynamic and interesting instructional material, accommodate different learning preferences, and get kids ready for a world where technology rules. Screen time, possible harm to physical and cognitive development, and the need for a well-rounded and developmentally appropriate strategy are all issues, though. Planned moments. ICT Exploration Provocation Follow up I set up a Provocation about ICT – on the table I have placed two computers monitor with two keyboards, notepad with pens, calculator, and a clipboard with A4 paper. As soon as I opened the new area, children quickly approached the area in a large group. Children had shown a great interest and curiosity during this experience. Most children spent a while in the area exploring all the different resources provided for them. This provocation set up was a bonus for the children. Children could not wait to engage in this area when we were setting it up. Children were observed using their fingers to type, the way they use to sit on the chair (posture) exchanging ideas with each other, investigating around, and pretending to be working in the office. Conversations among each other were very relevant to the topic of ICT. There were a lot of social interactions and communication going on. Drawing from all the data gathered during this provocation. Children demonstrated a great interest and awareness. Children showed: Theme: Investigation: · Fine and motor skills · Social interaction with their peers · Role play · Communication and language skills · Problem solving skills. · Curiosity and exchanging ideas · Literacy and numeracy skills. · Focus on Child Development: Since this age span is a crucial one for a child's development, the study's emphasis on kids between the ages of 3-5 is crucial. It's crucial to comprehend how technology affects children's cognitive, social, and emotional development to make wise choices in early childhood education (Yuliejantiningsih, 2020). Planned Moment – Pre-Kinder Shop Observation Within our room I was able to set up another area following the interest of children in pretend play in a shop. A large group of children were observed engaging in our shop using the resources provided. Children were observed exchanging money with each other as their loose change, using the calculator and notepad/pen to write on. Children used the shopping list clipboard to write down the things they need and trolley to put all their groceries in the trolley. Some were very precise with what to put in their trolley. A child was observed putting only vegetables and fruits in his trolley. When asked why? His answer was because my mum always buys lots of vegetables and fruits and she said it makes our body strong and healthy! There were a lot of interactions and exchanging ideas with the children. During this experience children expressed great interest, some children took turn using the cash register pretending to be the shopkeeper, some were observed taking a closer look at the items on the shelf, choosing carefully what to place in their trolley. Some children were so curious, and they were bystanders observing their friends engaging with their peers. Some children did not want to be missed out so we encouraged the children that everyone will have a turn to play in our shop area. According to the data collected children continued to show interest in this experience. Children developed: Theme: Creativity · Social interactions · Numeracy and literacy skills · Communication and language skills · Fine and hand coordination skills · Problem solving and turn taking. · Build confidence and creativity! · Cognitive skills. · Long-term Educational Outcomes: The teaching of young children provides the groundwork for future learning (Oke & Fernandes, 2020). Examining the effects of technology integration at this period can offer insights into the long-term educational results that kids may experience. · Practical Implications: The study will provide guidelines and suggestions that are applicable to parents, legislators, and educators. It can assist practitioners in making knowledgeable choices regarding the kinds of technology, length of exposure, and suitable educational methods. Analysis: The teaching of young children provides the groundwork for future learning (Oke & Fernandes, 2020). Examining the effects of technology integration at this period can offer insights into the long-term educational results that kids may experience. To get actionable insights from the gathered dataset, my research on the integration of information technology into early years education for 3-5-year-olds will go through a rigorous and systematic data analysis procedure. Data collected and organising will be allocate and ready within the framing table provided. After carefully examining all the observational data, reflections, and provocation I was able to categorise them into cohesive themes and codes. According to the dataset we can learn the importance of identifying various contexts and comparing the results across the data source. My investigation is guided by a theoretical framework and supported literature based on early childhood education and technology integration literature. According to the data collected there were some unexpected twists with some observations regarding the children’s interest and not the intention of the educator. However, I was still able to continue using some of my teaching strategies and practices to make it work for the children to engage positively using and aligning with the children’s intentions, interest, and voices. There were major positive outcomes from the participants utilising the resources available. However, this tends to cover and established successful swift in receiving the data collected. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the integration of technology, it is essential to choose instructors with a range of technological expertise (Szymkowiak et al., 2021). Informing the research question that was prompted in my research plan of what happen when I incorporate information technology in the early years’ education, this blends a clear connection among each aspect of the data available. This helps me understands and maintain a more influence approach how to ethically connects in weaving all the data collected as a whole. These topics may include children’s voices, how the educator support children in their learning development and carefully observe their intentions. Drawn from these topics are themes and codes reflecting children in their own ways of engaging and interacting during the data collection period. To help me expand this furthermore I have chosen certain literature to help guide my approach in advancing my research findings. At this stage this ongoing process will appear to have more sufficient evidence to further this research for the next step. The objective of this research is to offer thorough understandings that influence early childhood education practices and regulations, eventually assisting in the successful adoption of information technology for children aged 3-5. The themes of Communication were extracted from the data collected from the first experience about the use of ICT tools within my practice and teaching strategies. Next theme is the Investigation process through a planned moments experiences using an observation method of finding out through a lot of investigation tools the children used and explored using their own knowledge and understanding of the whole concept through play. Lastly the theme of Creating, children were observed using their own imagination and creativity skills. I believe the Early Years Learning Framework help support children develop their learning goals. Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners – Children use play to investigate, experiment, test hypotheses, imagine and explore ideas. Children are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning. References Oke, A., & Fernandes, F. A. P. (2020). Innovations in teaching and learning: Exploring the perceptions of the education sector on the 4th industrial revolution (4IR). Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), 31. Szymkowiak, A., Melović, B., Dabić, M., Jeganathan, K., & Kundi, G. S. (2021). Information technology and Gen Z: The role of teachers, the internet, and technology in the education of young people. Technology in Society, 65, 101565. Yuliejantiningsih, Y. (2020). The implementation of online learning
Answered 11 days AfterMay 19, 2024

Answer To: PurposeTo explain your research findings, drawing on themes explored in your data analysis and...

Dilpreet answered on May 30 2024
4 Votes
Integration of IT in Early Years of Education        2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Analysis    3
Insights From Literature Review From AT1    3
Discussion    5
Connecting Studied Literature and Major Findings    5
Themes Identified from the Analysis    6
Connection of Data With Literature    7
Limitations    8
Recommendations    9
Conclusion    9
References    11
Information Technology (IT) in early years
of education is being integrated at a very fast pace by most of the educational institutions. Introduction of IT in early years of education has been providing children with interactive learning experiences. This has helped to improve child engagement while enhancing the understanding of various concepts. This report explores the integration of IT in early years of education for children aged 3-5 years. The report will highlight the impact caused by the incorporation of digital tools in early childhood education by analysing the available literature on the topic. On the flip side, the report will also shed light on the drawbacks and ethical concerns associated with this. This report will also summarise the key findings from the prior research conducted on this topic considering the research question “what will happen if I incorporate information technology in practice for 3-5 years old?” Recommendations for future research will also be discussed through the report.
Insights From Literature Review From AT1
Early Exposure to Technology in the Digital Era
    In the recent times, technology seems to be omnipresent, and children are growing in digital environment. As opined by Kim (2020), children are being brought up through gadgets such as smartphones, laptop, and tablets. Therefore, it is essential for educators to understand the requirements of modern childhood and further develop an understanding of how technology can be used in early childhood to improve the learning experience of children in the early years of education.
Pros and Cons
    Technology in early childhood for children in the age group of 3-5 years has been offering a dynamic and engaging environment for education and has been catering the changing learning needs of the children, who are growing up in the digital era. Use of IT has made learning more interactive (Zalat, Hamed & Bolbol, 2021). It has also been enhancing learning opportunities for the children. However, there are certain concerns as well such as the screen time of the children has increased, which has an adverse impact on the physical and mental growth of the children. This has been reducing the interaction of the children with their external environment.
Diversity in the Educational Environment
    There are public and private pre schools imparting early childhood education to children in various settings. It is essential to study these environments to ensure seamless integration of technology in these environments. Including digital interactive white boards, interactive age sensitive softwares, and many other similar technologies need to be incorporated in different preschool settings.
Focus On Child Development
    Children in the age group of 3-5 years are sensitive towards their environment and are keen observers, who learn through their interactions with their environment. It is therefore essential to focus on the cognitive, social, and emotional growth of the children. However, the impact technology may have need to be communicated to the parents and educators to ensure that the decisions made are thoughtful and informed (Yuliejantiningsih, 2020). It is therefore essential to focus on research highlighting the developmental impact technology may have on children.
Concerns of Parents and Their Participation
    The way technology has been used in the learning environment has received mixed feedbacks from the parents of children in the age group of 3-5 years. Undoubtedly parents play a vital role in the growth and development of the children and therefore understanding the concerns of parents before incorporating information technology is significant.
Ethical Implications
    The primary ethical concerns associated with integration of technology in early childhood includes data privacy, data security, and digital citizenship concerns. To ensure that incorporation of technology in early childhood is safe and secure, it is essential to address these concerns at the first place.
Connecting Studied Literature and Major Findings
    Integrating information...

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