· Read Chapter 15 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the Key terms on page 483 focusing on: chief justice, constitutional law, Marbury v. Madison , statute, and U.S. Supreme Court. Visit the web-site...

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· Read Chapter 15 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the Key terms on page 483 focusing on: chief justice, constitutional law,Marbury v. Madison, statute, and U.S. Supreme Court. Visit the web-site www.supremecourtus.gov and assess its value for learning about the Federal Court system.

· In this chapter, please pay close attention to all of the following: the origins of the US judiciary; the 1803 Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison; basis of US law; and then especially focus, too, on pages 446 onward through the end of the chapter. Make notes from the chapter, especially regarding the present-day Supreme Court.

  • Think about the following question: How did the American legal system come to be a blend of the common law and code law traditions? Which tradition better suits today's political, social, and economic realities? Why?Think about this. Address it in the Discussion Board along with the question there about the FIVE sources of law in the United States.

  • For your Discussion Board posting this week discuss the five sources of law in the American legal system. What is the relationship among them? Address the Critical Thinking question, too, in your posts.

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Since you visitedwww.supremecourtus.gov, assess its value for learning about the Court AND discuss ONE case the Court is currently debating. What is it about? Do you have an opinion about the case? Explain

Answered Same DayNov 07, 2019

Answer To: · Read Chapter 15 in Harrison. Pay close attention to the Key terms on page 483 focusing on: chief...

David answered on Nov 30 2019
151 Votes
Common law generally doesn’t have any form of legal rule and statute. Civil law is mainly codified and is also an updated form of comprehensive as well as updated legal code. The judge’s role is also to establish facts of the case as it applies for the provisions of the applicable code. Common law gives judges an active role in developing the rules and civil law is also based on fixed codes and statutes (Hall, 2017).
Sources of American Law include the United States Constitution and the constitutions of the various states, statutory law- including laws passed by Congress, state legislatures and local governing bodies, regulations created...

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