Task You have graduated from your degree and now work in a small tech start-up company. Potential investors are excited about the technology you are developing, and see significant opportunity for...

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Task You have graduated from your degree and now work in a small tech start-up company. Potential investors are excited about the technology you are developing, and see significant opportunity for financial growth. However the investors also place high importance on social responsibilities: although they want to make money, they also want their investments to make positive contributions to society (in fact, some investors may be prepared to lose money if the social contribution is significant). You have been tasked to prepare a report for potential investors that allows them to understand the potential social, ethical and legal opportunities and risks of the technology your company is developing. Your report should cover the following: 1. Explain the technology being developed. 2. List the stakeholders in the technology you are developing. That is, who may potentially benefit or lose from the development. 3. Discuss the intellectual property protection that your company may obtain, including the advantages and disadvantages of using protection. At least 2 measures must be discussed - select from copyright, trademarks, patents and trade secrets. 4. Discuss potential opportunities and benefits that the technology may bring, and which stakeholders are involved. At least 2 issues must be discussed, e.g. related to privacy, censorship, employment, cybercrime, information overload (or other ethical/social issues). 5. Discuss potential risks and drawbacks that the technology may bring, and which stakeholders are involved. At least 2 issues must be discussed. 6. Summarises why the technology opportunities outweigh the risks (that is, convince the investors to invest). Assume the potential investors are the audience for the report and that they already have financial information about the development (that is, do not include financial opportunities/risks in the report). Focus on social, ethical or legal issues, such as those covered in the unit, e.g. privacy, censorship, employment, cybercrime, information overload. References must be used to support the discussion. Format There is no mandatory format for the report, however consider the following guidelines: · Include your name, student ID and the selected topic title. · Use section headings to guide the reader. · There are no suggested or mandatory word limits. However as a guide, items 3, 4 and 5 above may about 1 to 2 pages of text each. Items 1, 2 and 6 may be about 1/2 page (or less) each. Focus on the quality of writing and providing clear and detailed explanations, rather than the quantity. · You may use pictures if necessary (e.g. explaining the technology), however either draw your own picture or clearly acknowledge the author if using someone elses picture. You may use the example template Word document, although it is not required. Submission You must submit one (1) Microsoft Word document (docx or doc) on Moodle. Late submissions will be penalised at a rate of 5% per part of day. Marking Criteria See the marking sheet. Topic List The technology you select must be one of the following topics. If you want to consider a different technology you must ask the Unit Coordinator at least two weeks before the deadline, and if they agree, they will add the new technology to this list. Any reports on technologies not listed below will be penalised. 1. Social Networking. Social networking website that will attract a large percentage of Internet users under the age of 18. assignment2-criteria-1.xlsx Assignment 2 Criteria Technology Overview Clear and in-depth explanation of the technology Clear explanation at a level understandable by intended audience Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear or insufficient depth Many parts are unclear Very poor explanation of technology 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Stakeholders Identify stakeholders in technology All relevant stakeholders are listed Missing 1 or 2 important stakeholders or included 1 or 2 irrelevant stakeholders 3 ore more missing or irrelevant stakeholders 2 1 0 IP Measure 1 List and explain a relevant IP protection measures and discuss the tradeoffs Clear explanation of measure related to technology and appropriate advantages and disadvantages Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear, or tradeoffs not relevant Unclear explanations and at least one tradeoff is wrong Inappropriate protection measure or very poor explanation 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 IP Measure 2 List and explain a relevant IP protection measures and discuss the tradeoffs Clear explanation of measure related to technology and appropriate advantages and disadvantages Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear, or tradeoffs not relevant Unclear explanations and at least one tradeoff is wrong Inappropriate protection measure or very poor explanation 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Opportunity 1 Opportunity or benefit that the technology may bring to the different stakeholders is explained in depth Clear explanation drawing on ethical and social issues raised in the unit, including which stakeholders are involved Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear, or stakeholders not relevant or listed Unclear explanations and the stakeholders are not relevant Very poor explanation or no answer 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Opportunity 2 Opportunity or benefit that the technology may bring to the different stakeholders is explained in depth Clear explanation drawing on ethical and social issues raised in the unit, including which stakeholders are involved Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear, or stakeholders not relevant or listed Unclear explanations and the stakeholders are not relevant Very poor explanation or no answer 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Risk 1 Risk or drawback that the technology may bring to the different stakeholders is explained in depth Clear explanation drawing on ethical and social issues raised in the unit, including which stakeholders are involved Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear, or stakeholders not relevant or listed Unclear explanations and the stakeholders are not relevant Very poor explanation or no answer 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Risk 2 Risk or drawback that the technology may bring to the different stakeholders is explained in depth Clear explanation drawing on ethical and social issues raised in the unit, including which stakeholders are involved Minor part unclear or not well explained Multiple parts unclear, or stakeholders not relevant or listed Unclear explanations and the stakeholders are not relevant Very poor explanation or no answer 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Summary Convincing summary for the investors Summary matches what is stated in the body and provides convincing argument to develop technology Summary not convincing or refers to issues not mentioned in body No or very poor summary 2 1 0 References Sufficient and relevant references used and correctly formatted Sufficient and relevant references used and correctly formatted Minor formatting mistakes or wrong references Several references irrelevant or multiple formatting mistakes Several references irrelevant and multiple formatting mistakes Many mistakes and wrong references 3 2.25 1.5 0.75 0 Writing Quality Well written with no/few grammar mistakes, sufficient depth and conciseness when necessary; No irrelevant passages of text. Excellent A few minor grammar or formatting mistakes Multiple minor mistakes, or too long (not concise) or too short Mistakes in most parts of the text; multiple irrelevant passages of text; far too long or short Most parts unreadable 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Total 30 Page 1
Sep 19, 2019

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