The purpose of this assignment is to master the design of stored procedures. Use Company database in XAMPP.Create a user defined stored procedure (uspGetDeptStats) on the Company database that would...

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The purpose of this assignment is to master the design of stored procedures. Use Company database in XAMPP.

Create a user defined stored procedure (uspGetDeptStats) on the Company database that would accept a department name (varchar of maximum 15 character text string) and then generates the following statistics only if the given department name exists:

  • The firstname and the lastname of the manager of this department.

  • The number of employees work for this department.

  • The total salary of all employees work for this department.

  • The total number of dependents of all employees who work for this department.

  • The total weekly workhours of employees who belong to this department and who work on the projects that are controlled by this department.

Sample stored procedures: uspGetEmpSalary, uspEmpHours, and uspEmpDependents
See text version of these files at C:\xampp\htdocs\course\scripts\company\storedproc
for theCompany databasewithschema,tables, anddescription

Upload the stored procedure file (uspGetDeptStats.sql) and the following declaration through Canvas:


Name: _________________________

Panther-ID: x x x -_______

Course: COP 4710

Assignment#: 3

Due: Wed, Mar 15, 2023

I hereby certify that this work is my own and none of it is the work of any other person.

Signature: ______________________


Attached you will find the sample output of what the program should output
Answered 3 days AfterMar 12, 2023

Answer To: The purpose of this assignment is to master the design of stored procedures. Use Company database in...

Ashutosh Sanjay answered on Mar 14 2023
34 Votes


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