Cocoa Delights Media Plan (BSBADV507B) ‘Get in touch with your dark side’ MEDIA PLAN Period: July 2010–June 2011 10 Chocolate Parade Melbourne, VIC, 3181, Australia Phone: XXXXXXXXXX Fax: XXXXXXXXXX...

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There are three tasks about Develop a Media Plan.

Cocoa Delights Media Plan (BSBADV507B) ‘Get in touch with your dark side’ MEDIA PLAN Period: July 2010–June 2011 10 Chocolate Parade Melbourne, VIC, 3181, Australia Phone: 123-456-7890 Fax: 123-456-7890 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Contact: Coco Jones Table of Contents Executive summary ............................................................................................................. 1 Business description .................................................................................................... 1 Vision for the future ...................................................................................................... 1 Business goals/mission ............................................................................................... 2 Business philosophies/identity ................................................................................... 2 Main objectives ............................................................................................................. 2 Situation Analysis ................................................................................................................ 4 Marketing analysis........................................................................................................ 4 Customer analysis ........................................................................................................ 6 Product benefits and unique selling proposition ........................................................ 8 Competitive analysis.................................................................................................. 10 SWOT analysis............................................................................................................ 14 Legislation and Regulation ....................................................................................... 15 Advertising analysis ......................................................................................................... 16 Advertising strategy ................................................................................................... 16 Media Strategy ................................................................................................................. 18 Marketing Analysis .................................................................................................... 18 Marketing Schedule .................................................................................................. 20 Media budget ..................................................................
Answered Same DaySep 20, 2021BSBADV507Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Cocoa Delights Media Plan (BSBADV507B) ‘Get in touch with your dark side’ MEDIA PLAN Period: July...

Kuldeep answered on Sep 22 2021
137 Votes
Assessment 1
Define media requirements Procedure
1. Read the advertising brief provided in the Appendices of this Assessment Task.
Answer Read it carefully in the Appendices of this Assessment Task.
2. Identify the characteristics of the target audience from the advertising brief.
The several characteristics of target market are
• Geographical location:-Advertising profile targeting women living in the city center or suburbs
• Demographics:-The advertisement profile focuses on the female demographics of married women who are housewives and work in different ethnic backgrounds between the ages of 25 and 54.
• Psychological aspects:-The advertising profile is mainly aimed at women who have beauty awareness and are interested in using holistic health methods to take care of their happiness (Angeli et al., 2013).
•Behavior:-The advertising pro
file focuses on women who lead an active life, engage in various jobs, study, raise children, stay healthy and healthy, and socialize.
• Product related:-Women are looking for value-for-money natural skin care products whose skin looks radiant and helps fight aging (Arthi, 2009).
3. Prepare a detailed consumer profile by analysing market factors to determine the reach and frequency required for each of the advertising media suggested in the brief. Consider the following factors: level of involvement, product usage and life cycle, advertising message characteristics, product characteristics, competitive situation and media environment (Cook & Maiden, 2010).
Consumer profile
• Level of participation:-Married and unmarried women between the ages of 25 and 54 are seeking skin care program depend on the natural products that will not damage their body as well as the situation. They are looking for value-for-money natural skincare products that can make the skin look radiant moreover help fight aging.
• Life cycle and Product usage:-Natural chemical free skin moreover bodycare products that contain organic ingredients only and were chosen for their magical skin regeneration properties.
• Advertising information features:-The goal of advertising campaigns is to successfully encourage the launch of Earthsprite skincare series, increase the brand awareness of Earthsprite goods, or differentiate the brand from several competitors (Horkoff et al., 2019).
•Product Features:-. Eywa products contain highly effective plant ingredients from organic and ethical cultivation. All Earthsprite goods contain tamanu oil (a totally natural skin repair agent), which come from tamanu tree, which originated in various regions of Southeast Asia. 100% owned by Australians.
• Competition status:-By launching the Earthsprite skin care series, the brand is distinguished from many competitors and establish brand awareness for Earthsprite products.
4. Write a paragraph on the creative requirements of the advertising message and the media implications, taking the available budget into consideration.
Creative needs for advertising messages will be text, images, sounds, colors, actions, online advertising (such as the Internet and email,
Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Advertising will be in electronic and physical form. Online advertising in electronic form, including social sites for example twitter and Facebook can be effective also (KIM BI-HWAN, 2014). For the physical form, the display space at the point of sales in a large supermarket and chemist chain must be considered.
The product will be displayed in supermarkets and chemist chains in the city center or suburbs for advertising
Media influence:-
Printing-newspapers, brochures, magazines, leaflets
Radio-radio or television
New media-Internet, digital TV, pay TV, social media, for example Facebook, Twitter, Myspace
5. Outline the product or service merchandising requirements.
Product or service advertisements will be related to female professionals and expert wives aged 26-54. Approximately half of this team will get married, with a total family income of around $160,000. They will come from different races. They live in the city center or the suburbs. Products or services will be associated with specific media, for example television, magazines, radio, newspapers, as well as the Internet, and non-advertising promotions, such as public relations, personal sales and promotions, because product sales have a significant impact on improving the sales performance of Eywa products (Lessard et al., 2019). Placed on the shelves and on the shelves in the store can improve the display at the place of purchase and ensure that the layout plan of any product is implemented correctly, which is all different.
6. Identify any relevant local, national or international legislation or standards that you may need to consider.
Anti-discrimination rules, customer protection law, ethical principles, copyright legislation, fair trade law, privacy law, the 2010 Competition or customer Law.
The following laws, regulations and codes of practice affect the movement:
Australian Internet Advertising Network Code of Conduct
Broadcasting Services Act 1992
Assessment 2

Select the media vehicles and determine a media schedule
1. Identify the media you will use for your advertising campaign. Evaluate the various media vehicles suggested in the Advertising brief. You may use media vehicles not listed in the brief as long as you can justify your choice.
Online media and print media will use for an advertising campaign.
Media Vehicles recommended in advertising brief which are as follows:-
• The reason for using mainstream media, for example free radio and television, radio, women’s magazines moreover health magazines, is because today’s women listen to radio entertainment when they work in the office and at home. Special women read women’s magazines and health magazines to learn more about their body and beauty.
• Online advertisement including social sites (for example Twitter and Facebook) may be very efficient, because today’s women want to talk to long-distance friends and family in social life, but such online advertising will help attract women’s attention force (Mughal, 2011).
• The display space at the point of sale in big supermarkets and chemist chains must be considered.
All advertisements must use the eye-catching slogan "Reconnect with nature", which is very helpful for attracting many healthy and beautiful women.
2. Explain your rationale for using the media vehicles you suggested above in terms of your customer profile, the pros and cons of each media vehicle and associated budgetary requirements.
    Media type
    High coverage
Very current
Segmented sections (e.g.
Business, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Real
    Short life span
Low attention getting
Clutter (with editorial or
    Audience segment
long life
Pass to other readers
    Long delivery time
Not immediately
Lack of flexibility
    Mass coverage
Line of sight
Sounds or movements
Specific high frequency
    The message is short (15-
30 second advertisement)
Low selectivity
Advertising is often seen as
Hate or ignore
    Local coverage
instant delivery
Mobile-can be covered
Customer almost
Low production cost
    Audio only
Low concentration
Short exposure time
3. The following brands (your competition) have all been advertised using both proven media vehicles (print, broadcast etc.) and new media vehicles such as the internet and social media.
a. Cetaphil
b. Jurlique
c. The Body Shop
d. Clinique
e. Aesop
f. L’Occitane
g. Sukin
See the appendix of this assessment task
4. Survey at least ten female friends, colleagues or family members using the questionnaire provided in the Appendix of this Assessment Task. Ask each female which brands they have heard of (Oh et al., 2014). Then ask them to fill out one survey for each one of those brands.
See the appendix of this assessment task
5. Calculate the number of people surveyed who were exposed to each media vehicle. For each media vehicle, calculate the number of people surveyed who were convinced to buy a product from that brand. Write a brief report evaluating the media vehicles used to advertise the brands listed above. Your report must consider:
a. which media vehicles attained the maximum reach depend on the outcome of the survey?
b. which media vehicles appear to be the successful depend on the outcome of the survey?
c. which combinations of the media vehicles appear to be most successful?
d. any other aspects that appear to have impact on success of media vehicles use...

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