ITECH7407- Real Time Analytics Data Analytics Assignment Semester 2– 2018 Worth – 20% This is a business analytics project aimed at generating innovative analytics solutions for a Global Food...

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this assignment, analysis should be done in IBM watson and i will give you mine id and password for thatthank you

ITECH7407- Real Time Analytics Data Analytics Assignment Semester 2– 2018 Worth – 20% This is a business analytics project aimed at generating innovative analytics solutions for a Global Food Consulting firm working in the area of Animal agriculture and factory farming) .The objective is to analyze the given datasets from relevant firm’s perspective in terms of implications and strategies which a country could adopt to manage the food resources efficiently and effectively. Project Background Our world population is expected to grow from 7.3 billion today to 9.7 billion in the year 2050. Finding solutions for feeding the growing world population has become a hot topic for food and agriculture organizations, entrepreneurs and philanthropists. These solutions range from changing the way we grow our food to changing the way we eat. To make things harder, the world's climate is changing and it is both affecting and affected by the way we grow our food – agriculture. This dataset provides an insight on our worldwide food production - focusing on a comparison between food produced for human consumption and feed produced for animals. Content The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories, from the year 1961 to the most recent update (depends on the dataset). One dataset from the FAO's database is the Food Balance Sheets. It presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country's food supply during a specified reference period, the last time an update was loaded to the FAO database was in 2013. The food balance sheet shows for each food item the sources of supply and its utilization. This chunk of the dataset is focused on two utilizations of each food item available: · Food - refers to the total amount of the food item available as human food during the reference period. · Feed - refers to the quantity of the food item available for feeding to the livestock and poultry during the reference period. Datasets Download link. Acknowledgements This dataset was meticulously gathered, organized and published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This project is taken from Basic Work: Animal agriculture and factory farming is a growing interest of the public and of world leaders. · Can you find interesting outliers in the data? · What are the fastest growing countries in terms of food production\consumption? · Compare between food and feed consumption. Advanced Work: Students could perform advance work by integrating other datasets with the given dataset (i.e to explore following · World Food production and consumption by per capita? · world food production and consumption according to population density ( divided by population in each country ) in 2013 (particular year/s) · Inequality of Food production/ consumption by region/continents? · The global perspective of meat supply by region/continents? (Item Code 2731 to 2735 student have to check more carefully is there any item code which associated with meat). Hint: Students could download the other datasets from the link above and then could using VLOOKUP formula to import the required field. Your task is to complete the following tasks: Task 1- Background information Write a description of the selected dataset and project, and its importance for the global leaders. Information must be appropriately referenced. [1 Page] Task 2 – Reporting / Dashboards For your project, perform the relevant data analysis tasks listed under basic and advanced work and identify the BI reporting solution and/or dashboards you need to develop for the operational manager of the indicated firm. [2-3 Pages] Task 3 – Research Justify why these BI reporting solution/dashboards are chosen in Task 2 (Reporting / Dashboards) and why those data sets attributes are present and laid out in the fashion you proposed (feel free to include all other relevant justifications). Note: To ensure that you discuss this task properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report; use ‘Snipping tool’), and also include any assumptions that you may have made about the analysis in your Task2 (i.e. the report to the operational team of the company).[3-4 Pages] Task4 – Recommendations for CEO The CEO of the consulting firm would like to improve the operations. Based on your BI analysis and the insights gained from “Data Set” in the lights of analysis performed in previous tasks, make some logical recommendations to the CEO, and justify why/how your proposal could enhance food related operations and could assist in achieving operational/strategic objectives with the help of appropriate references from peer-reviewed sources. [2-3 Pages]. Task 5 – Cover letter Write a cover letter to the CEO of the chosen firm with the important data insights and recommendation to achieve operational/strategic objectives [1 page] Other Tasks – Please refer to marking scheme at the end of the assignment for other tasks and expectations. Report Submission: · Check your assignment for plagiarism in turnitin software. Please attached a turnitin report along with your assignment. An assignment without turnitin report will not be accepted. · Assignment Submission via Moodle link · You will also submit a 9-10 pages report (about 3000 words not counting cover page and references) of this project. At least 15 references in your report must be from peer-reviewed sources. Include any and all sources of information including any person(s) you interviewed for this project. · Please note that all references must adhere to APA style. See and for details on how to format a report and how to cite references. Make sure your follow formal report structure with cover page, introduction, use of headings, subheadings, conclusion sand reference section. ITECH7407- Real-Time Analytics Assignment 1- Data Analysis- Marking Scheme Tasks Max Marks Marks Awarded Comments 1- Background of the Project: Description of Project, Datasets and firm. The important of project for the firm [1+1+1+2] 5 2- Dashboard/Reports What are the BI reporting solution/dashboards you will need to develop for operational manager of chosen in the light of Task/s of your Data analysis [Quality and complexity of the analysis – descriptive/predictive/prescriptive models, dashboard designing and relevance for the project] (25 for basic and 15 for advanced) 25 +15 3- [ sources Research - Justify why these BI reporting solution/dashboards are chosen and why those attributes are present and laid out in the fashion you proposed (feel free to include all other relevant justifications). Note: To ensure that you discuss this task properly, you must include visual samples of the reports you produce (i.e. the screenshots of the BI report/dashboard must be presented and explained in the written report; use ‘Snipping tool’), and also include any assumptions that you may have made about the analysis in your assignment report (i.e. the report to the operational team of the company). Each analysis/dashboard and report explanation with relevant research papers, complexity and indepth of the justification, use of peer-reviewed ] (20 for basic and 5 for advanced) 20+5 4- Recommendations - The CEO of the chosen firm would like to improve the operations. Based on your BI analysis and the insights gained from “Data Set” in the lights of analysis performed in previous tasks, make some logical recommendations to the CEO, and justify why/how your proposal could enhance company operations and could assist in achieving operational/strategic objectives. 10 [Key data insights, recommendations to achieve organisational objectives with theoretical justifications with proper references. [2+3+5] 5-Cover letter (Format, key findings and recommendation ) [1+1+3] 5 6-Other Tasks Report is well-written and presented professionally, containing: · Title page · Table of Contents · Introduction · Appropriate use of headings within report • Appropriate use of figures (i.e. graphs, summary tables) and reference to calculations and summaries to justify all observations and recommendations · Overall structure, presentation and formatting. Note that the report has to be presented formally. It must include discussion of calculations, observations and recommendations with graphs and/or tables. 1 2 2 1 2 2 5 Total Marks 100 Total Marks out of 20 20% You MUST produce the actual visuals in IBM Cognos/SAP Tools and/or Watson using the sample dataset. If you think the best presentation above is to use, say, only a pie chart, then discuss using a pie chart and indicate what the pie chart would show, why you picked the pie chart, and so on. It may be useful to try with various BI reporting/dashboards/presentations before rushing to conclusion. Page 1 of 5 Page 1 of 5 Page 1 of 5
Answered Same DaySep 09, 2020ITECH7407

Answer To: ITECH7407- Real Time Analytics Data Analytics Assignment Semester 2– 2018 Worth – 20% This is a...

Meenakshi answered on Sep 15 2020
156 Votes
    [Type the company name]        admin    
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Our world population is expected to grow from7.3 billion today to 9.7 billion in the year 2050. Finding solutions for feeding the growing world population has become a hot topic for food and agriculture organizations ,entrepreneurs and philanthropists. These solutions range from changing the way we grow our food to changing the way we eat. To make things harder, the world's climate is changing and it is both affecting
and affected by the way we grow our food – agriculture. This dataset provides an insight on our worldwide food production- focusing on a comparison between food produced for human consumption and feed produced for animals.
The FAO of the United Nations provide over 245 countries and territories, from the year 1961 to the most recent update. This FAO data is showing the of a country's food supply during 1961 to 2013. The food balance sheet shows for each food item the sources of supply and its utilization. This chunk of the dataset is focused on two utilizations of each food item available: Food- refers to the total amount of the food item available as human food during years the 1961 to 2013. Feed- refers to the quantity of the food item available for feeding to the livestock and poultry during year the 1961 to 2013.Animal agriculture and factory farming is a growing interest of the public and of world leaders.
In this assignment we study and analysis the world bank data and analysis the data with the help of IBM Watson analytical tools. Our goal of this report is as follows;
1. Analysis the data from World Bank.
2. Solutions for a Global Food Consulting firm working in the area of Animal agriculture and factory farming
3. Find out the World Food production and consumption by per capita
4. World food production and consumption according to population density ( divided by population in each country ) in 2013
In this paper we working on Big data is a term applied to data sets whose size or type is beyond the ability of traditional relational databases to capture, manage, and process the data with low-latency.
Why IBM Watson
IBM Watson Analytics prediction techniques based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.
IBM Watson Analytics feature
1 Easy to use
2 The analytical tool helps to analysis the data without knowing and there is no need how the data is organized.
3. User friendly
4 Effective Visualization
IBM Watson Analytics working with numerous databases as follows:
1. Cloudera
2. Impala
3.  Microsoft Azure
4. MySQL
5. Oracle
6. PostgreSQL
7. PostgreSQL
8. Structured Query Language (SQL) Server, Sybase,
9. Sybase IQ
10. Teradata.
This is self-service BI tool, and compliance and security rules are set according to business requirement. The BI tool is help full for company or user easily loads data. The BI tool helping to clients for setting rules according to their requirement.
The BI tool provide the feature shape and cleanse the data and before uploading using Shape Before button after the we can upload the data for analytical work using the Upload now or we can use New Data Button for upload the data.
The Shape Before button helps us for easily clean and prepared the data with clicks and then we use analytical tool on clean data.
The dashboard displays the data sets where we can choice data of icons or a table. The IBM Watson Analytics, data can be refreshed frequently, as often as every 5 seconds.
The Discovery Process
The user can move to the discovery phase in one of two ways:
We can work on analytical tool discovery phase in two different ways
1. The first way we need to click specific data set
2. The second way we need to type in a question in the question bar.
Research on Food industry
Can you find interesting outliers in the data?
We are working on data and analysis the fastest growing countries in terms of food production\consumption?
We are comparing between food and feed consumption using BI tool
1. We perform using BI tools that is regarding
2. World Food production and consumption by per capita
3. world food production and consumption according to population density ( divided by population in each country ) in 2013 (particular year/s)
4. Inequality     of     Food     production/     consumption     by region/continents?
The global perspective of meat supply by region/continents
recent decades the meat demand has increase.1963 to 2013 global production from 80 to 300 million tons , it inspired to development of population growth and income.our analysis show that population growth is rapidly increase and so meat demand would be increase. The big data show that in future meat demand will be increase as food production would be low. The meat food quality should be superior otherwise it would be harmful for people and environment.
Global population will increase almost 40% by 2050
Global per capita income will almost double by 2050
From         7.3 billion people in     2015 …
From         $15,628 in 2015 … … to 9.7 billion in 2050 … to $30,333 in 2050 7.3...

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