Threadsare very similar toprocessesin many respects; after all, they were initially called “lightweight processes”. However, there are also quite a few differences between threads and processes.Focus...

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Threadsare very similar toprocessesin many respects; after all, they were initially called “lightweight processes”. However, there are also quite a few differences between threads and processes.

Focus onONEsuchdifferenceand list it clearly in the beginning of your post.

Please explain this difference using your own words in such a way that everyone with some understanding of computers and computer programming will understand it.

Your post must be at least half a page long.

Try to avoid posting the same difference that was already posted by another colleague. You can still post it, but you must come with some extra details or explanations that add to the understanding of that topic; concrete examples of how that difference was implemented in certain operating systems, or how it manifests in a certain programming language are highly encouraged.

Examples could include code fragments or full examples in a certain programming language, that further clarify the discussed concepts.

Answered 1 days AfterJan 28, 2023

Answer To: Threadsare very similar toprocessesin many respects; after all, they were initially called...

Aditi answered on Jan 29 2023
36 Votes
Software that is queued for implementation in the CPU and deployed from ready queue is kno
wn as a process. PCB is the holder of the idea of process (Process Control Block). The child processes have extra processes which can be created by a parent process. Processes are isolated, meaning that they do not share their memory with any other processes, and thus they take longer time to be completed.
Process's status might be brand-new, prepared, in progress, active, waiting, finished, or...

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