· Topics Assessed: 1. Demand and Supply 2. Elasticities 3. Efficiency and The Incidence of Tax Framework for each answer: 1. Identify the key issue in the questions provided. 2. Analyse these key...

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micro economics

· Topics Assessed: 1. Demand and Supply 2. Elasticities 3. Efficiency and The Incidence of Tax  Framework for each answer: 1. Identify the key issue in the questions provided. 2. Analyse these key mentioned in the case study, within the context of the concepts    discussed in the lectures and textbook. 3. Use the appropriate economic model to illustrate the key issues graphically. Fully label the model and clearly indicate where changes occur. 4. Explain the model and discuss the outcome. 5. Provide the list of references used in answering the questions. · Topics Assessed: 1. Demand and Supply 2. Elasticities 3. Efficiency and The Incidence of Tax  Framework for each answer: 1. Identify the key issue in the questions provided. 2. Analyse these key mentioned in the case study, within the context of the concepts    discussed in the lectures and textbook. 3. Use the appropriate economic model to illustrate the key issues graphically. Fully label the model and clearly indicate where changes occur. 4. Explain the model and discuss the outcome. 5. Provide the list of references used in answering the questions. Word count: 1000 Submit assignment in Word file Deadline 19th September 2019 Topics Assessed: 1. Demand and Supply 2. Elasticities 3. Efficiency and The Incidence of Tax Framework for each answer: 1. Identify the key issue in the questions provided. 2. Analyse these key mentioned in the case study, within the context of the concepts discussed in the lectures and textbook. 3. Use the appropriate economic model to illustrate the key issues graphically. Fully label the model and clearly indicate where changes occur. 4. Explain the model and discuss the outcome. 5. Provide the list of references used in answering the questions. Rotting teeth and fatty organs turn Australians sour on sugar The Sydney Morning Herald By Rebecca Keenan May 15, 2019 Australians are turning sour on sugar. Consumption has been flatlining, and appetite for the sweet stuff probably won't grow much at all medium term as people shift to low sugar, diet and sugar-free options, said Charles Clack, a Rabobank analyst in Sydney. Some state governments have been trying to discourage consumption by displaying graphic images of rotting teeth and fatty organs on buses and billboards. "Health is a large factor behind this trend, offsetting the positive influence of stable domestic population growth," said Clack. Australia isn't the only place where people appear to be wary of over-indulging in sugar. Demand in the European Union has hardly changed in recent years, and several countries have imposed taxes on sugar consumption, including the UK and South Africa. Coconut sugar, kombucha For Daniel Jackson, 40, who started a food supplies business seven years ago with two small delivery trucks in Perth, Western Australia, the change in sentiment has been a boon. He's moved to a warehouse five times the size and doubled his fleet as demand for alternative products booms. He sells 100 kilograms a week of coconut sugar, a substitute for the mainstream version, and about 2000 cartons of sugar-free kombucha drinks, up from nothing two years ago. "I never intended to build a health food product business, but that's where it's ended up," said Jackson, of Artisan Foods. QUESTIONS Q1 (a). Using the demand and supply model, explain and illustrate graphically the effect of some Australian State government action on the sugar market. In your answer make sure you discuss the equilibrating process, and clearly outline the factors affecting demand and its impact on price and quantity. (5 Marks) Q1 (b). Using the demand and supply model, explain and illustrate graphically, how these government actions will affect the market for coconut sugar. In your answer, make sure you clearly discuss the effect on price and quantity. (4 marks) Q2 (a). Use the determinants of price elasticity of demand to analyse whether the demand for Kombucha in health food industry is likely to be price elastic or inelastic. (3 marks) Q2 (b). Based on your analysis in Q2 (a) explain and illustrate graphically what will happen to the total revenue of the Kombucha industry following a change in the market trend. (4 marks) Q3. Assume that Australian government has imposed tax on sugar. Discuss how tax creates inefficiency in the market. Further, assuming demand for sugar is elastic explain and illustrate graphically how the burden of tax will be shared between consumers and producers. In your answer, refer to the concepts of consumer and producer surplus. (7 marks) Your assignment will also be assessed on how effectively you can communicate with the reader, i.e. how well you have presented your arguments and ensured your analysis is logical and consistent. In addition, 2 marks will be awarded for correct grammar, referencing and formatting. Importantly, make sure you use appropriate diagrams in your analysis. Assessment feedback Principles of Economics (ECO 11) Assignment 2: Article Analysis (25%) Component Marks 100-75% - (HD to D) 75-65% (C) 65 -50 (P1 to P2) <50 % (f) q1a and b demand and supply model co1 co3 /9 writer has formed an exceptionally clear link between the economic concepts and the news article in the context of sugar market as well as coconut sugar market. both the issues are clearly answered using appropriate graph. excellent articulation and graphical illustration of the equilibrium process and impact of listed factors on price and quantity. assumptions are clearly outlined. writer has demonstrated good understanding in developing the link between economic concepts and the news article. both the issues are addressed correctly. illustrated and explained the impact of the listed factor using properly labelled graph. there is some discussion on the assumptions. there is some discussion on the key issue discussed in the article. both the issues are addressed. graph is properly labelled and related to discussions which correctly apply the concepts and theory. no discussion on the assumptions questions have not been addressed. misunderstanding of concepts. incorrectly or improperly labelled graph. no discussion on the assumptions q2. determinants of elasticity and total revenue co1 co3 /7 clear explanation and discussion of differences between elastic and inelastic demand. writer has clear understanding of the determinants of elasticity of demand and has persuasively linked them to the kombucha market. clear discussion on the concept of total revenue test in the context of health food industry. excellent articulation and graphical illustration of the issue. properly illustrated and explained the determinants of price elasticity of demand and linked them to the kombucha market. clear discussion on the total revenue test. issue is discussed using appropriate and well labelled graph. reasonable discussion on the determinants of price elasticity of demand and draw a plausible conclusion in regard to the kombucha market. concept of total revenue is linked to the health food industry. correct illustration of the effect of the issue on total revenue. failed to address the questions. misunderstanding of concepts. incorrectly or improperly labelled graph. q3. incidence of tax co1 co3 co4 /7 exceptionally clear exposition of the nature and consequences of tax in the relevant context. excellent articulation of how the impact of policy affects efficiency in the given context. using appropriate graph, writer has correctly illustrated and explained the change in consumer and producer’s surplus. discussion of possible impacts of tax in the relevant context. the concept of efficiency is discussed, and related to relevant issue. graph is clearly explained and there is a plausible discussion on its effect on consumer surplus and producer surplus. some discussion on the concept of tax and its effect on the efficiency in the market. properly labelled graph to illustrate tax and the impact in the context of air travel market. graph is appropriately described in the discussion. errors in discussions. failure to identify the effect of tax on the market. graph is not labelled properly, or is not related to discussions. writing and formatting /3 answers are very well-structured and questions are fully addressed. language is used skilfully and effectively to express concepts in detail. referencing is accurate. answers are well-structured and relevant to the context. language is used effectively for communication despite occasional minor errors of spelling or grammar. referencing is appropriate despite occasional minor omissions or errors. answers are reasonably well-structured. meaning is relatively clear despite grammatical errors. referencing is generally appropriate despite a number of minor omissions or errors. answers show little organisation. frequent grammatical errors cause severe strain for the reader. referencing is incomplete or inaccurate. general comments let’s aim for hd please! thanks %="" (f)="" q1a="" and="" b="" demand="" and="" supply="" model="" co1="" co3="" 9="" writer="" has="" formed="" an="" exceptionally="" clear="" link="" between="" the="" economic="" concepts="" and="" the="" news="" article="" in="" the="" context="" of="" sugar="" market="" as="" well="" as="" coconut="" sugar="" market.="" both="" the="" issues="" are="" clearly="" answered="" using="" appropriate="" graph.="" excellent="" articulation="" and="" graphical="" illustration="" of="" the="" equilibrium="" process="" and="" impact="" of="" listed="" factors="" on="" price="" and="" quantity.="" assumptions="" are="" clearly="" outlined.="" writer="" has="" demonstrated="" good="" understanding="" in="" developing="" the="" link="" between="" economic="" concepts="" and="" the="" news="" article.="" both="" the="" issues="" are="" addressed="" correctly.="" illustrated="" and="" explained="" the="" impact="" of="" the="" listed="" factor="" using="" properly="" labelled="" graph.="" there="" is="" some="" discussion="" on="" the="" assumptions.="" there="" is="" some="" discussion="" on="" the="" key="" issue="" discussed="" in="" the="" article.="" both="" the="" issues="" are="" addressed.="" graph="" is="" properly="" labelled="" and="" related="" to="" discussions="" which="" correctly="" apply="" the="" concepts="" and="" theory.="" no="" discussion="" on="" the="" assumptions="" questions="" have="" not="" been="" addressed.="" misunderstanding="" of="" concepts.="" incorrectly="" or="" improperly="" labelled="" graph.="" no="" discussion="" on="" the="" assumptions="" q2.="" determinants="" of="" elasticity="" and="" total="" revenue="" co1="" co3="" 7="" clear="" explanation="" and="" discussion="" of="" differences="" between="" elastic="" and="" inelastic="" demand.="" writer="" has="" clear="" understanding="" of="" the="" determinants="" of="" elasticity="" of="" demand="" and="" has="" persuasively="" linked="" them="" to="" the="" kombucha="" market.="" clear="" discussion="" on="" the="" concept="" of="" total="" revenue="" test="" in="" the="" context="" of="" health="" food="" industry.="" excellent="" articulation="" and="" graphical="" illustration="" of="" the="" issue.="" properly="" illustrated="" and="" explained="" the="" determinants="" of="" price="" elasticity="" of="" demand="" and="" linked="" them="" to="" the="" kombucha="" market.="" clear="" discussion="" on="" the="" total="" revenue="" test.="" issue="" is="" discussed="" using="" appropriate="" and="" well="" labelled="" graph.="" reasonable="" discussion="" on="" the="" determinants="" of="" price="" elasticity="" of="" demand="" and="" draw="" a="" plausible="" conclusion="" in="" regard="" to="" the="" kombucha="" market.="" concept="" of="" total="" revenue="" is="" linked="" to="" the="" health="" food="" industry.="" correct="" illustration="" of="" the="" effect="" of="" the="" issue="" on="" total="" revenue.="" failed="" to="" address="" the="" questions.="" misunderstanding="" of="" concepts.="" incorrectly="" or="" improperly="" labelled="" graph.="" q3.="" incidence="" of="" tax="" co1="" co3="" co4="" 7="" exceptionally="" clear="" exposition="" of="" the="" nature="" and="" consequences="" of="" tax="" in="" the="" relevant="" context.="" excellent="" articulation="" of="" how="" the="" impact="" of="" policy="" affects="" efficiency="" in="" the="" given="" context.="" using="" appropriate="" graph,="" writer="" has="" correctly="" illustrated="" and="" explained="" the="" change="" in="" consumer="" and="" producer’s="" surplus.="" discussion="" of="" possible="" impacts="" of="" tax="" in="" the="" relevant="" context.="" the="" concept="" of="" efficiency="" is="" discussed,="" and="" related="" to="" relevant="" issue.="" graph="" is="" clearly="" explained="" and="" there="" is="" a="" plausible="" discussion="" on="" its="" effect="" on="" consumer="" surplus="" and="" producer="" surplus.="" some="" discussion="" on="" the="" concept="" of="" tax="" and="" its="" effect="" on="" the="" efficiency="" in="" the="" market.="" properly="" labelled="" graph="" to="" illustrate="" tax="" and="" the="" impact="" in="" the="" context="" of="" air="" travel="" market.="" graph="" is="" appropriately="" described="" in="" the="" discussion.="" errors="" in="" discussions.="" failure="" to="" identify="" the="" effect="" of="" tax="" on="" the="" market.="" graph="" is="" not="" labelled="" properly,="" or="" is="" not="" related="" to="" discussions.="" writing="" and="" formatting="" 3="" answers="" are="" very="" well-structured="" and="" questions="" are="" fully="" addressed.="" language="" is="" used="" skilfully="" and="" effectively="" to="" express="" concepts="" in="" detail.="" referencing="" is="" accurate.="" answers="" are="" well-structured="" and="" relevant="" to="" the="" context.="" language="" is="" used="" effectively="" for="" communication="" despite="" occasional="" minor="" errors="" of="" spelling="" or="" grammar.="" referencing="" is="" appropriate="" despite="" occasional="" minor="" omissions="" or="" errors.="" answers="" are="" reasonably="" well-structured.="" meaning="" is="" relatively="" clear="" despite="" grammatical="" errors.="" referencing="" is="" generally="" appropriate="" despite="" a="" number="" of="" minor="" omissions="" or="" errors.="" answers="" show="" little="" organisation.="" frequent="" grammatical="" errors="" cause="" severe="" strain="" for="" the="" reader.="" referencing="" is="" incomplete="" or="" inaccurate.="" general="" comments="" let’s="" aim="" for="" hd="" please!="">
Answered Same DaySep 13, 2021

Answer To: · Topics Assessed: 1. Demand and Supply 2. Elasticities 3. Efficiency and The Incidence of Tax...

Dr. Smita answered on Sep 18 2021
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