Unit 1 DQ: Anatomy of an Article Where can you find the most important information in the article provided? Reading through how was the study conducted? What are the strengths and weaknesses...

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Unit 1 DQ: Anatomy of an Article

Where can you find the most important information in the article provided? Reading through how was the study conducted? What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with this study? What did the study find?CJ 4600_Article Assignment A.pdf

Unit 1 AS: Assignment

UseCrime Solutionsto select a topic for the final project. Once on the page, browse through the programs and practices. This can be achieved one of two ways.

  1. Click on Topics A-Z from the left bar and manual go through topic by topic or

  2. Pick a hover over corrections& reentry; courts; crime & crime prevention; drugs & substance abuse; juveniles; law enforcement; technology and forensics; and/victims & victimology, and then pick a sub-topic from the drop down.

In order to pick a topic, it must have under the same topic/sub-topic a program viewed effective and a program viewed as no effect.

Submit a topic along with one green program (effective) and one red program (no effect).

Unit 1 DQ: Understanding Government on the State and Local Level

If states and localities are more prevalent in our daily lives than the federal government is, and people tend to trust their state representative more than a member of Congress, why do people tend to know so little about the workings of state and local government? What can be done to improve general understanding of government at the state and local level?

Unit 2 DQ: Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism (Graded)

What is federalism? What are the original intents of federalists when they designed federalism? What are the pros and cons of federalism? Why or why not is federalism better than a confederal or a unitary system?

Unit 2 DQ: Using Secondary Data (Graded)

What is Secondary Data? As researchers, how can secondary data be used? Find an example of secondary data and share it with your classmates.

Unit 3 DQ: Important Information to Keep in Mind When Selecting Articles (Graded)

Based on the topic and goal of your Mixed Methods Research Synthesis (MMRS), which resources would you search (e.g bibliographic databases, grey literature databases, reference lists, citation indexes, contact authors and experts, and other resources)? Why? What is the best method of obtaining these resources? What resources are available to you here at Kean?

Unit 3 DQ: Direct Democracy (Graded)

What are the effects of direct democracy on federal-state relations? How does direct democracy affect federal-state relations? Please answer this question with a focus on distribution of authorities between federal and state governments.

Answered Same DayMar 23, 2021UNIT 3

Answer To: Unit 1 DQ: Anatomy of an Article Where can you find the most important information in the article...

Arundhati answered on Mar 24 2021
164 Votes
Unit 1: GQ:
As per the obtained data from the research work, it can be stated that in the data and measurement section of the article the most
important data can be found. The study was conducted by using the mixed research methodology. A detailed analysis of this study can reveal that, this study has certain strength and weakness. The primary strength of this article is, it can provide the readers a detailed understanding about the present scenario of juvenile crime. The primary weakness of this research work is, limited nature of resources. That is why, this research work cannot be used as a universal fact. The research community has successfully established a detailed idea about the present day situation of Juvenile crime in the modern day society.
Unit 1 AS :
Topic (effective): 
Program Profile: Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach
Url: https://www.crimesolutions.gov/ProgramDetails.aspx?ID=137
Topic (non effective): 
Drugs & Substance Abuse
Url: https://www.crimesolutions.gov/TopicDetails.aspx?ID=4
Unit 1: DQ:
Governing bodies hold the most crucial strategic position in the state, as the governing bodies manage the public affairs. Though, majority of the populations are not completely aware about the function of various governing bodies, and the primary reason for that is the lack of communication (Asatryan, Baskaran, Grigoriadis & Heinemann, 2017). The federal strcuture is a indirect from...

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