Unit 3 Assignment (200 words or more for this assignment) Assignment Details ( The objective of this assignment is to Critically evaluate the efficacy of management practices in a contemporary...

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Unit 3 Assignment (200 words or more for this assignment)

Assignment Details ( The objective of this assignment is to Critically evaluate the efficacy of management practices in a contemporary healthcare organization)

Reflecting on the focus and content of this course, what is an important challenge facing management of health care organizations today, and how would you go about addressing it? Explain.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

UNIT 3 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT (1000 words or more for this assignments)

Using the same organization from Week 2, create 3 performance standards or benchmarks (e.g., net profit, quality ratings, service excellence award, average length of stay, average percentage of readmission after discharge, average medical error rate, and so on). These benchmarks must be based on national standards or other successful profiles for this particular type of organization. Evaluate the following strategic innovations that were used to measure your performance standards:

  • Selective contracting

  • Cost sharing

  • Managed care

  • Quality standards

Evaluate the role of decision making by the health care leader for any of the performance standard measures to achieve national benchmarks.

(The objectives of this Individual project is to Compose performance baselines for healthcare organizations and develop strategies to manage and measure performance

Formulate policies governing health service vendors retained by a healthcare organization to address legal and regulatory requirements to ensure the safety, care, and privacy of patients

Answered Same DayDec 11, 2021UNIT 3

Answer To: Unit 3 Assignment (200 words or more for this assignment) Assignment Details ( The objective of this...

Aparna Rajak answered on Dec 13 2021
156 Votes
In this review we will discuss about the efficacy of management practices in a contemporary healthcare organization, we will also evaluate the performance standard measurement of a health care setting. Lastly we will discuss the role of a health care manager in decision making of management and the i
mpact he/she has on the other health professional. This review basically discuss how the tools for performance standard measurement ensure quality of care in a health organisation.
Efficacy of management practices in a contemporary health organisation.
We have come a long way in healthcare sector, but it goes without saying that there are number of challenges a healthcare system or organisation face. Regulatory policies by government, management development and policies, and even changing technology can also have an adverse effect. Technology innovation requires managers to master it fast provided that the hospital infrastructure must be able to adapt to the new technology. Until and unless a senior or manager master the skill in handling or operating the new technology it would be difficult to impart or transfer the skill effectively and efficiently to the subordinates. Managers need to remain updated and aware of policy updates at the same time they should have the capability to communicate the same. Employees such as doctors, technology distributers, insurance companies and patient companies generally have personal interest in hospital policy and operation. Therefore, it becomes difficult to coordinate the groups to remain focused on the common goal of the organisation which should be patient’s safety and wellbeing. Management when adopt certain tools for performance measurement it can be misleading at times as thy may have little value to the patient until and unless they know how it relate to the outcome, to have a comprehensive performance measurement of the healthcare services it make take time and the process can be too complex. Management decision sometimes doesn’t align to the best interest of the patients and decisions are generally taken favouring both the sides of management and patients. In contemporary health care organisation implementing new methods and technology becomes difficult as most of the experienced employees want to stick to the old practices and are sometimes unwilling to adapt to the management decision. Therefore it is essential to have proper performance standard tool and benchmark which can give the true picture of the healthcare organisations.
Objectives of setting performance standards
The aim of measuring, comparing and reporting performance standards or benchmark in healthcare is to achieve the following objective which is to:
· Improve the experience of care received by the patients
· Enhance the health condition of the masses.
· Lessen the per capita cost of healthcare.
· Decrease burnout amongst staffs
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) defines measurement as “a critical part of testing and implementing changes. Measures tell a team whether the changes they are making actually lead to...

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