Team Player attitudes Score Total score: 42 Instructions This is an important assignment that requires your orientation to detail. Make sure to review the video lecturette on Team Player Attitudes,...

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Team Player attitudes Score Total score: 42 Instructions This is an important assignment that requires your orientation to detail. Make sure to review the video lecturette on Team Player Attitudes, complete the learning activities, and your deliverables for this unit. Once you have done so, address ALL of the following points in your writeup: Section 1: A. Report the level in which your score on the Team Player Attitude assessment fell (i.e., High, Medium, or Low - you may share your numerical score if you feel comfortable doing so.) B. Share the insights (2-3 items) you gained as a result of your score; how will it help and/or hinder your efforts to be a more effective team member/leader? Section 2: What actions (2-3 items) will you take to become a more effective team player? In other words, what specific actions will you take to change your behavior when you are working on a team? Refer back to the assessment itself, as well as, the reading How to Be a Good Team Player for ideas on changing your behavior. Section 3: A. How will your improved team player behaviors result in your ability to be more effective while working on /leading teams currently and in the future? B. How will that, in turn, contribute to the overall success of your organization?
Answered 1 days AfterSep 17, 2022

Answer To: Team Player attitudes Score Total score: 42 Instructions This is an important assignment that...

Shubham answered on Sep 18 2022
67 Votes
LEADERSHIP                                        2
Table of Con
SECTION 1    3
SECTION 2    3
SECTION 3    3
References    4
My team Player Attitude Score is 42 and I believe it is medium
It shoed that with more efforts I can be rate high on the same scale. I have to work on few areas like learning skills, exploring cultural diversity and following up with communication protocols.
For changing my behaviour towards becoming a better team player I be learning new skills which are in regular...

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